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Education in the Philippines is offered through formal and non-formal

systems. Formal training lasts 14 years. 6 years of primary education, 4

years of secondary education and 4 years of higher education, leading to a
bachelor’s degree.  This is one of the shortest conditions of formal
education in the world.

At the end of each school year, students are promoted from one grade to
the next, provided they meet the performance standards set for that
particular grade.  Students are assessed four times in each subject during
the school year. 

Primary school

 Primärzyklus.  Four years class 1-4, ages 6-11

 Intermediate cycle classes 5 and 6, ages 11-13

There are a number of core subjects taught with varying degrees of

difficulty in all six grades of primary school.  These are:

 Language Arts (Pilipino, English and local dialect)

 Mathematik
 Gesund
 Science

Secondary education lasts 4 years

At secondary level, there are two types of schools: the general secondary,
which is about 90 percent of all high school students, and the vocational
secondary level. 

Higher education

Bachelor programs in the Philippines include at least four years. For
example, nurse, teacher Ingeniur etc.
Master Degrees
Master’s degrees in the Philippines usually include two years for full-time
students. To qualify for a master’s degree, students must complete a
bachelor’s degree in a related course.
PhD degrees
Doctoral degrees in the Philippines, also called as Doctor of Philosophy,
Admission to a country’s PhD program is very selective and one needs at
least a Master’s degree with a B average or better.
Non-university higher education (vocational training and technology)
In recent years, vocational and technical education has become very
popular in the Philippines.  Lasts 6 months or 2 years.
The program has many disciplines. For example, agriculture, fishing,
technical professions, technical training, hotel and restaurant
management, crafts, business administration, secretarial studies and
interior and fashion design. 

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