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Hello Everyone.

Good Afternoon.

I am Shatabdi Mondal Shila from group no 7

Our presentation topic is Car Parking System

This presentation will be discussed by me and my groupmate

Roza Siddiqua and Md Shihan.

Our Code is based on Stack and Queue.

Now we will see how the Car parking system works.

Now I will discuss about my part in this code.

I have done the beginning part of the code

Firstly we can see

1. Iostream – is a library for c++ which usually used for , input and output, clear screen , getch etc.

2. Conio.h – is used to store the data of iostream

3. Stdio.h – is library from C used for printf, scanf etc

4. Fstream – is used to call external files and read and write them

6. Driver name was inputted and stored as public class. Car number was also stored in public class so
that anyone can access that file and Same goes for number of hours.

7. If condition is used so that if there is less than 20 car parking user's car will be parked.

8. the nest function will take owners permission, if the user is the owner then it will goes under if
condition where user can see the total car parking charge .

If the user is not owner then it will show the individual car parking charge.

In short, there will be different charge for the owner and normal users.

9. Void output function is for

Driver name

Car number

Hours of car parked

Now I would like to call my fellow groupmate Roza Siddiqu to explain about her part.

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