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Overall number of attainable points : 100 points

For each question you can get either 10 points or 0 points. There is no partial

1. Calculate the average score of questions Q1 to Q15 as a new variable

"Rating" in column U. Please round off your answers to one decimal.

2. Construct a graph showing the proportion of the customers' flight frequency.

3. Please order the customers' gender first alphabetically and second in the
ascending order of the three airlines.

4. Construct a pivot table in a new worksheet named “Pivot1”, showing the

average Flight Price of the KLM customers with Business seats.

5. Construct a pivot table in a new worksheet named “Pivot2”, showing the

maximum price for females and men per airline.

6. How many customers take KLM very often? Put your formula in cell X1.

7. Please calculate the difference of the customers' "Rating" between the

economy and the business seats. Round your answer to two decimals.

8. Highlight the background in light pink of all ratings equal to 5.

9. Decide in Column V if customers have taken ‘Business seats” and also take
flight “Very often. If true, give them a bonus. Otherwise, no bonus.

10. Decide in Column W on customers' flight price (>=1500 is High price, <800
Low price, the rest as Medium price).

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