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6 Micro Activities You Should Do for Your Body Every Day | by Jordan Gross | Mind Cafe | Jan, 2022

| Medium 18/01/22, 3:07 PM

6 Micro Activities You Should Do for

Your Body Every Day
Like stocks, the effects compound for long-term
Jordan Gross

Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

I’ve always been very ritualistic. For example, before every soccer game
from ages 6 to 16, I’d line up my shirt, shorts, socks, shin guards, and
ankle guards, in that order, and proceed to put them on one by one as I
slid down my bed. Without fail, I did this game after game after game.

This ritualistic mentality created the foundation for the role routines play in
my life now. I have a morning routine, evening routine, midday routine, and
each one provides me with certain long-term benefits I receive from being
consistent with such positive processes. By sticking to these daily tasks,
like stocks, the effects compound for long-term growth.

The following recommendations are micro activities you should do for

your body every day.

What’s a Micro Activity?

I consider this question about the word “micro” whenever it appears in a
piece. Is it a great word? Yes. Is it a personal development buzzword like
“atomic” or “mini” or “transform?” Absolutely. But what does it really

Quite literally, it means “extremely small.” But for the purpose of this
article, a micro activity will refer to something which takes up no more Page 1 of 4
6 Micro Activities You Should Do for Your Body Every Day | by Jordan Gross | Mind Cafe | Jan, 2022 | Medium 18/01/22, 3:07 PM

than 5 minutes of your time. These short and sweet, “extremely small”
activities will behoove your body, and are sure to have positive effects in
the long run.

1. Self-Massage
Self-massaging should become a part of your daily musts. It should be as
urgent as brushing your teeth or taking a shower. As we get older, our
muscles tighten, and the less we use them and take care of them, the
tighter we’ll be. But if we self-massage, these muscles will feel cared for
and appreciated.

According to the Mayo Clinic, massage can reduce stress and increase
relaxation. It improves circulation, energy, and alertness. By self-
massaging for 5 minutes per day, you give your body the boost it needs to
stay vibrant.

2. Rigorous Exercise
Challenge yourself. The benefits of intense exercise are unparalleled and
well-documented. And you know what else it does for your body? It makes
it realize it can do so much more. You’re capable of doing so much more
than you can ever imagine.

In less than 5 minutes, the goal is to break a sweat. This can be from
running, lifting weights, or doing HIIT. It doesn’t matter, so long as you
bring intensity and everything you have to that workout.

3. Stretch
According to Harvard Health, “Stretching keeps the muscles flexible,
strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of
motion in the joints.” It should come as no surprise that stretching is
important, but it may surprise you that we should stretch even if we’re not Page 2 of 4
6 Micro Activities You Should Do for Your Body Every Day | by Jordan Gross | Mind Cafe | Jan, 2022 | Medium 18/01/22, 3:07 PM

about to do some sort of physical activity. Regular stretching helps with

our posture at work, our walk around the block, moving furniture, or
playing with kids. Without it, these activities become all the more

Try it out for a few minutes per day. You don’t need to hit every single
muscle each day, but rather, make sure to hit the lower, middle, and upper
extremities. Bit by bit, you will see a change in how you feel, leading to a
looser, more nimble self.

4. Floss
Of course, flossing is good for your oral hygiene. It fights plaque, helps
prevent gum disease, and it reduces the risk of cavities. But according to
The American Heart Association, flossing has additional benefits.

A large 2019 study concluded that participants who adhered to a high

standard of oral hygiene had a decreased risk of atrial fibrillation and heart
failure. Additionally, flossing helps reduce bad breath, which in turn can
enhance social confidence and relationship building.

5. Let Loose
Every single day, you should experience 5 minutes of uninterrupted,
uninhibited random movement. Whether this be dancing, galloping,
skipping, shaking it out, or otherwise, your body should do whatever it
feels like doing without judgment.

Jumping or dancing around can be incredibly stress-relieving. The playful

nature helps bring out the inner child and promotes creativity and joy.
Giving your body the freedom to let loose is fundamental to your overall
health and wellbeing.

6. Be Still Page 3 of 4
6 Micro Activities You Should Do for Your Body Every Day | by Jordan Gross | Mind Cafe | Jan, 2022 | Medium 18/01/22, 3:07 PM

Every activity mentioned thus far involves some sort of movement. Your
body loves movement. But every action has an equal and opposite
reaction, and the opposite of movement is stillness. We must find a few
moments of deliberate stillness throughout our day.

Stillness reduces the response of the parasympathetic nervous system,

the one responsible for fight or flight in our most stressful situations. By
dedicating ourselves to more stillness, we can find ourselves more at
peace and less stressed even by the most extraordinary circumstances.

Extremely Small Activities with Extremely

Large Benefits
These activities should become rituals you practice each and every day.
Your body will thank you for the energy, joy, and peace you are providing
it. Remember to:

Be still;
Let loose;
Exercise rigorously;

The body, the brain, and the soul are all inter-connected. If you’d like some
more micro activities for the brain or the soul, visit here or here.

For more mental health and storytelling, download my free ebook. Page 4 of 4

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