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IFHE IBS Hyderabad IBS Hyderabad (CEDUDEOEIIEEEEE? Advertising and Sales Promotion (ASP) Semester VI Course Faculty: Dr. Anish Yousaf (-E009) Group Project: TEST 3 Registration Number Student Name 18FMUCHH010162 ASHISH KUMAR PORWAL 18FMUCHHO010739 GN JAYANTH KUMAR 18FMUCHH010223 YASH MAHENDRA YELLEWAR 18FMUCHH010242 CHENNURU UDITI REDDY 18F MUCHH010658 PRANITHA GARLAPATI 18F MUCHH010369 NALLA LOKESHWAR REDDY Learning Outcomes from this Group Project Task: (Please write your major learning from this NCP) “Project outcomes are mentioned in Page number 10” ‘Declaration: We declare that this assignment is our work and we have not copied it from any other student's work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. Evaluator’s comments (For Instructor’s use only) General Observations ‘Suggestions for Improvement For Course Instructor's use only: Marks Obtained: Max, Marks CLIENT ITRODUCTION PepsiCo, Inc. is American worldwide food, bite, and refreshment enterprise settled in Harrison, New York, in the village of Purchase. PepsiCo has interests in the assembling, advertising, and dissemination of grain-based nibble food varieties, refreshments, and different items. PepsiCo was framed in 1965 with the consolidation of the Pepsi-Cola Company and Frito- Lay, Inc, PepsiCo has since extended from its namesake item Pepsi to a more extensive scope of food and refreshment marks, the biggest of which remembered an obtaining of Tropicana Products for 1998 and the Quaker Oats Company in 2001, which added the Gatorade brand to its portfolio, As of January 26, 2012, 22 of PepsiCo's brands created retail deals of more than SI billion, and the organization's items were conveyed across in excess of 200 nations, bringing about yearly net incomes of $43.3 billion. In light of net income, PepsiCo is the second-biggest food and refreshment business on the planet, behind Nestlé. Truly the primary rivalry of Pepsi's drink brands was Coca-Cola. Inside North America, PepsiCo is the biggest food and refreshment business by net income, Ramon Laguarta has been the CEO of PepsiCo since 2018. The organization's drink dissemination and packaging are led by PepsiCo just as by authorized bottlers in specific districts. Pepsi has been more than once scrutinized by an earthy person for its relationship to adverse natural effects of horticulture in its stockpile chains, for example, palm oil-related deforestation and pesticide use, its utilization of water assets, and the contrary effects of its bundling - Pepsi's bundling have reliably been one of the top wellsprings of plastic contamination internationally. Essentially, general wellbeing advocates have censured Pepsi's faty, helpless sustenance product offerings. Accordingly, Pepsi has unveiled responsibilities to change large numbers of these practices. ‘o, Inc, brands in India: + Slice © Lays ‘* Pepsi is a carbonated soda pop managed by PepsiCo. Initially made and created in 1893 by Caleb Bradham and presented as Brad's Drink, it was renamed as Pepsi-Cola in 1898, and afterward abbreviated to Pepsi in 1961 «Typ © Doritos © Cheetos © Gatorade © Kurkure © Lipton © Mirinda © Mountain Dew © Quaker © Uncle Chips © Aquafina © Diet Pepsi © Tropicana © Sting INTRODUCTION OF AD PRODUCT: Pepsi is a carbonated soda pop managed by PepsiCo. Initially made and created in 1893 by Caleb Bradham and presented as Brad's Drink, it was named as Pepsi-Cola in 1898, and afterward named to Pepsi in 1961 BRIEF HISTORY: Pepsi was first presented as "Brad's Drink” in New Bem, North Carolina, United States, in 1893 by Caleb Bradham, who made it at his pharmacy where the beverage was sold. It was renamed Pepsi-Cola in 1898, "Pepsi" since it was promoted to mitigate dyspepsia (today more ordinarily known as heartburn ot an agitated stomach) and "Cola" alluding to the cola flavor, Some have additionally recommended that "Pepsi" may have been a reference to the beverage supporting assimilation like the stomach related protein pepsin, however pepsin itself was never utilized as a fixing to Pepsi-Cola. ‘The first formula likewise included sugar and vanilla, Bradham tried to make a wellspring drink that was engaging and would help in absorption and lift energy. The first adapted Pepsi-Cola word mark utilized from 1898 until 1905. In 1903, Bradham moved the packaging of Pepsi-Cola from his pharmacy to a leased stockroom. That year, Bradham sold 7,968 gallons of syrup. The following year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce jugs, and deals expanded to 19,848 gallons. In 1909, car race pioneer Barney Oldfield was the main big name to support Pepsi-Cola, portraying it as "A harasser drink...refreshing, empowering, a fine bracer before a race " The publicizing subject "Delightful and Healthful” was then utilized throughout the following two decades. A 1919 paper promotion for Pepsi-Cola In 1923, the Pepsi-Cola Company entered chapter 11—in huge part because of monetary misfortunes caused by hypothesizing on the uncontrollably fluctuating sugar costs because of World War I, Resources were sold and Roy C. Megargel purchased the Pepsi trademark. Megargel was fruitless in endeavors to discover financing to restore the brand and soon Pepsi's resources were bought by Charles Guth, the leader of Loft, Inc. Space was a sweets producer with retail locations that contained soft drink wellsprings. He looked to supplant Coca-Cola at his stores’ wellsprings after the Coca-Cola Company would not give him extra limits on syrup. Guth at that point had Loft’s scientists reformulate the Pepsi Cola syrup formula. On three events somewhere in the range of 1922 and 1933, the Coca-Cola Company was offered the chance to buy the Pepsi-Cola organization, and it declined on each occasion. MARKET SHARE OF PEPSI IN INDIA PEPSI MARKET SHARE 8 n : a il i i 25 2013 2018 2015, 2016 2017 2018 mers AD AGENGY ‘Wunderman Thompson is a New York-based global marketing communications agency with 200 offices in 90 markets. It is part of international advertising group WPP Group (NYSE: WPP). Wunderman Thompson was formed in 2018, when parent WPP merged agencies J Walter Thompson and Wunderman. HISTORY OF WUNDERMAN THOMPSON J. Walter Thompson J. Walter Thompson was founded in 1864 by James Walter Thompson and traces its origins to the Carlton & Smith agency, one of the first known advertising agencies in the United States J. Walter Thompson was acquired by WPP in 1987 Wunderman In 1958, direct marketer Lester Wunderman, alongside his brother Irving Wunderman, and colleagues Ed Ricotta and Harry Kline, opened Wunderman, Ricotta & Klein Founder Lester Wunderman is widely considered to be the creator of modern-day Direct Marketing—a term he first used in 1961 In 2000, the firm became part of WPP's $5.7B acquisition of parent Young and Rubicam, Post-merger (2019 - present) In 2018, WPP merged Wunderman with J. Walter Thompson Co., and in the first quarter of 2019, unveiled its new identity as Wunderman Thompson, Wunderman CEO Mel Edwards was named Global CEO of the new entity. In March 2019, WPP merged its agencies POSSIBLE and Cole & Weber with Wunderman Thompson. In December 2020, the agency launched a global brand study called "Inspiring Growth", which ranked the most inspiring brands in the world MESSAGE FACTORS FOR AD So as the advertisement says that Mr.CAN was likely to test the honesty of people and then draw a conclusion he wanted to test the 3 men by blindfolding them falsely and then asking them to build the pyramid then out of the 3,2 had built it but the 2nd one just sat in his place observing either of the but not participating to the final when he asked him the reason he could determine the fact that who can take up his business after him MESSAGE STRUCTURE FOR AD One of the considerations in a message for ads is its structure, This refers to the body of the message. The ad agency has to assess whether the message will have a conclusion drawn for the target customer group. Will it be one sided and tells the clients part of the story or a two- sided, one to compare with competition ADVERTISEMENT APPEAL Advertising appeals refers to the approach used to attract the attention of customers or to influence their feelings towards a brand, product or service. It is the central idea of an advertisement and speak to an individual's need, wants or interest and entice her to take the desired action which generally is “Buy me”. ‘TYPES OF ADVERTISEMENT APPEAL 1, Emotional appeals - Emotional appeals relate to the consumers social or physiological needs for purchasing a product or a service. Many consumers” purchase decisions are emotional and are made on what they feel about a particular brand more than its features. They are designed to make an audience associate positive feelings with your brand. These appeals generally focus on trust, joy, love, loyalty and happiness, which you can leverage through the use of powerful music and imagery. Examples ~ Jewellery ads, Ariel share the load ads 2. Sexual Appeals - Sex appeals relate to a person’s natural desire to experience romance and appeal to others romantically. The goal of this appeal is to make people feel like they will be more attractive, more desirable, and more likely to get the person of their dreams if they use a certain product or take certain actions,Sex appeals capture attention, but seldom promote product consumption, Although history has shown that sex does indeed sell or at least gets attention Examples — Fragrance product ads, condom ads 3, Humor Appeals - Who doesn’t like something that’s funny? Humor appeals make consumers laugh and create an emotional link with the product. It is a proven appeal type for grabbing, attention, When consumers find something humorous, it has value because is causes them to watch, laugh and, most importantly, remember. By capturing the viewer's attention, humor appeals cut through advertising clutter and allow for enhanced recall and improved moods of the viewers. The challenge with humor however is to keep the brand in the humor — so your market associates the humor with your brand, Often it’s the humor that is remembered more than the product. Examples ~ Mentos ads, Center shock ads, Fevicol ads. 4. Musical Appeals - Like humor, music is a great way for brands to get noticed and make an audience remember their products. In addition, musical appeals can bring up positive memories whenever someone hears a catchy tune in an ad, which goes a long way toward making them feel good about the product being presented. The use of musical appeals allows for a connection between the product or service and a catchy jingle or piece of music. Examples ~ Airtel jingle ad, Lifebuoy “Lifebuoy hai janah tandaroosti hai wahan”, Washing powder Nirma. 5. Rational appeals - Rational appeals use logic, facts, and data to convince consumers to buy products, and are often found in advertisements for medications, cookware, and cleaning products. They focus on the consumers practical, functional need and utility for the product or service. It emphasizes on either product features or its functional benefits or its problem removal or problem avoidance attribute, Examples — mobile phone ads showing features, detergent ad showing superior stain removal property. 6. Fear Appeals - Fear appeals focus on the negative outcomes that can happen because of an action or inaction. Another fear tactic involves isolation. People will purchase a product to avoid isolation from others because of bad hygiene for example in the case of toothpastes and Deodorants, Fear appeals fit particularly well with certain types of goods and services, particularly those products that can eliminate threats or provide a sense of personal security. For example, fear is often used in insurance company ads, focusing on the consequences of an untimely death, Examples — anti tobacco ads, toothpaste ads focusing on germ fighting property. 7. Scarcity appeals - Scarcity appeals tap into people’s fear of missing out, so they're a great way to convince people to take advantage of a sale or a limited-edition product. However, make sure that scarcity actually applies to what you're selling and sale is indeed a sale and is not a permanent offer. Examples — Toothbrush Free with Toothpaste ads, ads giving gifts or lucky coupons. 8, Bandwagon appeals — Bandwagon appeals, also known as FOMO appeals (Fear of missing, out appeals), make consumers believe that they are missing out by addressing the consumer's need to belong. This type of message says buy this product because everyone does. Examples — ads showing “India’s no. 1 or most preferred brand”, “Desh ke 80% logon ne ise chuna”. 9. Favourable Price appeals ~ Favourable price appeals make price as the dominant point of the message. It can be used to announce a lower price product, low prices every day. Examples — 5 Rs. Chhota coke, Vodafone’s 10 ka chhota recharge, Mc Donalds “I'm Loving it” ads, 10. Competitive advantage appeals ~ Competitive advantage appeals make either a direct or indirect comparison to another brand and usually claim superiority on one or more attributes. This is also known as comparative advertising. Examples ~ Detergent ads showing a particular product cleaning a cloth better than competition product, health drink ads showing more or higher nutrients than the competition product. ADVERTISEMENT APPEAL USED IN THIS PARTICULAR AD In this particular Ad Wunderman Thompson South Asia, Mumbai have used more than one message appeals which are: : THELESSON a= |e ‘Humor Appeal: when the ad started, the guy talking in the phone is using somewhat funny accent of speaking then as ad continues AD says that “This is Mr. Nikolai babu also known as Mr. can and there are two reason for that 1. There is nothing Mr. can cannot do” then they said that “This is the right hand not because his left hand is temporary out of service but because he is the right hand of Mr. can” people have found the things funny in the ad then ‘+ Emotional appeal: Then as the ad move forward, it is seen that there were 3 contestants competing for a single job and their tase is stack the mini cans of pepsi blind folded and as the contest came to end there were two guys who have done exceptionally good in stacking mini cans of pepsi and 1 guy didn’t even try to accomplish his task and when he was asked why he did not complete the task he said “Because I could see from my blind fold MR. CAN” and because he showed his honesty he got selected for the job, In this part of ad they have used emotional appeal SOURCE FACTORS: Characteristics of the source of a persuasive message that are likely to influence the effectiveness of the message Source factors include: ask Source attractiveness: among source factors, a characteristic denoting the extent to which the source ofa persuasive message is seen as physically attractive. In the ad Mr. Can’s aggressive behavior towards his painting collection and the assistant Mr. Right hand of Mr. Can were the main characters. Source credibility: among source factors, a characteristic denoting the extent to which the source of a persuasive message is seen as likely to provide accurate information, which is determined by source expertise and source trustworthiness, In the ad Mr. can wanted people around him to be honest Source expertise: among source factors, a characteristic denoting the extent to which the source of a persuasive message is seen as knowledgeable about the topic of the message. See also source credibility. Conversation between Mr. can and Mr, Right hand about who is the successor of Mr. Can’s business is determined by the honesty and trustworthiness of the heir where he decides to conduct an honesty test source majority or minority status: among source factors, a characteristic indicating (a) that the source ofa message holds a position that is shared by a numerical majority or minority of the population or (b) that the source of a message is a member of a social ‘group that is a numerical majority or minority Mr. can conduct a honesty test by providing the miniPepsi cans to the participators and them to build a pyramid by blindfolding them. Source trustworthiness: among source factors, a characteristic denoting the extent to which the source of a persuasive message is seen as honest. See also source credibility Out of the three participators the first and third participators built the pyramid in a blink of eye where the second participator just sits in his place observing either of them when questioned by Mr. can the second participator honestly replied that everything was seen through a blind fold and says that participating in the game would be cheating cause the blind fold was falsely rapped where Mr. can gets attracted and compliments that smaller things can doa great job, where he finds his successor which shocks Mr. Right hand Question. Does it make sense to use the celebrities for this product ad? Answer. It does make sense to use celebrities to advertise Pepsi because the competing product in the Indian market are identical and using celebrities to endorse the particular product could be the key to identify this particular product with other identical product regardless there was no need to use celebrity in this particular ad because this ad was more focused on giving a ethical lesson than endorsing their own product an simultaneously they were using emotional appeal to make people buy their product. Project Outcomes (Learning from the project): ‘* There are many parties involved in advertising a single product for example in this particular ad Client (PepsiCo.), ad agency (Wunderman Thompson) advertisers (TV. Channel) ‘+ It is always not necessary to use a celebrity to advertise a product, ‘+ Sometimes when the product is identical to its competition, it’s not necessary to talk about your product benefits and unique selling point ‘© Using little sarcasm in ads can help potential consumer to entertain aware the at same time more effectively Link of advertisement:

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