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TINBOYZ By Richard Blazey ‘Once again the Citadel Journal is here to save the day. Sounding it's battle horn and charging over the hill like ‘a unit of well trained Tinboyz, ‘Tin-what rcroboe are cated Tinboyerefleting te fat hat hay ae Siagpet Wede iicene sctommel ing oemeed ek anal ts make Taoy hac look something Uke Space Maines, Eldar or Saunt ot whose exageratl etre sod {vy movmens imitate and mock hee races. The Ons think i lly fanny joe, and take eres please in rogucing ever pods of tr enemies ‘Tinboyz, are designed and built by Ork Mekaniaks. Although the appearance of individual Tinboyz vary a great deal depending on the whim of their creator, their internal ‘workings are simple and follow a common pattern. They ere all worked by radio control rather than complex programming = this is simpler method of constructing a robot and the ‘controls are easter to understand. A Mekaniak operates his Tinboyz from a distance by means of a hefty control box festooned with ewitches, levers and flashing lights. The Limited mwmber of controls menene that Tinh nan aly he given a simple selection of commands, but these are quite enough to enable them to move alont and attack. Po hear you ory. Tinboys those marvelous mekboy Orky Know-wots, a guv seein’ to and be uscd as a vending machines case yer fancy a bite between battles. CONTROLLING TINBOYZ ‘A Mekanisk ean control and direct up to four Tinboyz. The Mekaniak’s wransmiuer has a range of 16”. If the Mekaniak is ‘more than 16” away Irom a Tinboy, or if he has been slain, then the Tinboy will go out of contol uni it gets back within 16" of the Mokeniak. Ifa Tinboy goes out of control then the Ork player must roll on the ‘Out of Control’ tables below to see how the model ‘behaves. A seperate roll is made in the movement phase and ‘the shooting phase for each Tinboy that is out of control. Note that Tinboyz that are in base to base contact with an enemy ‘model in the hand to hand combat phase will slwaye attack, ‘ven ifthe Tinboy i not in control ‘At the start of any Ork tum # Mekaniak can order eny of the ‘Tinbuye uniter his wntiol is self destset, This destauys te ‘Tinboy, but Ue resuling explosion inivas D6 sue 6 hiss with a-2 save modifer on any model within 3” of the Tinboy. [Nove that Tinhay7 must self-destruct atthe start of the Crk tim, before any Orke models have maved TINBOY DAMAGE Tinboyz suffer damage in the same way as a vehicle, except that they don't havea hit location table. Instead if they are hit then the attacker simply rolls to 3ee if he penetrates the Tinbuy’s aiivus value vf 15. Ifthe attack penctiates the armour then roll on the damage table below to see what Ihuppens tothe Tinboy. ADDING TINBOYZ TO AN ORK ARMY In order wo mctude any Tinboys tn an Ork samy you muse Mist ‘equip a Mekaniak with a contTol box ata cost of 3 points. Each ‘Mekaniak equipped with a control box that you take entitles you to inclnde up to four Tinkoye inthe temg, at cost of 70 points cach. a a) DAVIS = 2 ZW Troop Type M inboy EQUIPMENT: ARMOUR, SPECIAL RULES: Tinboys are immune to psychology and ‘never break. For the other special rules that apply see above. Two Power Fists and a Heavy Bolter. Tinbuye have an Armour Value of 15, TINBOYZ OUT OF CONTROL TABLES MOVEMENT TABLE SHOOTING TABLE ve movement Dé —_Shooting 1 Reverse: The Tinboyz edges backward 1 Selfdestruct: The Tinboy self-destructs! Do" Any oulier models within 3" of te exploding Tinboy automatically suffers 2 Halt: The Tinboy halts (well, what did a ere it 1) D6 strength 6 hits with a -2 saving throw ‘you think it meant?!?) ie 3. About Turm: The Tinboy tums 180° to ; 2 Nearest Target: The Tinboy fires at the fic Yet ai Wt ives DO eg nearest ge win is 90" ar, end or foe. Nearest Vehicle: The Tinboy fires at the nearest vehicle target within its 90° fire 4 Turn Left: The Tinboy turns 90° to the left and then moves D6” straight ahead. 5 Tur Right: The Tinboy tums 90° to the right and then moves D6” straight ahead Advance; The Tinbuy muves D6" 4 Nearest Target In Cover: The Tinboy ines at the nearest ti got Una is i cover within its 90° fire arc. Furthest Target: The Tinboy fires at the furthest target within its 90° fire arc. : The Tinboy makes a terrifying Waaargh! noise. This causes any enemy troaps within 6” ta take a break test. TINBOY DAMAGE TABLE DAMAGE ‘One randomly determined weapon is ‘blown or pulled away from the Tinboy and is destroyed The Tinboy’s radio receiver is doauuyed. It gues out of eunol for he rest of the battle. The Tinboy topples to the ground and lies on its back, Hauling tS arms and shooting into the sky. It may not move for shoot for the rest of the battle, although self-destruct orders will be ‘obeyed as normal. ‘The Tinboy is destroyed and crashes 10 the gioumd, @ suuking heap of scrap metal. ‘The Tinboy is destroyed and explodes, inflicting D6 strength 6 bits with a -2 saving throw modifier vit ay mUdel within 3”, 43 GOFFIK ROKKERZ By Mine Nietsen ‘Whenever the Orks do battle there is one thing that can be expected (no not malfunctions!) and that is Goffik Rock. Without exception Goffik rock is an essential element to any Ork warband. Even the Snakebite Orks, the most primitive and tribal of the clans uses Goflik rock in ceremonies and rituals, The Goff clan however uses Goffok rock in every aspect of their lives especially warfare. Goffik rock seems to feed on the psychic energy that the Orks produce when they get excited. The Ork mekaniaks have managed to build a device that ‘magnifies this ‘wauagh’ energy, this instrument is called a Jammer and greatly resembles a massive electric guitar. The boyz who learn to control and master this device earn the illustrious title of Goffik Roker. This is truly one ofthe finest achievements any Gotf Ork could strive for. Goffik Rokkerz have a potent effect on ‘Orks around them and tend to cause anarchy in an already chaotic army. Smake and law eavered mnst of the Ancesteal Flea gardens that now served as a battlefield. The once rand and majestic erystal spire of this Craftworld ‘now hung in the balance. For three days the fight had continued. Many thousands of lives had been lost in this biter strugele. Warlord Ghazekull Thraka of the Goff clan looked on the camage. For the moment the two factions appeared to he waiting, positions held, ‘weapons locked. Perhaps trying to calculate each others remaining strength, perhaps taking advantage ‘of the temporary lull in the fighting. Suddenly the waiting was over, Goff boyz. surged forward, firing their weapons off in a seemingly random manner. Anticipating this type of action the Eldar forces dug- in and sent oat Banshees and Scorpions to meet their foc. Two Warlocks. Witchblades in hand. accompanied the Eldar retalliation. Warlord Ghazghkull Thraka grinned broadly as he atop a shattered Eldar shrine in the midst of the Ork horde. Raising his head to the heavens, he called upon Gork and Mork to release the power within him. 'WAAAARGH™ The bloodbath was about to begin... Farseer Ilerion, let the waves of raw Waargh energy wash over him, unaffected by the raw homicidal tain, the faces of the two Warlocks by his sides were masks of horror ind disgust, they were too inexperienced to close their minds to the Waargh power and it showed. Eldriteh bolts of energy shot fram his extended hands seeming. to seek out the nearest Ork victim they could find. One, two, three, the Orks near the ancient Seer were incinerated into ust “How dane you violate the sacred grounds of our ancient Crafiworld” More Eldritch beams flew. from his hands, but these blasts seem to are wildly out of conteal and vig-r9g haphazardly arena in the air Thrce of these found a home in an unsuspecting Swooping Hawk squad, wounding the Exarch and Killing two others. In his rage Merion ant failed ts notice the slowly increasing intensity of the gutteral Goffik rock. The forms of three leather clad Orks broke over the small hill directly in front of him He instantly knew that these Goffik Rokkerz were the ‘cause of his misdirected bolts, The Roker paused ‘on top of the hill, sifhonetted hy the hurning Fldar tity behind them. Their heads lowered and they ontinued to pound on those instruments with brutal force causing themselves fo ahsorh the waarph enerey from the battle. The energy comng from them was ‘causing the ground to ripple and roll like water. The two Warlock in an attempt to protect their Lord began summoning the psychic energy to fuel theic attack. Iletion failed to stop them in time, for he knew the dangets of wielding psychic powers in th eprescence of Goflik Rockerz. The Warlocks bodies shook and vibrated uncontrollably. Their faces contorted and ‘swelled until BOOM! they exploded. A wicked black ‘and green lash of energy arced towards Illerion from the lead Roker and struck the Farseer in the chest blowing his fragile orsans out of his back! ‘The last thing IIferion witnessed before his souk-gem claimed his spirit was the majestic spire being toppled down inio the inferno that was the capital city of his, ‘ancenstral home. 10 GOFFIK ROKKERZ GOFFIK ROKKERZ Jammer can be gripped by the neck and wielded like an axe. ‘The energy running through the head means it acts just like a power enc being wielded with two hinds, Unfortundtly using the Jammer in this manner wrecks the delicate components that allow it tobe used to channel the Waatgh, This means that if any or all the Goffik Rokkerz are engaged in hand-to-hand combat they will lose the special Waargh zone for the rest of the battle aS 0-1 GOFFIK ROK BAND ......30 points per model ‘Aa Ok any may include up ta ane Goff Ra: Baad as lang: ‘as there are atleast one Goff boy. mob in the amy. The Goffik Rokkerz are the epitome of the Goff clan's ideas of (Orkiness. With the aid of their Jammer guitars they prove to bbe a major morale booster to an Ork warband. More than 2 few opponents have a lost battle by underestimating the power thesc ‘waargh’ channclers possess. GoffikRokker4 4 4 3 4 12 1 7 mos: ‘The mob consists of 3-5 Rokkerz WEAPONS: Bolt pistol, “Jammer” guitar ARMOUR: Flak (6+ save), ‘SPECIAL RULES. meee s pis Psychology: Roker boyz, receive a rush from the Waargh energy coursing through their bodies. This sense of involnerabilty makes the Goffik Rokkerz immune t0 Tychology and Leadership basa tas “WAARGH'” Zone: The Goffik Rokkerz create a 12” zone around themselves that sertously disrupts psykers and psychic ‘powers that fall within it. Any psychic power attempted to be ‘ured within or targeted st modelr in thit area, will ba malifiod ‘01 2 Dé roll of 4+. Due to the violent nature of the ‘Waargh’ waves that roll off the Goffik Rokkerz no teleporting is allowed within the ‘Waargh’ Zone. Wierdboyz: Ork Wierdboyz within 12” ofthe Goffik Rokkerz are also affected by the Waargh power. They cannot use use any of their powers while in the zone except Nallifies and special warp cards, This is because the Wierdboy is to busy "cadbangin’ to the Goffik Rok! Goffe: Any Goff Orks (not Gretchin or Snotling) in the zone are whipped up into a trenzy. Ineir WS 18 increased by +1 but they are not capable of firing any ranged weapons due to the hyper-activity. In addition Goff Orks are subject to frenzy while in the zone Other Orla Any other Oka in the sone are alse affected, ‘Their WS is increased hy +1 and they may not fire any ranged ‘weapons. Da Jammer: The Jammer is u special device which allows the Goffik Rokkerz to channel the ‘WAARGHT. Also when the Goffik Rokkerz are engaged in hand-to-hand combat the sauis BOMMERZ By Maak Jones ‘As you can see from his mug-shot, Mark Jones shares a special affinity with Squigs and thought it would be good to be able to include them in his Warhammer 40,000 games. With a huge bomb harness strapped or even implanted into them, Squig Bommerz strike fear into the hearts of the Ork’s enemies. Nurtured by their Mekboy owners on a diet of scrap metal and high octane fungus fuel. The squigs are one digestive system primed for detonation. Tn addition to the Orks and Gretchin there Piububly uuceveu due Oxks Low where syulgs come ftom, but ‘sualler reatures dhat sate sia maby ttey ure vital 10 the Orks in many ways. The larger squigs are they are for the most part completely lacking used for fur and food, or are kept as (rather fierce) pets, or even ‘Wherever Orks are found these creatine alse app Fidden ini hare The smoller equigs have many specialist ‘where they enme from is a mystery. Orks are constantly uses, but one of the strangest is tho Hair aqui, @ parasitic ‘moving, and rarely live inthe same place, or even om the same _croature with tiny jaws and flowing hair-like gills. Orks fasten planet for very long, but wherever they go these small Hair squigs to their skin, having no hair of their own, to create ‘creatures suddenly appear. These ercatures are called squigs. _colourful beards, scalpTocks and so forth, ‘SQUIG BOMMERZ SQUIG BOMMERZ ‘The Syulys used w create Syuly Bumuers ate Rept Ly Ord ‘Mekboys. This particular type of squig are fairly large, with tough halleshaped heities and clumsy talaned fect. The Squiss ‘have huge gaping mouths thronged with slashing teeth. The squig generally hangs around the Mekboy’s workshop eating all the metal scraps thet the Mekboy drops on the floor. They tre generally considered to be invaluable by Mekboys, who, ‘without them would soon be up to their necks in serap metal ‘nd half finished projects. Squigs can even drink the highly volatile high octane fungus fuel. In times of great need ‘Mekboys fit these Squigs with a bomb hamess and send them barrelling toward the enemy. At an opportune moment the ‘Mek can detonate the bomb via a radio contol unit, blowing the squig up instantly, spreading guts, gore, bone, undigested Scrap metal all the Mek s missing tools over a wise area, Occasionally the squigs can be too old and leathery end the ‘bomb explodes inside them but foils to pierce the tomgh leathery skin. Leaving a perfectly preserved Squig with Tiquidised insides, SPECIAL RULES: Movement SSquigs should be reated as individual models. Squig Bommer7 are extremely dificult to control and do not Wve like normal troops, iusiead you must randomly determine exch individual Sguig Bomies"2. movement in the ‘compulsory movernent phase, Tamm each Suuly- Barret ie direction You hope ther to go, Now roll an artillery dice 10 determine how far forward they travel. The squigs bonimerz. move forward a number of itches equal 10 the roll of the artillery dice. If you roll a MISFIRE then something bad has hhappened, refer to the Misfire section below. Before moving the Squig Bommer roll q DS snl refer @ the table below 1 determine ifthe Squig Bommer changes direction DIRECTION TABLE D6 Result 1. ‘The Squig moven 45° to the left and thea moves forward a number of inches equal to roll of an alley dios. ‘The Sqnig dinecn't change ditertion and moves forward a number of inches equal to roll of an arillery dice. ‘The Squig moves 45° to the left and then moves forward a number of inches equal to roll of an artillery dice Misfire If you roll a MISFIRE for the Squig Bommer'z movement then something nasty will have happened. The Squig has blowa up prematurely work out the effects of the explosion exactly as i the Ork player had chosen to detonate the Sauiz there, Note there is no need to roll on the Explosion table the qui blovis up automancally. Detonating the Squig Bommerz ‘Any Sguig Bommer may be detonated atthe start of the any ‘Osk shooting phase. Simply declare which Squig Bommerz ‘pws Yo detonate and coll on she Explosion table below. EXPLOSION TABLE D6 Result 1 Dud! With « muffled sort ‘oomph’ sound the squig ‘expands ever so slightly and looks like he has swallowed something nasty, before falling down dead. Remove the Squig Bommer, the bombs have ‘exploded inside the Squig, butt was too tough and contained all the blast it has no effect Kaboom! The Squig explodes. Place the 2” blast marker 50 that itis centred on the Squig. Any ‘model (fiend or foe) wholly under the template hit by the blast. Any models partially uader tho template will be hit on the Do roll of 4, Sor 6 ‘Models hit by the blast sustain S6 hit, causing D4 ‘wounds with a2 saving throw modifier. The Squiz {s destroyed and removed from play. Close Combat Tethe Sqnig, Rammer ends its movement in hase to base contact with won Orky models, then it will ight a round of hand-to-hand eorabat as normal. Shooting ‘The Squig Bommmer may be shot at as normal, Destroying the Squig. The Squig is reduced to 0 wounds then he will explode. Roll cn the Explosion table to determine the effects of the blast Victory Pointe All the Squig Bommerz count as 2 single squad for working ‘out VPs. Note however squigs which explode and bit at least ‘one of your opponents models do not count as destroyed, they ie meiely Joly dete job. This aieans if yoos oppomet ‘wishes fo guin full VPs for destroying the Squig Bomimerz he ‘will have to kill them all without any of them hitting one of his models. SQUIG BOMMERZ. +80 points per modal I'yout Ork winy includes Mekboys then you may also include Squig Bommerz. You may have up to three Squig Bommerz foreach meeboy in your force Tow Tye MWS ES!) car Squigbomb * 4 0 5 8 1 5 2 2 WEAPONS: Sharp Claws and big bomb. ARMOUR: ‘Tongh Feathery hide (44 save, 2 of the imperium, i aaa kod ‘Well we all know how jealmns these por ald Ork Warbasses ‘can get, all of a sudden the Imperiiom gets » few Soper Hamey Battle Tanks and in come the eters. “Nya, nya nya nya nah - It's not fair why can’t the Orks have any tanks, the Orks have loads of tanks in Epic, why notin Warhammer 40,000. 1's not fie” (Yes, yes we know you Eldar player are just as bad, so don’t bother writing- Fd). Anyway I'm not usually one for Tistening to these whinge letters, but their has been quite alot ‘of mem, Id like to show more Ork battlewagons, but I don"t have the models ready yet, so here's a quick taster of things to CLT EVIL SUNZ GOBSMASHA By lan Pickstock It has been revealed to us that not all ‘Tread-heads’ are loyal servants i fact sume of them are none other tran the green- skinned Ork skum. These Orkses have seen fit to demand more tanks for the Ork army, so here they are! I decided the Gobemasha would e the ideal place to start, 28 there are so many Ork players with models, I mean even Games Workshop sold 2 Gobsmastia model for a shore period of time. If you haven't got a Gobsmasha model do not fear, as there are a ernie of photos nf Adrian Wonvla Coharmacha models to inspire you to greater feats of modelling. “Tsu if the mekboy vated 3 mid-engine model {have put it there himself” + Gorsnak Brotz to his Wildboy drivers after a crash. prey ‘The Gobsmashe is un Evil Sunz warbugey characterised by its armoured hull and four large metal wheels. The Gobsmasha bbonetits from having thicker, fully enclosed armour and a bigger gun than ordinary war buggies. Evil Sunz use (ees eee fleecing Wildl le benefits of Orkish Kultur andthe joys of driving around at high speed - the heavier armour comes in particularly handy when the Wildboyz keep crashing into things. in battle each Gobsmasha is crewed by three Wildboyz (who jump around and try to grab the stering wheel from each othes) and a hoary ‘old veteran (who fires the gun and stops the young Orks from doing anything t00 dat) ‘The Orks call any battlewagon that is Reavily armoured, ‘completely enclosed and tis a big battle cannon a Gobsmasha, ‘ng matter what it looks like. As long ax itis dead shooty the (rks don't care what shape it is. If your Warboss 1s particularly rich, or just likes to show off, you may decide to Sele Teemvy ersten thet eae ‘The Gobsmasha is ideally used as heavy duty tank hunter, it’s large armoured wheels give it very good acceleration and lhigle Wp speed, The Gobsiastia can quickly vuttlauh the ‘enemy and move into postion to fire its battle cannon at the ‘vulnerable sides of enemy tanks. The devasatng battle cannon shells are not only brilianetank-busters, their wide blast area, makes them an ideal weapon for taking out heavy weapon Sues, lurking at the bank of enemy lines. Off course really, really extravagant warbosses and I mean Bad Mooas and Speed Freaks only, will be able t9 combine their Warbikes and Buggies with their Gobsmashas and go on all out blitzksieg. Eye ‘The Neck-brake tum isa special manoeuvre only possible in the wheeled Gobsmasha. As the Gobsmasha picks up speed, at ‘he even sonnet he Wildly boy. sd aa-brake wud {urns the steering wheel in the desired direction. The ideal result being that hack end of the Gahsmasha swings out polling the whole vehicle in the desired direction, woth only a ‘momentary loss of control and n0 loss of speed. The worst resuit- The Gobsmasha flips over and performs 2 triple somersault with double pike and the driver breaks his neck, A Gubsimaois may uuly pestonun a Neek-buake dun if the Gobsmasha is tavelling at combat speed or fast speed. The Gobsmasha may perform one Neck-brake tur per tum. st any point during its movement, The Ork player declares he is doing ‘aNeck-brake turn and rolls a D6 and looks up the result on the ble below. EVIL SUNZ GOBSMASHA Dy Sita a RL Result ‘Oops. The Gobsaashe Hips over fuming octor DS" in the eos de the pe wher tends sates DS St ns min svn hrm cies ‘Alltel on td boa hi noke ‘that ever. The Oc aca palls the wrong lever and he Gobsusa does ements sera {Jue like that, Te diver pa i os, Srna the On is ot very ood 3 bi and ge The copoly the Gta p10 9" in he reton ‘Phew! The Gobsmasa swings thoash successfully with Justa litle power “Yeast tan ie Gane 9 ia ‘ireon of sor cboice Unto ll ‘ne punter ose es sin and ster 1 ‘watt Te mason eases You thst tua the Gobauashs 90° ia the fircion youre Because the Gobsmasha is driven by three Wildboys itis inevitahle that they are all gaing tn want in have a po. The ‘Wildboyz are usually quite content to Tet one of their number {do the driving, but only for a Himited period of time. When the other Wildboys thinks is their tur, they will barge the driver Off the seat and one of them will grab the wheel, yelling "Game Over dude, my turn, my tur”. Obviously this results in momentary Toss of control ofthe Gobsmasha. tthe beginning ofthe Ork turn, each Gobsmashsa will have to make a Leadership vest, using the gunnery leadership charactersistic if he's alive. Ifthe test is passed then the ‘operate as normal. If its failed then the Gobsmasiia may not accelerate, break or tum this turn, it must simply cazry on atthe same speed and direction as the last the ‘previous tum, The Cobsmnasha may still attempt to make a NNeck-hrake tum. 1 the Gobemash moves fT the table then i disappears over the hills and counts as destroyed. PU a ec EUIL SUNZ GOBSMASHA. ++. 100 points, “The army must include at least one mekuniak und un Kul Sune boyz mod to include Gobsmashas. The Gobsmasha is used exclusively hy Evil Sunz clans to train young Orks in the rigours of hard driving and fast living. The Gobsmasha has three Wildboy drivers and a single Ork gunner to shoot the pallle cannon anid keep the young whelps mn oraer. Au me crew ‘rear flake armour (6! save). The Ork drivers carrico « bolt pistol and the Wildhoye are armed with a knife each, TE) rk 7 ee wiwye «84 9 9 3 3 1 2 tk 8 45 EVIL SUNZ GOBSMASHA Be) rk generals familar with the first addition Warhammer 40,000 will know and love the Ork Gobsmasha and many of you may have already improvised rules for using your Gobsmasha squadrons. For those newer gamers, the Gohsmasha has appeared in many guises lover the years and this article allows you te uke any of them. However do not dispair if you don’t have any Gobsmasha models help is at band. Below are pictures of couple baitlewagons, painted and modelled by Adrian ‘Wood, White Dwart’s resident Ork Warlord and as you ean see anything goes. The first one is the GW resin ‘model embellished with extras. The second one is even more bizarre, made from the front and back of a the plastic battlewagon a sort of ‘cut and shut” job (that’s illegal! Ed). The thing that interests me is what Adrian is guiuy 10 do with the middle of bis bate wagon, components with far too much potential to allow to sink to the bottom of the bite box. Both Gobsmashas have been lavishly embellished with shovels, axes, extra hatches, headlights ete, from Wartraks, Warbuggy and the plastic battle wagon ‘model. When making your own Gobsmasha, remember that basically a Gobsmasha is simply a large armoured box with a wheel on each comer and a battle cannon EVIL SUNZ GOBSMASHA pur unt uous jo mo sou sg a Fe er trch eae let ari eo) pe Aquo-aen truossed .0} Klcoovoyd 01 ponwes® wos SR ee DIE romney i Viva NodvaM ~ogpta au 9040 Aq fany ae pu way 24} 0 30 7H 06 saujod y+ Jo 302 jeHon4ppe 08305“ i ope 29 CU SOS}OF 9 nung 3.21 2x40 PFU 06 4 WommeD 9y9e] AU TM A UF paUNON HOME ATER 30 2LNaWaAON anys + evuva za ZHLDNARIS. SATIVA IVE, uaNND HHO L SUAAIG ZAOROTWAE way zi oe VWivd S19IH3SA VHSVWS809 ZNNS TIN3 FOABSO1 SHE TY ‘S661 ‘PIT nuSSHOM SUED BUA VEIN 1 = GRETCHIN ROCKET BOYZ BY WILLIAM CARNOCHAN Some more completely wild and rnpredictahle Ork death bringers. Use them if you dare! Grotchin have always wanted to imitate their big buddies "Da Unk”, normally they just get in the way and the rks take great pleasure in kicking them about abit. One day Notsnick, a Mekboy, was tinkering about (as Mokboye. aro known to do) and decided 10 make a lie jump pack for one of his Gretchin assistants, the Gretchin was filled, he immediatly sapped it on ran outdo chouting “ook at me I'm a StormBoy" and accidentally activated the Jjump pack, Te shot in to the aie leaving a omall patch of charred earth beneath him and seconds later crashed to the ground amidst some real StormBoy7, unfortunatly the fuel, tanks had been ruptured in the crash and promptly exploded, Killing every thing clase by and incinerating the Warbosses pet squig “Bitzze" ‘This impressed Notsnick but infuriated the Werboss who promptly chased the silly Mek off with curses and threats to sinus i ee out and use them pay off some Dlood Axcs. Notsnick left the Clan and walked off into the country side to EG set about making more ofthe litle jumpacks. These new jump ‘packs had been modified a bt and now contained a solid tip of ‘SquigBreffs MK TI Nitzstiks explosive. Notsnick gave them to ‘eager Gretchin telling them they could follow StormBoyz in 0 battle and fly around like predatory Squig Hawks, this worked for a while with impressive cesulls (Whe Gretchin blew themselves and most other things in to lotz of litle bite) until ‘one day the Gretchin wised up. This was a problem! (Grerchin wising up is « strange and bewildering occurance that has heen known to happen very rarely. Imperial Scientists believe itis caused by a mutant virus, indeed one of the only vinases that is known to effect Ork Kinds incredibly resilient senetie make up j How could Notsnick show off his invention and gain back his place in the mighty Wanageh? Notsnick war stuck, until one ‘day a Painboy wandered by and proved tobe the solution to all, of hie probloms. The Painboy lobotomised the Gretchin and this proved to be just the job! No more would a Gretchins inceanant fiddling be bia downfall, ROCKET BOYZ IN BATTLE To use Gretchin Rocket boyz you need to have a Mekboy and ‘4 Paiuboy in your army, the Mckboy will always be Notsnick as he jealously guards his invention. Notsnick must accuuupanty die Rucket buys in to battle, The jump packs are operated by Notsnick who has a special raid conUZOL Activalws so that the Gtetchin can be launched. from a safe distance. In every Ork moventent pluse 10ll de seater aud attilley dive for each Gretchin Rocket boy to see if they wander off. ‘The Gretchin will move half the distance indicated in the direction shown on the scatter dice, a HIT result on the scatter dice means the Gretchin stays still and can be turned in any Girection that the Ork player wishes, if a MISFIRE is rolled then something has gone wrong with the gretchin and you must roll on the insanity table. Tin Goan a self sce eo ES et LAUNCHING A GRETCHIN Lo launch a Gretchin the Mekboy must be within 4 inches of | hhim, Notenick presses the Rig red activate hutton on his transmitter and this launches ALL the Gretchin that are within inches, Launching Gretchin will immediately shoot off D6+1 x 10 anehes in the direction they are facing (the direction the Gretehin moved in, if he did not move the Ork player may turn bhim in any direction during the Orks movement phase) the Gretehia will explode on impart Alternatively if Notsmick 1s an base to base contact with a Grotehin he may launch it manually - the Gretchin may he launched in any direction but Notsnick will take a strength 3 hit from the jet blast 1a Grech i it Uy @ .auged attack or m close combat roll a scatter dice and face the Gretchin in this direction, if a HIT is rolled immediately roll on the insanity table, BOOM OR, THE EFFECT OF AN EXPLODING GRETCHIN A Gretchin may explode under a number of circumstances, normally if they land on something. If this disastrous ‘occurrence happens place a 2” blast marker over the Gretchins last position (whoge he landed). Any model atleast half under ‘the template will be it on a 6 roll of 4, 5 or 6 and will sustai 46 hit, causing D3 wounds with a -1 saving throw modifier. (Once the Gretehin has exploded he ts destroyed und removed as acasuaty, NOTSNICK THE MEKBOY Notsnick is an Ork Mekboy and has the standard Mekboy profil, The points for Notsnick must come out of the army lists character allowance. Over the years Notanicks’ tough Ork hide har b particularly resilient to heat, due to Gretchin scorching him as Urey ake off and this grants him an adetonal 21 save againot heat based weapons (lamers, Melta guns et). Nobnich allows you to purchase up to 10 Gretehin Rocket boyz ROCKET BOYZ Rocket boyz are bought out of the characters allowance, however they are not effected by squad coherency or psyclulugy of auy sort, this includes break test, Vaya) NOTSNICK THE MEKBOY. 20 pointe Notsnick may be included in an Ork army instead of one ofthe army's normal Mekuniaks. "Nownich WEAPONS: Bolt pistol ARMOUR: Flak armour (6+ save), Resilient hide (Grsaveegaint oat weapon} WARGEAR: Nati may have tn Wargear cr ‘one of which is allways his special Rocket Activator (see inside front cover) He may be given additional equipment ‘chosen from the Armour, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, ‘Transport aud Stikkbombz sections of the Wargeat list He may be accompanied by 0 - 10 Gretchin Rockot boys at 4 points each Rodketboyz #108 4 td WEAPONS: Large explosive Rocket pack ARMOUR: None. MODELLING A ROCKET BOY ‘Modelling a Gretchin Rocket boy is very easy aul completely Lup t0 you, Start off hy remaving any guns that your Gretchin ‘may be armed with and then since NO Mekaniak ever made ‘ovo pieces of equipment exactly the same you can just dig owt some rockets, jump packs or anything similar from your bitz ‘box and stick them to the backs of your Gretchin, ‘The Bunker is currently completely submerged with ideas for ‘exploding Orky things right now so please help us, st we get many more we will all be gomners, glug, glug, glug, Please no mone! A great philosopher once said Orky, Orly very Orky 21 WAG COREA (AGIC ‘SWAG’ BAG © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1995, All rights reserves. WARGEAR bee Se i eel Saas 9 lainen a (irefenin Honker Kay ihe meknoy in 4” of them, Notsnick presses the It Fed hutan an tha Rocket artivatnr Gretchin that are within ill automatically shoot aff ches in the direction they are facing tchin moved in, if ha did not ing the Cirke movement phaso) and in will explode on impact ertuission granted to photocojiy Tor personal se Only. En —_46.660 — YRRTHILIEN MOURNSONG By Mark Hawkins From an carly age, Yblien showed a budding talent forthe at of music. On many occasions the youth would st in the ancient halle of his home, the Craftorld of Muirgaythh playing songs of great pation and emotion to acai ndience ‘As Yrrhilton grew older bus alent blossomed asthe reais poets and songwntes m ide cussion eam o perfor slonglae ‘him, teaching him all that they themselves had loerat from thot ancestors. Yellen Wae Worshipped as one of he gremest ‘cians ever to have lived, Bit dep inside be wae unhappy. The proud young Eldar had played his name int the history of his ‘eaple with hie thyme and verse bot he longed to take hie music 1 those who would otherwise overhear its ike. He wanted 13 ‘experiance the wot beyond his ancestral home and drink rom is overflowing cup of advenur. ‘On atright day inthe euramer cycle ofthe Craftworld, Yrilien packed afew posestons of sentimental vale and eft his home. ‘re ha teen upon hire the role of scout, oe that would pve him the acventue he caved for, sending him ona journey that ‘would ake him fo the frthedt reaches of ne geeky. For a number of years Yrilien travelled throughout the galaxy, struck with an iesisible wanderlust that took him to many ‘range worlds where he sang great and powerful song to tei inhabitants, leaning their tongaes and dialects. All the while he trould ite mags ad yan of bis advance totale back t hs ome. Vetion wa aly happy. Bvenzually the adventurous bounty for which he had reached lot ite hold on Yatilien and be began ofl he pangs of oelinss, tae longed forthe familiar alls and pastages of is home and soundof sweet music flowing toughou. Turing his small sou ship Into the sla winds, he began the long irae back to Marga ‘After wha seemed like an etemity, Muirgaylh was in igh, bux why diem so Ul and flee ana What of te hero's welcome he had expecied? No welcome came as he nosed his home and nor woald i, fr reason that became clear es Ymilen stepped from bs ship into the dese lading by. Looking about iny Yirilien sew no sgn of life or any evidence that thed existed for longtime. i ho moved rom ihe landing ‘ay into the corridor beyond, a look of honor spread across his face. On the elaborately tiled floor lay the body of an Eldar (Guardian, al broken and bloody, his armour ripped open and scatered abot. As be looked up from the body he eaught sight of ‘mother and yet anoter al robbed ofthe gto ie and le Dseding on te too. ‘Yabilien felt knot in his stomach and tears com to his eyes but he didnot ey, inscad he began to sing. He sang ashe yanked himself away from the grim sight of his dead Kinsmen. He sang as be walked alone through the ancien alls and forest domes. He sang when he found no signe of hile inthe ence basing market ples. He sang when he caw the ajrabol af the dread fore of Slaaoesh scrawled in blood onthe shattered romaine of «ence great Wruthguard, For days on ond he wandered throogh the essages and coridors all tho ime singing the song that ill his mind. The words ofa well ween vers had alwaye brought cheer {oir but now he sang ony «rong of death and destruction and the demise of his poole, "The cen pol yu rf nacre drt na aga wal hac slog the lent conven ba hig, Twat then tha the caught sight of faint glow on ofthe comer of his eye. The glow was coming from beyond the smashed poral of the Dome of (Crystal Seer, Yerlien moved cautiously towards the source ofthe light on closer inspection he was amazed to find an unbroken vwayaine alae Wy a unten mie sani sult and Veit fo, cuved sabi Yorlicn recogated thee ancient ‘iStacn ay done une by hi for and eather father in imes of die eirumatanee end fora second be mow feta fling of Jy in his hear. Couid i be rae? That the foul hordes of Chuos had overlooked these anfacis or were they indeed «gift fom the ‘dead? Yerilien carefully put onthe ancient armour and eld the helm before him, pacing it over hie head a scream of ancient ‘elsetcn power ied ne caftwora and the boy whe Was once Xen became merged Win ie memories Gt As eneEters, ne Was ‘no longer ust Yelien, he was Yrhilien Moamsong of Miirgayih los. ‘With al hat had happened, Ymbilien wanted nothing more than to join his people in deaths embrace, but he wis be lest of his kind Serre ke cee ona Ker el Rg ota a ‘name of Mairgaythh wil «day when be could join tem in honourable death Tle would wit geat songs and tales aboot his kis and sng their ale in bate, and when he, the last of his people was gone, none would forget the tcagedy of Muirpayth. “The once jaye tet hr ome, toning hiv Beck om al shat be meer he jy ange of he ooh wom nent ‘ins aeworto ram. With only the morde ofthat Dena Song echoing in hie mind, Yithian eet at in in am here mt ‘Soch the way ofthe Song. ‘Wher the music end the song wil eco to Be obo a ee 42 YRRTHILIEN MOURNSONG 100 points +30 points Screaming Gale Jetbike, +15 points Moon Sabre of Thillenn ‘The later life of Ymhilien Mournsong is a ragedy by nature, spent travelling around the galaxy in search of an honourable death in batle, He will offe his eervices us a warrior to any Eldar Commander worthy of his attention, Yrrthilien ean often be seen speeding into bate on his customised jetbike singing his song of doom through 2 specially made sound amplification system. This system is based on the psycho- amplifying masks used by the warriors of the Howling Banshee aspect. ‘Ymihilien is so devoured by his grief and rage that he cannot leave the warrior path, which makes him, to al intents and ‘Purposes, an Exarch of his own personal Warrior Aspect. Thi in-a path that he ba followed far many a year and wi ‘probably never reach the end. (Quer the years Yerthitin has teen taught much in the at of warfare by some of the greatest Eldar leaders, one being ‘Tathuanne Stormreaver of the Ssim Hann Wild Riders, who gave Yarihilien the customised jetbike that he now rides into ‘atl. This, however does nothing to ease his Devil-may cere attitude towards life. ~ The Moon Sabre of Thilienn "The Moon Sabre isthe name of the power sword that was once used by Yemen’ faner in te ume he spent as a Guarda, t was one of two artifacts that Yrihilien managed to save from hhie hame after the onslaught of Slamnesh. The sword itself has a long heavy, curved blade with a single cuting edge, which ‘many warriors would find difficult to vse. However, Yrrhilien ‘counters this with superb strength and dexterity, swinging the ‘curved blade in a complex pattern as he sereams into battle on his jtbike, Ancestral Armour ‘The second of the two items salvaged from Yirhlin’s home {sa suit of ancient and ornate armour ance worn hy his father and his father’s father. Yirthilien sees this item as a gift from the dead and always wears it in bate, letting the memories of his ancestors guide his actions. The Screaming Gale ‘The Stremainyg Gus the sane Yulin gives w die jodie he so often rides into batle. Instead of the standard shuriken catapults, the Gale has a complex array of sound resonation ‘rystals fitted into the front faring and rear pods of the bike, ‘Those pods amplify the sound of Ymhiliens already powerful ‘voice to the point of being ultra-sonic and force if through a sound channelling device at the chosen target, inflicting, damege to the nervous system eausing neer paralysio oF ‘ainfil chvldaring death, WEAPONS. Yrihilien Mournsong is anmed with a les-pistol and also with The Moon Sabre of Thilienn. This counts as ‘wargear and a card is provided. ARMOUR. Yirthilion wears « suit of omate ancestral amour siving him & besic save of 3+ on a6. WARGEAR. Ythilien mey be equipped with a wal of 2 Wargear cards, One ofthese must be The Moon Sabre of Thilienn, The other may be chosen as normal from the _sppropriate wargear cards SPECIAL RULES USING YRRTHILIEN. Yrrthilien Mournsong owes no allegiance to any one Craftworld but will fight alongside any Eldar force he sees 0 be worthy of nis warrior skills. ‘Yahilien will never lead an army as he feels he is more a Warrior than a Commander ‘Yarihilien will only fight alongside Eldar, unless the enemy force contains Chaos troops. If this is the case he will ight alongside Elder, Squats, Imperial Forecs or even Orks. The points cost of Ymihilien comes out of your Allies allowance. He will always Aight in bene from he sacle of his custom Jjetbike swinging his power sword about him, dealing death in ‘anil hit and ran atacks. DODGE. Through years of taining and a great deel of baste experience, Verhilione jethicing skills have hacome honed to such an extent that he is able to dodge incoming shots that ‘would otherwise hit himself or his prized jetbike on all of a ‘5+0n a D6. In the case of weapons that use blast markers, Yerthilien is moved to the edge of the template if he successfully dodges. THE MOON SABRE OF THILIENN been Creu ea ‘The Moon Sabre is an ancient weapon handed down from {enerahon to generation m Yrriniiens tamuly, i tunehons 12 the sume manner as normal power swords with one exception. The blade of the sabre is long and curved, not unlike & scimitar. This addtional weight and length makes it nigh on Impossible ty use on fou Lut wakes ita highly effective ‘weapon when riding a jetbike, As the jeibike geins momentum Eee Ce 01 does the sabre, until the Vehicle reaches its top sped and the sabre is Seen only asa streak of elecine Dive ight. 0, the faster the ecbike travels, the more potent the sabre becomes. If YYrhilien should become soperate from the Screaming Gale Jetbike for whatver reason aid the player all want him to Use the Moon Sabie den Une wean profile supplied for Yerhilien on foot is used ee Close combat only 8 1 (Close combat only 7 1 ‘Giose combat only 6 1 Ciose combat only 5 1 5 | D6+D2068 | Jetike atfast speed, Pary. -4 | 06101257 | Jetbike at combat speed. Pany, 8 | DB:D1246 | Jettike at stow spo0d. Pany. 2 206+5 | Ymthilen on foot. Parry THE SCREAMING GALE Pe “The Screaming Gale is the name given to the jtbike designed for Yrrthilien by the master craftsmen of Saim Hann Craftworld, The bike oombinos al tho normal features of atindard jetbike with onc exception, the fore mvanted shuriken catapults are replaced by a highly effective amplification system designed to raise the nitch and volume of ‘Yathiliens voice and use it to power a potent sound weapon called the Sonic Crystal Cannon. This weapon may be Used in two ways. Firely, the Sonio Crystal Cannon fitted fo the front ofthe biko can fire broad beam of sound in a straight Ine directly ahead, that bathes an area covered by the flamer template in high {intensity sound waves. Any models partially covered by this template must roll equal to or below their Toughness on a D6 to escape the effects of the weapon (a roll of a 6 always fails ‘egaroless of toughness). Models mat are emmirely covered Will ‘need to make the same roll but add +1 to the number on the dice (meaning a 5 or 6 will always fail rogardless of toughness). Ifthe roll is above the victims Toughnees itis ‘Peralyzed. Paralyzed models may not move or shoot and count as having no attacks in hand to hand combat. Paralysis effects the model until the player can roll equal to or under its ‘Toughness on a D6 roll atthe beginning of each of the modals WARGEAR CARD © Copyright Games Workshop Lid 1994, subsequent turns(a toll of a 6 always faile regardless of toughness). Vehicles and support weapons are not affected by sound waves cmmited by the Sereaming Gale w they have no seaises ur ueivous systems tu be Uauuaged. Dieadaoughts ae also unaffected as their auto senses adjust to shut out the sound. However, Crow members inside a vehicle can be affected but are offered a degree of protection by the metal walls of the tank or transport etc. As such they are only affected by the blast from the Sonic Crystal Cannon on a D6 roll of a6, Exposed crew members are affected in the normal manner. An alfected erew member can not go about his usual business (Driving, gunning etc.) until the Toughness testis paeced in e cubsoquont phazo Gf ths Drivor ia affeotod and tho ‘ychicle is moving then it moves out of control). ‘Socondily, once per bate Yrthilien may reise his voice to an ‘ungodly crescendo that when amplified by the Screaming. Uale's systems produces a single wave of unimaginable volume, this may be directed at my single model within 8* ina 90 degree fire aro to the front ofthe vehicle This epecial atack hits automaticaly and causes DG S6 hits on the target with a3 saving throw modifier. A model wounded by this atick who survives is paralysed until he can make a succesful toughness generation i oaneraionin Yihlions famiy. Te ear lng and curved meking Ka highly efocive weapon when rcng& poe. All rights reserved, Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. BUILDING YRRTHILIEN MOURNSONG A MOobELLING GUIDE BY MARK HAWKINS ‘Bulldlng your mode! of Yrrthillen Mournsong Is falely easy and wit pretty good conversion together. Some of the more fiddly bits requi ‘his guide carefully, you'll be okay. PARTS ‘The inain bulk uf Yuthilien wud dhe Streaming Gale jeibibe can be pat together using the following bits, all of which are available from Tia Mo at mail exter (One complete Eldar jetbke kit (You will need the rider armed ‘with the shuriken pistol). ‘A Swooping Hawk Aspect Warrior figure (for the purpose for which it will be used. you will need the one who's facing forwards), A Striking Scorpion Aspect Warrior figure (it doesn’t really ‘matter which ane you get, ut I would recommend that you use ‘one ofthe scorpions facing sideways, Their heads are easier 10 act). ‘Allowing Banshee Aspect Warrior model (t docan't matt too much which one). ‘Two Epic scale Doomwveaver web spinners ‘Two Epic scale Wave Serpent warp energy generators. ‘Aled dell ox epenvio. ‘Some fine modelling putty. Super glue or epony vesia, Acsetof necdle files. Arazor saw, bit of time and patience, you should be able to put a ‘a degree of modelling skill but I'm sure if you foliow INSTRUCTIONS 1. First of all you will need the two warp energy generators and your knife or azar ene Carabelly remawa the mosnting from each of the generators leaving only the flat plate tumtouched. Remove some of the excess lead behind the fat plates witha flat needle file ‘The plates can now be glued to the front faring part of the jethihe 2. Take the bottom par of the Jetbike and remove the shuriken ‘cotapulie with a sharp knife. Tidy up the reculting gp with your needle files. 3. Take the Doomwoaver web spinners and remove the ‘muzzles with your knife or razor saw. These will now fit into the gaps once filled by the shuriken catapults. Glue them in place and fll n the join witha Tittle modelling putty. 4, Using your mini drill or pin viee, drill a small hole into the suzzles of the web spinners. ‘5. Assemble the Jetbike as normal. When this is done glue one fend of apiece of wire into each of the holes you have drilled in the web spinners and glue the other ends to the underside of the jetikes faring. Yerthilien 1. The firs step t putting together Yarhilien involves a lot of \axefal cating aid sipping. What you will aed to do isthe Extivatng Cinistally enmeton nar lng Fren-the Serene Hawk model using your knife or if you have one, a razor saw. ‘Take care not to slip and damage the detail on the legs. You ‘wu notice that tne pape from the Iigure’s gun slightly overlaps the leg. This will need to be carefully immed away before fhe eg in removed, 2. Now that you have the two individual legs, you will need something to stick them to, Take the legs of the Jetbike pilot and remove them. This will Ieave you with the pelvis section. 3. Clean up the ends of the legs and the pelvis section with ancedle ile to get a good join. At this point its a good idea to check thatthe nw legs itn the bike and make xy necessary ‘adjueimenta before you glue the lage to the palvi done with a litle Bluetac or Plasticine. After gluing. ‘gap with a litle modelling putty and allow to dry. 4, Take the body of the pilot and remove his head and his shuriken pistol. 5. Very carefully remove the head of the Striking Scorpion ‘ma give it tne neck of ine now cecaptates pilot. 45 66. Remove the chainsword from the Eldar weapons sprue. (Caraflly out the blade off co you are loft with enly the hand {guard and the hand grip. Taking care not to damage the piceo, remove the hand grip. you should now be left with just the ‘curved hand guard (the bit withthe studs onthe outside) Give this new sword hit to the pilots now empty hand. 7, Take the Bansheo snd remove the blade from her powersword. Carefully pin and slue this to the pilot's new sword hilt 8. Giue the body tothe new legs. At this point tis a good idea wo check over the whole model for visible joins and gaps. ‘These will need to be filled with some putty and smoothed before going on. ‘What you now have isthe finshed model which with a good paint job is perfectly adequate for your battles. Altematively yu can do what I've done and relly go 10 town on the model ‘with some modelling putty, some extra bits and a huge amount of patience, Hoy to improve your model, ‘There are a number of ways to improve on your finished model I's really is up to you what you do. but here's a few tps. Roll a Title modelling putty into # Tong strip and cut it into 110mm seetions. Bach ofthese can be wound into small spirals and circles which can be added to your model to produce « kind of embossed effect. ‘Additional cables and pipes can be easily added by using a thin piece of wire attached to the model and glued in place. This Wire can then be covered in modelling putty and scored with the edge of alte to produce a sectioned effect. Alteratvely, ‘you fm use spare weapon pipes from Eldar arm sprucs. Some types of modelling patty an be rolled out on a smooth surface Such a5 a sheet of glass or ale, Afler the puily has hardened, you can cut shapes out of it and use them as mines and icons which can be attached to the fat surfaces of your model, Inthe case ofthis conversion and other Eldar models i is very tempting to add afew more gemstones and waystones here and there. This can be done as follows. Roll a litle putty into a ball, squeezing the sides wlttle 0 ‘produce an oval shape. This will need to be carefully pushed ‘on fo the model, taking care not to distort the shape of the sphere. neccesary, a thin ring can be added using a rolled out strip of putty, carefully wrapped around the edge of the {gemsunne. I Is possible cw yemsiones vif existiig unrdels ‘Dut wouldn't recommend tr as you tend io cus your fingers ‘more than the model. (On tuy sale] of Yurhilien Fave aslded two flat homs to the side of his helm, These we failly easy 10 achieve using the following method. Curved sword blades such as those on plastic Tyranid boneswords are ideal. simply remove them from their hilte snd carve them into the appropriate shape with a sharp craft knife. These can then be glued to the sides of the helmet. When tis is done, fl in the gaps with some putty and allow to dry. A similar method wes also used to produce small ‘spines on the knee pads and on ofthe elbow pads, adding to the ‘overall spikeyness ofthe model Something that 1s tairly charactenstic of Eldar is personal ‘omamentation such as rings, scarves and buckles. ‘These can all be added to your model with your putty and alte patience, Thave added a snall ring to one of the horns on Ymthiliens ‘helmet and a scarf tied round his log for oxira effect. The extra decorations add to the overall impression of movement and race (Naah, it just makes itlook good, dunn). So there you have it, your own model af Yerthilien Mournsong of Muggaythh Jon, compet with Soni Crystal Cannon se ‘Moon Sabre, All that remains isto paint it up before you testy to eros your opponents wih the sounds of doom snd ‘destruction Its up to you what colour you paint your mods, but I would suggest « basic colour scheme of Chaos Black, Hawic Turquoise and Bad Moon Yellow as they ere the colours of Mutrgayihh, In my example [have use gull ur buue for small deails such as grills an plates and mainly a deep red for he gemetones, THE LEFTOVERS [ts just oocured to me that maybe having bits of Elder lying around may seem a Bit of a waste after completing your Yetilien modi. sa here's a few suggestions as to what you can do with the leftover bits. 1. Seeing as the the only bit missing from the Howling Banshee is the power sword, you could easly attach a plastic power sword ‘or other Weapon from an Eldar weapons sprue to produce an unusual variant. 2. An aary comvarsion 10 da ig to tales the headings Siiking Scorpion and place mother heal on it's shoulders. For example. you ‘could use an un-helmed head from another Eldar (or Elf) and paint unosual war paint on to it. 23. Allcuaivly you wh seunvve the untouched heed Som the chopped up Swooping Hawk and atch it tothe striking ssorpion to ‘Produce a very perculiar variation in armour style. 44 Ifyou have opted for @ conversion such asthe un-helmed Scorpion, you could sttach the Swooping Hawt’ helm to its belt ax if it has just been removed. ‘5. Another idea which just came to mind is chopping up all the bits you've got left and making something completely bizzare like a female Stiking Scorpion uring the limbs from the existing Scorpion and the torso from the Howling Renchea In sition yew eal substitute the existing asm for ois fom an Didar arm apruc to give you an eltsmative pose, 6. With a bt of care and a delve into the old bits box, either of these slightly hacked up Aspect Warriors could be turned into an imeresting Exarch, 7. When it comes to bits such as the etbike's shuriken catapults or the pilots old shuriken pistol, they are best thrown into your bits box for possi later use. 46 oc ous anos dn Buddog>o8 ju0p os * Azo asnyouossad a set an uo sou 04s adino 980d nag uo Arp psansaps Oa MASI o1ge4 oBPweg oma uw a ‘mojoq 088 | 219 sbursirg pue So}1Y9A BUDBLIEP Jo @sociNd BY) .0} 9+90E Jo LONENeUEd INOUE Ue Busey Se squnoo yoey2 (roads si4) “axes snow )E OU YA si 9 uiBuels 99 S2ye) lepou! Si4) YORE LOS (eDeds F Yim oyeidwseL ‘uj Aq po.aroo japou euo speNE AeU! ValIYL.1A '3PIEG 126 BU s9\n1 ae 298 "sepyen Bunoeye uo se}ou1 04 "ssauyBno, sjerow ot} Jo ss9|piebo1 ‘SAeMe 9 8 JO 101 y IPO Eulskiwed eu) wes) SeuatwoUy 994} 0} 92} UC SSALYBNOL 194 4pUA Jos I"m sjapow PeIDg}Fe suiny uatibasans s,veuodco ey) jo 4920 10 BulLuibeq ou) Wy “SyoeNE (0U Gujnet, $2 107209 pue 1004S .0 BAO! Jou Kew ‘DasArerEd O22 [IE JEL si@p0w Auy “jo! S14} 92 + PPE ai2|4.u6} 4) JEPL—N 5} [gPOUL BjOLm a4, W190 uo sseuydno) s9pen jo. srw: eyqduie} yeousg sieo0U Auy aeiduer wey 2 Buren paeye Ajoeup Bum, uouUed [eIShi9 21U0s pa|UNoU. pIPii0-4 Ig /USIINDS adAL 98 :0434S 1SV4 'q34dS _vaNOo I :dF3cS OTS. 'LNaABAOW BAS z- aovwa ra SHLDNSHLS 'anVAWVE ‘|NOsNuNON usb @ ranas. On the batll destruction in th ee Linon the Eldar the jet bike is gcncrally sed for scouting and fast attack, However amongst the Craftworld enlonies and the Fxodites this is not entirely true. On the wind swept grasslands and in the dense forests ofthe Maiden Worlds, Eldar Scout Walkers Come into their own. Ablé to withstand the sudden whirlwinds that swirl across le SAY Cleppoo oF Cie Baden Wakes land negotiate the tangled undergrowth of the forests, environments that would prove both difficult and dangerous fro jet eles. The Eldar Scout Walker is adept at both scouting and ambush. The walker's firepower coupled with its agality has made 1t suceessful on many worlds, from dust bowls to primeval swamp. ‘The Eldar Scout Walker is an extremely fast and highly maneouvrable walker used mainly by the Exodites for ‘protecting tne neras. tis more signuy By Rupert Hammerton-Fraser Eldar Scout Walkers are tall and slender, they move with a smooth agility and grace unachievable by the lumbering machines of other iald thay dart here and there dealing bright death with their scatter lasers and lascannons, wake. They are invaluable for scouting and leaving iching, no Eldar commander is ever willingly without thom ‘armed than the War Walker and lacks its protective powerfield. They only hhave the capability to mount one ‘heavy weapon. but this is more than made up for by the addition of a Holo-Field similar to that on ‘eldar titans. This, combined ‘with the Eldar Scout Walker's speed, make it ideal for hit and Tun ‘attacks. The Scout Walker's Exodite name ‘mear-feothan, “swift wind”, is the Eldar word far & typhoon or storm. Certain Eldar vehicles and troops use a vophioticated system of defensive screens called holo-fields, developed from the Holo-suits used by the revered Eldar Harlequins. Holo- Mlelds are not designed to block, absorb and | chunt abide attacks like Imperial void shields and ork power fields, Instead the holo- field confuses ‘enemy location and Targeting ayatome by diffracting the subject's image. ‘When # unit prowcted by a holo field moves, its image seems 10 Gaplade intaie State af cone coloured shards. Tho faster it moves, the more seattered the image becomes. When it stops the cloud appears to coalesce into a solid shape again, Thus the holo field is well suited to the Eldar precepts of speed and mobility over ‘amour and firepower PU a est ‘The Eldar Scout Walker shares many ofits componeats with hath the Eliar War Walker and Dreadnought inclnding ‘weapons, engin, and leps asthe Exod are either able to trade With Craftworids for these orto make them themselves. The ‘outward appearance ofthe Bidar Scout Walker mumucs tat the riding Dragons, with lizard ike legs and loping stride, its torso mounted weapon is even suggestive ofa tail. This, apart from its size and sheer speed has un-nerved many an epponeat. ‘The Eldar Scout Walker is controlled by a single pilot, using a simplified version of the Mind Impulse Control Unit used in Eldar Titans and Exodite Knights. The pilot lies in a prone ‘position on a couch with his feet towards the front and his head cradled by the crystal pick-ups for the control units. The ‘canopy then closes forming a protective sarcophagus over his body. Scout Walkers are generally piloted by an Exodite Warrior bat it is not unknown for an Exodite Lord to peisoualy Iead a squadcon into bate, They ere best sited to ‘pea terrain where they van wistan a teasouable speed, or moving to and from cover while sniping at the enemy. They ane ileal foe “hit and min” attacks aod skirmishing. where they ‘can pick the enemy off ata distance while making full use of their Holo- fields. ‘They are hest deployed in squadrons of three, which will allow cone Eldar Scout walker to be armed with alascannon. They are best deployed in cover, and you sbould try an maintain a “V" formation with the lascannon at its apex, this will allow it to estoy heavily armoured trgsts, while the Souter lasees mop ‘yp any infantry bold enough to show their faces. Remember thoy are vulnerable while stationary, so keep them moving as this will maximise the protection offered by their Holo field ‘During the Fall the degeneration ofthe Eldur did not go wholly without resistance. Some, the more far-sighted, began to ‘openly criticise the laxity of their fellow citizens, and to warn against the effect of Chaos cults. These people were mostly ignored or else treated as narrow-minded fools and fanatics. Soon the general collapse of society convinced even the most resolute amongst mem shat there would be mo end w dre relgi of death and depravity. Some decided to leave the Eldar worlds and ettle new planets fine of the creping earuption, They were the ones still untainted by the touch of Chaos, and by now they were few. ‘These Eldar are known as the Exodites. Of all the Eldar race they were uniquely far-sighted. Amongst a race naturally ndulgent and hedonistic they were reviled as dour fanatics lbsessed wim misery and seifdental. There were woune wise dire premonitions were perhaps yet another form of insanity, Simply one mare conceit taken to inhuman extremes. Others ‘were genuine survivalists who chose exile over degradation and destruction, In an assortment of spacecraft the Exodites ‘abandoned thelr nones. Many died out in open space. Some reached new worlds only to be slain by marauding Orks or Aas ger ee hcg ae rete, he erent eg headed eastwards as far away from the main concentration of Eldar worlds as they could roach, {pom the fringes of the galaxy the Exodites made new homes. ‘The worlds they setled were savage and life was often hard for people unused 0 physical work and self-denial. When the ‘nak Cataciyem eruptea Most Of the Exodtte worlus Were far ELDAR SCOUT WALKERS ‘rom the psychic epicentre and survived. The resultant psychic implosion wiped out the rest of the Eldar race and lefc a gaping lol ia the fabric of space, but out on the fringes of the galaxy the Exodites were safe. Many Crafiworlds rode out the psvchie shock wave and survived that way. but the Exodites hhad already reached places of safety - or else they perished With the rest of thei race and have been forgotten. ‘The Eldar path determines the way of life forall Craftworlders ‘but not for the Exodites. Because of this they seem wild and individualistic compared to other Eldar, more independently minded and adventurous by far than their cousins. ‘They can survive in this fashion because they are distant from the Eye of Terror, the hole in the fabric of space which still cts as a psychic focus for the destructive influence of Slaanesh. This alone is not enough to protect them, but itis a significant factor. More importantly, the Exodite societies are more rigorous and physical than chose of the Craftworlds. Where the Craftworlds cling to the past and preserve all they can of their fallen civilisation, the Exodites have tured their backs ‘upon ancient traditions in favour of a simpler and harder way of lif, Thoit minds are toughor and more ctraightforvard but ‘not so subile and ultimately less powerful than the Craftworld Eldar, However, they have survived, and of all the Eldar they ‘seem most likel¥ to continue to do so. ‘War and battle is not uncommon on the worlds ofthe Exodites. Ort raide are n constant threat and fnman settlers are no respecters of Eldar territory. Amongst the most persistent foes are the human settlers of the Knight Worlds which lie closely intermingled with the planets of the Exodites. The human Knight Lords are aggressive, warlike people whose determined independence maker i€ imposible for even the Imperium to control them. Like the Exodites they are descendants of anciont setters, raised amidst constant danger and proud of their autonomy. Their fierce war machines are a {coulane sight ou the Bxvive worlds, Bailes between giant ‘war machines and valiant Eldar dragon warriors are always hard-fought and destructive. But the Eldar are capable of aggression ta. They use the Webway to reach the Knight ‘Worlds where their raids are often so devastating that entire planets are subsequently abandoned. Eldar Scout Walkers Were first noticed on these raids, and not long after the first Sentinele appeared on himan Kaight worlds. ELDAR SCOUT WALKER ee ey HOLO FIELDS ‘The type of Holo-Field used by the Eldar Scout Walker is a smaller version of the ones mounted on Eldar Titans. the cffectsof this device are to make the Eldar Scout Walker extremely difficult to hit. [Holo field> turn the target inte rot of colour, spread over a ‘wide area, making the actual target very difficult to locate amongst the Holo-field. All shots fired at a model equipped ‘with a Holo-ficld suffer a 1 to hit modifier in addition to the ‘normal to hit modifiers for cover. arpet speed ete In hand-to-hand combat it is extremely difficult to locate an fapponent in Hole-finld amongst the shifting sale shan ‘Thue hand te hand opponente mut sll 2D6 and neors equal or Jess than their Leadership characteristic or suffer a -1 WS penalty. This test should be made before any attack dice are rolled atthe beginning of each hand to-hand combat phase. ELDAR SCOUT WALKER . ‘Your army may include Eldar Scout Walkers. Scout Walkers Ihave a single Evodive crewman and a choice of weaponry ar indicated om the deta vard, Soo for detail .95 POINTS er Eedite 5 3 3 3 3°14 1 8 WEAPONS: |The Scout Walker is acmed with a Scatter Laser with atargete(+ 1 to hit) (One Scout Walker in three may replace its Standard armament of a Scaterlases with a lascannon ato extra cost. ‘The Eldar Scout Walker is equipped with a Holo-field (see main rules or data card for detail) Prema ean cin is Pas For thie Eldar Seout Walker you will ood the followings Item Mail order No. 1x Dreadnonght Canopy onsan 1x Walker Exhausts onisai 1xToso omisaut 1x Scatter Laser or Lascannon —71610/1-2 1x Weapon Mount ons2i6 1xRight & Left Hoofed Leg 071524/13-14 hus all the usual tools, pains, glue and frst wid kit OPTIONS. SPECIAL: ELDAR SCOUT WALKER ASSEMBLY DRAWING Making the Eldar Scout Walker is suprisingly easy, lmost as ‘easy a5 making a standard War Walker (no the legs won't be any casicr to stick on). The conversion relies mostly on sticking the existing War Walker and Dreadnought ‘components together in a new and interesting way. requiring ‘ery Title in the way of ntting nr septing skill ‘To make the Eldar Scout Walker. Fist take the Torso section and cut carefully between the shoulder and hip unit, talking ‘care not to damage the detail se the front of the shouldor unit ‘This is best done with a small saw of some sort, and then (rimmed with a craft knife to leave a small raised disk. Now take a dill or pin vce, with abit of the same diameter as the ‘plug” on the weapon mount, and make a hole in the centre of the disk. Thisis the hole into which the weapon mount will go. ‘To asscunble die Scout Walker tke the Capopy, Exhausts and the modified Torso and fx them together as if making an Eldar Dreadnought, Allow the glue to fully harden, and thea attach the lege (there may newd tobe bent slightly t0 give the correct pose). Next fitthe weapon mount into the hole you have made, at this point you will ned to choose the direction you wart the ‘weapon to point in, and fix it accordingly. {All you have to do now is decide which weapon option you ‘want, fix the weapon in its mount. Then place the Scout Walker nn the appenprints sine base, pint i, and yo awe Eldar Scout Walker ready for the gaming table.

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