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IADC/SPE 23930

Drilling Safely at Well Design Limits: A Critical Well Design

Case History
Robert Quitzau* and J.B. Muchtar, Mobil Oil Indonesia
*SPE Member

Copyright 1992. IADCISPE Drilling Conference.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1992 IADCISPE Drilling Conference held in New Orleans. LouiSiana. February 18-21. 1992.

This paper was selected for presentation by an IADCISPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the
paper. as presented. have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers or the International Association of Drilling Contractors and are subject to correction by the author(s).
The material. as presented. does not necessarily reflect any position of the IADC or SPE. their officers. or members. Papers presented at IADCISPE meetings are subject to publication
review by Editorial Committees of the IADC and SPE. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should
contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian. SPE. P.O. Box 833836. Richardson. TX 75083-3836 U.S.A. Telex. 730989 SPEDAL.

ABSTRACT Design parameters of kick tolerance and killable

productivity or killable kh (gas zone thickness x
Risks of blowouts while drilling deep, high pressured wells permeability) were monitored continuously by the drilling
can be managed through strenuous well planning and team. Well control contingency plans were developed based on
operational contingencies. A new risk management parameter. these parameters with the aid of Mobil Oil developed software.
killable kh. along with conventional drilling parameters were The CD-1 was drilled to 16000 ft true vertical depth with
used on the Madura CD-1 well to select casing points. develop 17.3 Ibm/gal mud. Six strings of casing were run. the last a 7
operational contingencies and safely drill to high pressured in. liner. A 5-5/8 in. hole was drilled from 14465 to 16000
objectives offshore Indonesia. ft, and designs put in place to drill deeper if needed.

The benefits of discovering significant hydrocarbon reserves
warrant sound well control risk management to ensure targets Well Objectives
can be reached and evaluated in deep. high pressured As shown in Figure 1. the Madura CD-1 well was located
exploration wells. Extreme conditions often require operations offshore near the eastern end of the Island of Java in 210ft
outside recognized design limitations. Strenuous well planning, water depth. The well objectives are summarized in Table 1.
in conjunction with operational contingencies. can be employed The primary objective for the Madura CD-1 was a carbonate
to stretch safety factors beyond conventional limits, while structure at 12500 ft. A secondary carbonate or clastic
providing mechanisms to limit risk. Risk taki~g in hole objective was forecast from 16000 ft to as deep as 17500 ft.
sections with low well control incident probability allows The potential existed for the shallow objective formation to
deeper casing points so that less risk is taken in hole sections have very high productivity. An offset well contained a zone
with higher incident probability. with permeability x thickness product of 200.000 md-ft.
These philosophies and practices were employed to reach Permeabilities as high as 400 md were possible.
geological objectives on the Madura CO-1 well located offshore
Indonesia near the eastern end of the Island of Java. Factors Pore Pressure and Fracture Pressure Profiles
contributing to risk included abnormal pressure starting at Pore pressures were estimated from seismic interval
3500 ft. potentially prolific reservoir productivity coupled velocities. Abnormal gradients. shown in Figure 2, started at
with low formation strength in the shallower primary 3500 ft and increased steadily to 12500 ft. A Mobil Oil
objective and pressures greater than 14000 psi in the deeper software package 1 for evaluating seismic data indicated
horizons. pressure gradients up to 16.00 Ibm/gal above the primary
Seismic data was analyzed rigorously to estimate shallow objective. A gradient reversal was expected in the primary
pore pressures where casing point selection ~ritically im~acts objective while gradients below this objective were expected
subsequent casing setting depths. Casing pOints were picked
to increase again. Fracture gradients were estimated using
based on ability to safely control an underground blowout
Mobil Oil software and formation stress data taken from offset
rather than just on kick tolerance. Casing above a potentially
casing shoe leak off tests.
prolific reservoir was set to contain an infinite influx with
minimal risk of an underground blowout.

References and illustrations at end of paper



The kill able kh criterian classifies an underground blowout
Multiple objectives and variant pressure conditions for the which may occur at a given depth by defining the formation
CD-1 required planning numerous casing strings to manage permeability x thickness product for which rig pump
blowout risk. Casing setting criteria were based on ability to equipment can enable well control to be regained. Expected
avoid kicks and to safely handle those that occur. Conventional formation properties can be compared to the killable kh
risk criteria were kick tolerance, maximum possible surface parameter to help assess risks.
pressure and hole conditions. Another criteria developed by The premises for the killable kh criterian is that an
Mobil Oil, killable kh, provided a measure of the maximum underground gas blowout has occurred. Mud is then pumped
formation productivity which can be killed with the rig pumps through the bit to mix with flowing gas. The mud-gas mixture
if an underground blowout should occur. Infinite killable kh, density increases to a stabilization point which is adequate to
or 100% control capability, was desired when drilling into cause cessation of gas flow.
high risk zones. The risks indicated by these parameters were A calculation was developed by Mobil Oil 2 to determine
weighed against probability and benefits of reaching geological formation flow capacity (in md-ft) which can be killed with
objectives. rig equipment. The approach determines the combination of
reservoir inflow peformance and annular volumetric mud-gas
Kick Tolerance mixing that will result in enough annular hydrostatic to kill
Kick tolerance is a measure of ability to avoid an the well. The decision parameter, killable kh, can be
underground blowout. It is the amount of hydrostatic calculated with equation (4a) for given kill mud density, kill
underbalance (expressed in Ibm/gal gradient) which will mud pump rate, open hole length, bottom hole pressure and
cause the shoe to break down when a kick of given volume is formation fracture pressure. This approach neglects the
first taken. benefits of flowing friction pressure in the annulus.

KTOL=[Ds(LOT-MW)/Dkl-[H(MW-2 .0)/Dkl .................. (1) killable kh =

842 .3Q/[0. 052 L(MW k -2.0)( 1 -f erl 2 J................ (4a)

A commonly recommended kick tolerance limit is 0.5 where: fer = critical annular gas fraction
Ibm/gal for a 20 bbl kick. As illustrated in Figure 3, this
= [ (MWk - MWavg ) 1 (MWk - 2.0) J05 .. (4b)
criteria would require setting 6 strings of casing to reach a
depth of 8900 It on the CD-1. Design of the well with these
criteria would be cost prohibitive and would greatly reduce MWavg = (Ps - Ppropagation) 1 (0.052 L) ........... (4c)
chances of reaching the deep objective due to bore hole size
constraints. When first drilling out from a casing shoe, killable kh is
normally very high. If formation pressures at the bit less
Maximum Possible Surface Pressure hydrostatic gas column pressure are not high enough to
Maximum possible surface pressure (MPSP) is a measure of fracture the previous casing shoe, an underground blowout is
possible loads and risks at the surface during severe well not possible and the killable kh is infinite. This circumstance
control complications. MPSP values conservatively assume is referred to as 100% control capability.
casing is fully evacuated with gas. The consequences of a As drilling continues, a depth may be reached at which
surface blowout warrant close awareness of casing and bottom hole pressures are high enough to cause an underground
wellhead limits. blowout at the last casing shoe. This no-flow-depth is where
MPSP is the lesser of the following values: killable kh becomes finite and normally begins declining
rapidly from an infinite value as drilling depth increases.
MPSP = 0.052 Ds LOT- g Dk ................................ (2a) High risk intervals are those which may contain gas, have
high permeability and enough thickness to provide prolific
flow conditions. A philosophy of the CD-1 well plan was that
or MPSP = 0.052 Dk (PP) - g Dk ................................ (2b)
high risk intervals should be drilled only if 100% control
capability or infinite killable kh is maintained.
A risk measure can be expressed in terms of casing surface
As high risk zones are approached, extreme caution should be
burst safety factor.
used if killable kh is finite. It can be desirable to drill just
into the top of the high risk zone to ensure all the formations
SFbrst = Csg Rtg/MPSP ............................................... (3)
above the zone can be cased. As the high risk zone is approached
killable kh should be sufficiently high to allow a short section
When safety factors are less than 1.0, operational plans of the zone to be safely drilled based on expected
must be in place to ensure casing limit loads are not reached. permeabilities. Extra logging runs and velocity surveys can be
considered to verify risk parameters if a high risk zone is
Hole Conditions approached with a finite kill able kh.
Hole conditions can contribute strongly to casing point Use of the killable kh parameter is a quantitative approach
selection in the Madura area. Factors include formation which requires qualitative judgement at estimating formation
sloughing and packing off, differential drillpipe sticking permeability and gas content based on cuttings, offset data and
problems, lost returns and formation ballooning. hole conditions.

not considered a reliable high pressure containing string. The
consequences of bursting the 20 in. casing near the surface
~onve~tional standards were stretched by planning casing prompted observance of the more conservative standard 0.5
P?lnts with kick tolerances below 0.2 Ibm/gal for a 20 bbl Ibm/gal kick tolerance limit in setting 13 3/8 in. casing.
kick at depths shallower than 12500 ft as shown in Figure 4
Planned killable kh values ranged as low as 560 md-ft· Setting 13 3/ 8 in. at BOOB ft would allow drilling 12 1/4 in.
Surface burst safety factors were 0.56 and 0.95 for 20 in. and hole to the top of the primary objective with a killable kh of
13 3/ 8 in. casings respectively. 10200 md-ft based on the forecast objective pore pressure of
13.0 Ibm/gal. Since 100% control capability would be lost in
The key risk source identified for this design was the
the 12 1/4 in. hole section, it was desirable to avoid drilling a
pos~i.bility for an underground blowout from the potentially
prolific gas bearing objective at 12500 ft back to the last significant length of the objective. But given expected
casing shoe. By stretching the 20 in., 16 in. and 13 3/ 8 in. maximum permeability of 400 md, a safe margin for error
existed in approaching and touching the top of the objective.
casing setting depths, the 9 5/8 in. caSing could then be set as
close as possible to the shallow objective to minimize chances 9 5/B in. Casing Point
for an underground blowout at the 9 5/8 in. shoe. This would The chances of reaching the deeper objective would be
allo~ se~ting the 7 in. casing at the objective top. greatly improved by setting 9 5/ 8 in. casing just above the
R.ISks In the shallower depths were considered low due to the shallow objective top (where the 7 in. liner point was
unll~ely chance of encountering highly permeable, thick initially planned) as shown in Figure 6. This 9 5/8 in. casing
seclions ~f gas bearing formations. If an underground blowout
point would also allow drilling the shallow objective with
occured, It would ~robably be controllable with rig equipment.
100% control capability.
H.owever the .relatlvely deep setting· depths for these large
Plans were made to uncover as little of the objective
diameter casings resulted in maximum possible surface
limestone as operationally feasible as the objective top was
pressures (gas to surface) greater than the casing burst
approached with 12 1/4 in. hole. If too much limestone were
ratings (SFbrst < 1.0). Thus, plans were included in the
penetrated, a pressure regression could result in lost returns
drilling . program for avoiding high surface loads by
bull heading mud before reaching limit loads. followed by gas kicks. This could compromise the 100%
control capability design philosophy by allowing an
Setting 7 in. caSing on top of the shallow objective would
allow infinite killable kh while drilling the objective. It would underground blowout at the 13 3/ 8 in. shoe. These
also allow ~Iexibility in dealing with either a large pressure circumstances resulted in the delicate task of just touching the
regression In a thick gas column or a continued pressure objective top.
Increase In the absence of a gas filled section. If the regression At a depth of 11457 ft, tolerances had become very low and
were encountered mud weights could be reduced to avoid some tight hole conditions began to occur. A seismic check shot
problems. survey was run to confirm interval velocities. This data
Kick. tolerances would become very low in drilling long open indicated the objective was much shallower than anticipated.
hole Intervals through the 7 in. liner below the shallow Close proximity to the objective (within 300 ft) prompted the
objective. There was a probability the deeper objective could decision to continue drilling to the objective top.
~ot be reached. Thus a key part of the initial design was to take A mud weight of 16.4 Ibm/gal was required to control shale
risks In shallow intervals with low well control incident when the first limestone traces were detected at 11692 ft.
probability in hopes of pushing the 9 5/8 in. casing deeper to Kick tolerance, shown in Table 3 and Figure 6, had dropped
below 0.2 Ibm/gal. At this point, an underground blowout was
improve chances of reaching the secondary deeper objective.
possible, but killable kh was over 30,000 md-ft assuming the
pore pressure in the objective was 13.0 Ibm/gal.
The possibility of a high pressured objective was recognized.
If the limestone had a 16.0 Ibm/gal pore pressure, the
Actual pressures and circumstances for the CD-l are
killable kh would be only 596 md-ft. If high permeability and
d~picted in Figure 2. Decision parameters are shown in
gas were encountered along with high pressure, an unkillable
Figure 5. Seismic pore pressure evaluation proved valuable in
underground blowout would be possible after drilling less than
accurately predicting the beginning of abnormal pressure and
2 ft of 400 md formation. Because of this unacceptable risk,
subsequent rapid gradient increases. A check shot seismic
drilling was discontinued immediately when the first trace of
survey was also employed by the drilling team at 11457 It to
limestone was detected in the drill cuttings.
verify the proximity of the potentially prolific objective.
The checks hot survey had helped in reducing margin for
error in finding the objective top. Use of the killable kh
Shallow Casing Points parameter provided a way to quantitatively assess risks as the
The 20 in. and 16 in. caSing strings were set close to planned potentially prolific objective was approached.
depth. Pressures below the 16 in. shoe increased slower than
7 in. Liner Point
expected. This allowed pushing the 13 3/ 8 in. casing to BOOB ft
The 9 5/ 8 in. shoe tested to 1B.2 Ibm/gal which was higher
with a kick tolerance limit of 0.47 Ibm/gal and killable kh of
than expected. The main body of the objective limestone was
91B md-ft. Casing setting parameters are shown in Table 2.
found 150 ft below the 9 5/8 in. shoe leaving exposed shale.
MPSP on the 20 in. caSing rose to 4306 psi with
SFbrs: = 0.54. The higher mud weights, greater depth and long Drilling risk factors from the objective were found to be
low. The limestone rock was tight with core permeabilities
hol.e mterval below 16 in. increased chances of a well control
less than 0.1 md. The limestone was far thinner than expected.
InCident over the original plan. The exposed 20 in. casing was


Just below the objective, pore pressures resumed a steady Underground Flow Kill Capability
increase in long sections of shale and siltstone. At 14465 ft, Underground blowout kill capability is an essential
mud weight reached 17.1 Ibm/gal which was much higher than requirement. Key operational factors needed to maintain
forecast. Kick tolerance was 0.3 Ibm/gal and killable kh had readiness are the ability to pump at high rates and to have
fallen to 400 md-ft. Low tolerances were accepted since access to enough weighted mud to affect a kill.
information indicated low formation permeability. When well control tolerances get low, larger bit nozzles are
Hole problems including packing off and formation ballooning employed and drill string bottom hole assembly components
played a part in choosing the 7 in. casing point. The ballooning are minimized to allow higher circulation rates. Circulating
was characterized by slow loss of mud into the formation while pressures are monitored regularly for calculating killable kh
the pumps were circulating, followed by slow influx of mud values. Circulating friction pressure is estimated with the
back into the borehole when the pumps were shut down. Kick Scott method 3 by taking at least four slow pump rates at each
detection became less reliable as the ballooning phenomenon tour check. Circulation rate vs friction pressure (excluding
continued. bit pressure loss) are plotted on log-log paper and kill rates
Setting 7 in. pipe at this depth provided a high chance of at high pressures are estimated. The flow rate available for
reaching the deep objective. In the unlikely event another design pump pressures is used in the killable kh equation
pressure regression were encountered, a 4 1/2 in. liner could (4a).
be set and a slim hole drilling option employed to reach TD. The The sensitivity of mud volume to kill circumstances is
risks associated with slim hole drilling were preferrable to evaluated to determine potential barite usage. A Mobil Oil
the risks of hole problems or an underground blowout if developed computer spreadsheet is employed to design a kill
which could be completed within 6 open hole volumes of mud
drilling 8 1/2 in. hole continued.
pumped underground. Barite for this volume is maintained on
The 7 in. liner was set at 14465 It allowing a 5 5/ S in. hole the rig. Additional barite volume is stored within 7 hours of
to be safely drilled to 16000 ft where geological objectives the rig at a shore base to provide capacity for extended
were met. The prognosed depth of 17500 ft could have been bullheading operations.
reached with the existing casing program with adequate kick
tolerance and capability to kill productive intervals with
expected permeabilities. Bullheading ConSiderations
The criteria for bullheading are based on avoidance of high
OPERATIONAL PLANS casing loads near surface during the course of a conventional
circulation kill of a large gas kick. Kick volume limits are
Madura area practices for avoiding critical loads during well calculated with a Mobil Oil developed spreadsheet to establish
control have evolved to those described below. The use of criteria for bullheading upon first shut in of the well. It is
computers and Mobii Oil developed software have been important to decide the course of action at the first influx
essential in planning for varied scenarios and have been since critical pressures can be experienced long after a
employed to modify procedures during drilling as data is circulation kill has commenced.

Contingency Planning
Plans are developed and updated as needed for the following CONCLUSIONS
1. Many deep wells require managed risk taking to reach
1. Decision criteria for bullheading versus conventional overpressured objectives with economical deSigns.
circulation kills are established for kicks on bottom. Kill
designs and monitoring procedures for underground blowouts 2. Operational plans must be developed to minimize
are regularly updated for 3500 psi and 4500 psi pump consequences of problems when pushing practices to limits.
pressures. Rig site plans should address minimization of surface loads and
killability of underground flows during kicks.
2. Stripping and bullheading procedures are developed for
kicks off bottom. 3. The killable kh criteria can be used with kick tolerance to
assess underground blowout risks. The killable kh parameter
3. If severe lost returns are possible in reef zones, diesel oil is governed by the ability of rig pumping equipment to kill an
bentonite - cement squeeze procedures are formulated to underground blowout.
quickly handle lost returns followed by gas kicks.
4. Use of the killable kh criteria requires a reasonable real
Kick Avoidance/Kick Volume Minimization time assessment of formation permeabilities and proximity to
Accurate pore pressure prediction and rig site awareness are high risk zones. Drilling personnel can become more
important in avoiding severe kicks. Monitoring of the Dc proficient at permeability estimates through development of
exponent has proven effective for pore pressure estimation in offset permeability data bases and qualitative interpretation of
the long shale intervals of the Madura area. Personnel drill cuttings. Determination of proximity to high risk
awareness is raised at the rig site prespud meeting where a intervals can be enhanced through intermediate logging runs
detailed presention of well control contingencies is made by the and seismic check shot data.
Drilling Engineer. On site engineering support is provided for
the duration of the well. Attention to detail is strongly 5. Use of computers is essential to updating well control risk
emphasized by Mobil Oil Management. parameters in a timely, accurate manner.


Csg Rtg ~ API casing burst rating, psi
Dk ~ depth of kick, It
Ds ~ shoe depth or formation fracture depth, It
fer ~ critical annular gas fraction
g ~ gas gradient, psi/It
H ~ height of gas kick in annulus, ft
killable kh ~ killable productivity, md-It
KTOL ~ kick tolerance, Ibm/gal
L = vertical length between flowing zone and
formation fracture, It
LOT ~ fracture propagation pressure
gradient, IbTn/gal
MW ~ mud density at time of kick, Ibm/gal
MW avg ~ average annular fluid density required to keep
well from flowing, Ibm/gal
MW k = kill mud density, Ibm/gal
MPSP ~ maximum possible surface pressure, psi
PP ~ pore pressure, Ibm/gal
Q ~ mud pump rate, gal/min
Ps ~ static pore pressure of flowing zone, psi
P propagation = fracture propagation pressure at the shoe, psi
SF brst ~ surface burst safety factor


The authors wish to thank members of the MEPSI Drilling

Technology staff for the technical methadology and computer
software established for managing well control risks. The
work of M. W. Wessel, D. L. Garrett, B. A. Tarr and E. M.
Blount are particularly appreciated.


1. Rudiono, F. : "Computer Program to Determine Casing

Setting Depth from Seismic Interval Velocity,"
Proceedings 19th I PA Annual Convention (1990) Vol.
II p. 383-395.

2. "Killing an Underground Blowout," Mobil Oil course

text for Advanced Well Control school (August 1990).

3. Scott, K. F. : "A New Practical Approach to Rotary

Drilling Hydraulics," AIME of SPE (1973) 1519p.


bbl x 1.589 873 E-01 ~

ft x 3.048' E-01 ~
gal x 3.785 412 E-03 ~
gal/min x
in x 2.54
6.309 020 E-05 =
E-02 =
Ibm/gal x 1.198 264 E+02 ~
kg/m 3
psi x 6.894 757 E+OO ~

'Conversion factor is exact

SPE 2393 0

Table 1 Madura CD-1 Objective Description

Pressure Bottom Hole
Objective Depth Gradient Pressure
12500 - 15000 ft 13.0 Ibm/gal 8450 psi

16000 - 17500 ft 16.0 Ibm/gal 14500 psi

Formation content: gas with up to 1.0% H2S.

Table 2 13-3/8 in. Casing Point

Planned ~
13-3/8 in. Setting Depth 6512 ft 8008 ft
MPSP (20 in.) 4111 psi 4306 psi
SFbrst (20 in.) 0.56 0.54
Kick Tolerance 0.07 Ibm/gal 0.47 Ibm/gal
Fcst Killable kh @ obj top
(below 13-3/8 in. string)
(13.0 Ibm/gal objective) na 10200 md-ft
(16.0 Ibm/gal objective) na 307 md-ft

Table 3 9-5/8 in. Casing Point - Actual Parameters

9-5/8 in. Setting Depth 8894 ft 11692 ft
MPSP (13-3/8 in.) 5209 psi 6352 psi
SFbrst (13-3/8 in.) 0.95 0.78
Kick Tolerance 0.24 Ibm/gal 0.18 Ibm/gal
Actual killable kh @ obj top (13.0 Ibm/gal) 175000 md-ft 31600 md-ft
(16.0 Ibm/gal) 564 md-ft 596 md-ft


o MILES 30


FIGURE 1 • Madura COol location map.

Equivalent Gradient Lbm/Gal

8 10 12 14 16 18 20

' .....
Pore Press -- -~
-~rac Gradient


p~r:~21'\--', K.', Actual Shoe

10000 +_------~--------~------~~--~~~------~+_--r_--_i
1----.,-, \ I __~ Tests

~ 1 500 0 : ~:9f:0J~ ~:~<: ~ :·_-; :.;5. .;:_·~t·~_____r+- _-~- : - : ~_- ipr-'- >- - ; ~. :'It-~- '- _ i
20000 ~_Ac_,_ua_'_@_'~1~·8_6_5_'_t __-L_ _ _ _ ~ ____ ~~ __'_ _-L_ _ _ _-J

Fig. 2 Madura CD·1 Estimated vs Actual Pore and Fracture Pressures

Mud Weight-Ibm/gal Kick Tolerance -Ibm/gal

0.5 1 1.5



l _


lBOOO~-- ___ ~~ _________ ~ _____ ~_-J~ _____J-_ _ _ _..J

Fig. 3 Madura CD·1 Casing Points with Conservative Criteria

1a~:~9 Mud Weigh! . Ibmlgal
4110 '01 21416


10000 1r--t-------t-~--_t~----_t_,~~--------~----~--_t--~~~----~~--~~

7" 1m

15000 1r~i-------t-~~~-t-----t--~::::==~-c~~---t---t-:::::::=============t

Fig. 4 Madura CD-1 Planned Casing Setting Parameters

Kick Tolerance - Kmable kh md-ft


5000~--~~----~-C~~~~-+----+---~::~-----==;~-t----t-:;:=~--~------ ....,


Fig. 5 Madura CD-1 Decision Parameters for Actual Casing Points

MPSP .. 6352 PSI Mud Welghl - Ibm/gal Kick Tolerance· Ibm'gal KIUabie kh md-ft
SF .. 0.78
0.5 1.5 10000

, ,,
I I fcst
I S . 1/2 "

14000i-~~'~h~~~.----~--,_--~~--+_---------------- ~+_--~----------~--------~ __
I I 5~~~ •
., I hole

Fig. 6 Madura CD-1 Decision Parameters for Actual 9-5/8" Casing Point


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