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分かりやすいように簡潔に書かれています。JLPT N5 の合格に必要な文法を網羅していますが、
毎日学習できるよう 2 ページの短いセクションに分かれており、1 ページが文法、もう 1 ペー
iPhone 用の無料日本語学習アプリ「Coban」も本書と併用していただくとより効率よく学習で

This book is designed to help students who already know hiragana and katakana to learn
essential Japanese grammar quickly. The explanations are simplified to make self-learning
The book covers the grammar needed to pass the JLPT N5 but combining it with other
materials or books will help you feel more comfortable speaking Japanese.
By the end of this book, you should have almost mastered the grammar used in many basic
The book is divided into short two-page sections, with one page for grammar and another for
exercises. If you study a new concept every one or two days you should be able to finish the
book in a couple of months.
You can also use the free Japanese learning app 'Coban' for iPhone to supplement your studies.

Japanese Grammar : Coban

for learning Japanese


This is an app for studying a combination of basic grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and kanji using
different exercises and tools.
Audio files are available for all materials (exercises, words, etc.) so you can learn the correct pronunciation.
You will also become familiar with the more than 800 words needed to pass the JLPT N5.
The grammar tips cover basic and also more advanced concepts.
Your efforts are recorded on your profile page to motivate you to learn ever more Japanese.

Lesson Lesson

1 ..........................6 2 ..........................8
Particle は and です : to be でした : It was 〜
ではありません : It’s not 〜 ではありませんでした : It was not 〜
Particle か

Lesson Lesson

3 ....................... 10 4 ....................... 12
これ , それ , あれ and どれ なに : what?
この , その , あの and どの Particle が

Lesson Lesson

5 ....................... 14 6 ....................... 16
Particle の Personal pronouns
Suffixes さん , ちゃん and くん

Lesson Lesson

7 ....................... 18 8 ....................... 20
こちら , そちら , あちら and どちら なんじですか : What time is it ?
Particle も Particle ね and particle よ

Lesson Lesson

9 ....................... 22 10 .................... 24
い -adjectives Determinative form of い -adjectives
い -adjectives : いい and よい
な -adjectives

Lesson Lesson

11 .................... 26 12 .................... 28
Determinative form of な -adjectives な -adjectives : すき and きらい
Very : とても , Not very, not much : あまり な -adjectives : じょうず and へた

Lesson Lesson

13 .................... 30 14 .................... 32
Verb groups 1 and 5 Irregular verbs
Particle を
Lesson Lesson

15 .................... 34 16 .................... 36
Particle に Particle で
Particle へ Particle から
Particle まで

Lesson Lesson

17 .................... 38 18 .................... 40
ましょう and ましょうか わかる , みえる and きこえる
Frequency adverbs Particle が
Particle と

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19 .................... 42 20 .................... 44
あります and います Counter suffixes

Lesson Lesson

21 .................... 46 22 .................... 48
Indefinite pronouns て form
Negative indefinite pronouns

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23 .................... 50 24 .................... 52
〜ています 〜てください : Imperative form

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25 .................... 54 26 .................... 56
〜てはいけません ほしい and たい
て forms of adjectives and nouns

Lesson Lesson

27 .................... 58 28 .................... 60
〜てから Particle から
〜は〜が〜です ながら
Particle や
Lesson Lesson

29 .................... 62 30 .................... 64
た form 〜たことがある

Lesson Lesson

31 .................... 66 32 .................... 68
ない form 〜ないでください

Lesson Lesson

33 .................... 70 34 .................... 72
〜なくてもいいです Forma なかった
あげる、くれる and もらう Short form

Lesson Lesson

35 .................... 74 36 .................... 76
とおもいます つもりです
といいます く / になる

Lesson Lesson

37 .................... 78 38 .................... 80
Verb + にいきます より
〜たほうがいいです 〜のほうが

Lesson Lesson

39 .................... 82 40 .................... 84
でしょう and だろう 〜たり〜たりする
〜こと とき : When

Lesson Lesson

41 .................... 86 42 .................... 88
ことができる Relative subordinate clause
A は〜が , B は〜
〜に X かい

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