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1.How many studies did the researchers look at?The researches

looked at 14 studies.

2.What is manuka honey good for?Manulña honey helps heal

cuts,protect against stomach ulcers.

3.Is honey recommended for treating coughs and colds for children
under the age of 1? No,honey isn't safe for children under the age of
Exercise 4


1.What are your thoughts on the findings of this study? Now , i

preffer don´t take more antibiotics.honey is a better option

2.Do you like honey? If so, what do you usually eat it with? If not,
why not? Yes i like honey a lot,i always eat it with pancakes and

3.Do you usually take medicine when you feel sick? Why? Why
not?When ii have a cold or fever.First try to drink hot drinks and
wear cosy clothes , but if it doesn´t work i go to the doctor and i take
some medicine.

4.When was the last time you had a cold? How long did it take you
to recover?One week ago i had fever, but suddenly it go away.
5.What do you find makes you feel better when you have a cold? I
sleep a lot, because when i´m sick a feel so tired, also a eat healthy
food and drink a lot of water.
Exercise 5

Further Discussion

1.Do you often get sick?. I always get sick if the weather is cold or if
i´m so stressed

2.Do you usually take time off work when you're ill? Why? Why
not?No , because i like go to class , it makes me feel better of
humor , i just take time off if i´m really sick

3.Who's the best person to have taking care of you when you're
sick? Why? My mom, because she loves me so much, she always
help to others, she is a gentile person.

4.Where do you get most of your advice about health? Please

explain your answer. I dont have advices about health, when
someone is sick, i always said to them:“go to the docor”

5.Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. —

Hippocrates. What do you make of this statement? i think
Hipocrates wants explain that you don't have take medicine if you
have a healthy diet, in this manner the food would be your
medicine,I´m agree but just in some cases because some illnesses
are caused for other factors.

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