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The Word of God1 at the Feast of the Saint Hierarch Spyridon

I am the Lord, the Son of the Father God, I am Jesus Christ, I am the One born among
people on earth two thousand years ago in order to be their God on behalf of the Father Sabaoth
and to give back the man’s his life with God, which he lost by disobedience, by his insubordi-
nation under the spirit of his Maker, and here I am as word over the earth after two thousand
years from My birth from a virgin Mother, and behold, the feasts from that time and up to this
day over the nations have been bound to My coming into the world and to My whole work of
more than thirty three years among the people on earth in the midst of the people of Israel that
understood nothing; he did not know the time written in the Scriptures for him, the time of his
visitation by the coming of the Messiah, the Son of God, oh, and this people took Me out of the
inheritance, understanding through its rulers that I am the Heir coming from God, and these did
with Me all that it was written to do against God and against the Son of God at His coming on
earth, and since then and up to this day, I have remained and been the God of the Christians
from all over the earth, and even of the pagans with their faith and life, for the holy winter
feasts are connected to My coming as a Child on earth, and then of My whole work until
My ascension near My Father from where I descended to come and to live with the people and
to give God to those who received Me then and then up to this day, knowing Me by what I have
wonderfully worked and proved fully that I am true God of true God so that no one may ever
say that there is no God, that there is not the One Who made the heaven, the earth and the man,
and if many have a loose tongue to say otherwise, than they do it because of the human spirit
of pride, out of the spirit of the devil, God’s adversary even from the beginning; however, I am
and remain the true God, One God, the Shepherd of the Christians, of those who have received
the joy and the grace from above in order to become God’s sons by grace, by My work and
power for the man’s happiness, and now I am saying with My own mouth that I am the Word
of the Father God, that I am Who I am, and I am to the end of the time the God of those who
speak with Me through the Scriptures and by My living speaking of nowadays, when I come as
word over the earth and shepherd a tiny people that carries Me everywhere on earth by the
word, as I prepared My path to go and to proclaim My day of glory, My coming back after two
thousand years, prophesied on the day of My ascension by My two messengers in My work
over the earth, as it is written in the Scriptures about Me and about them.

And now I am speaking the word over the earth and saying: Peace to you, peace to
those who have had Me as God upon you for over two thousand years by the work of the
church, by the order worked by God through the saints on earth on the first time of the Christian
people and then all the life of My church since then and up to this day and which has not been
possible to fall out of My work in its midst, for I said to the Christians: «I am with you to the

Oh, peace to you, My country, My today’s country! I have remained without a country
on earth then when I came down, but you are prepared by the Father to be My house and to
welcome Me with My work since then and up to this day, and today I have made a holy way to
come as word upon the earth and you welcome Me by the ones faithful to My today’s coming,
for I have to speak and to prepare the great day over the nations, the day of My appearance with
the saints because of which will try to hide wherever they may want, those who are playing

The Word of God in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, translated by I.A.,
redactor note.


with faith now, with the work of the antichrist written in the Scriptures that will be, that will
come and that will spread accusations against Me and the pagan faith over the nations of the
world, but once with faith denial here I am with My word in the battle against the darkness
which wants to comprise everything, all the nations; however, I, the light of the world, am
coming; the Lord is coming for it is written about Him to come and He is proclaiming His
coming everywhere; He is giving light all over and is revealing all the opposing work of the
antichrist and of his army, a fearful army which fell because of fear, for God is great and the
antichrist is afraid, he is afraid of the true God and tries every way possible to fight in secret,
only that I, the Lord, bring into the light his blind fight against Me so that it may melt away the
entire enmity of the man upset with the Son of God, Who does not let the man in his wills that
destroy life. He comes to bring the light, the salvation, the paradise and the life of paradise,
which man lost because of his self-aggrandizement, but behold, man, your Creator does not let
you perish and He comes to appear and to teach you to be and to remain His, to belong to His
Creator, to work obedience because you need happiness, oh, that you lost it for your longing
for freedom, as you wanted to do whatever you wanted with you, but you are the work of God,
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, oh, and you cannot remain on your own as a child that
wants to destroy his parents in order to do his own will until he becomes poor, hungry and as
one who is wondering away in a foreign country and this only to want again the forgiveness
from His Father so that he may stay in submission and to be happy under the fatherly protection
which he receives by humility, by the love of the Father for him, by the forgiveness from the
Father, oh, for you have root in God, man, and you cannot do what you want with you forgetting
your origin and forgetting God.

Oh, My today’s country, I have made a chamber within you and I am coming out giving
light all over the earth, seven times brighter; I coming out with the word and give Myself over
those who have Me or want to choose Me in order to shepherd them, to have them in My fold
by their faith in My coming after man.

I am embracing you, My country as a Bethany of the preset day for I have in you My
coming after two thousand years ago from My ascension in glory again. I have become a book
on earth on your hearth; I am sounding far and wide with the word everywhere and I say that
in the country of the Romanians, God, the Son, is sitting and shepherding and He is calling to
life all the nations. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life2”,

Oh, the country of My coming, I am protecting you today as have done by this time. I
am protecting you since My Father gave you to Me to protect you, as My Father protected Me
from the enemies that wanted to take My life when I was a Child; however, they could not do
that because I had work from the Father for the forgiveness and salvation of man, and then it
was to be fulfilled all the Scriptures about Me, about My coming born among people and then
all the opposition against Me and My ascension to the Father, after I had been resurrected from
the crucifixion that it was worked by the people that did not receive Me or give Me any place

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into its midst, oh, and they gave Me anything neither in the time of My childhood nor with My
great work and proclamation of the kingdom of the heavens, but I have had you since then and
up to this day and until tomorrow and I keep for you much greatness and My glory upon you is
your greatness and all the nations see the Son of God Word over the earth on the hearth of the
Romanian people and the election from God comes true, oh, My today’s country.

All the nations without God on them have other gods, but now them hear the voice of
the Son of God, a voice from heaven over the earth and they have nowhere to hide from the
One Who speaks from heavens. Oh, the time has not stopped yet; God has not stopped from
His work that started two thousand years ago over the earth and over man, but the opposing
man has not come to stand still yet either. Those who look back, only at My work two thousand
years ago and only to My word of that time, those have despised the Scripture that writes about
Me saying: «I will be with you to the end of the time», oh, and two thousand years ago, I made
My way and since then I have been working through the church; I have not worked oth-
erwise, and those who work on the margins, I ask them where do they take to work from? (See
the selection topic: „The true church3”, r.n.)

Then I said: «I will come to the one who believes in Me, I will dwell with him and dine
with him and I will appear to him”, (See also Apoc: 3/20)4 and this is what I ordained then,
and this is how I am fulfilling now those promised that would be and that would be fulfilled.

You, people without the true God upon you, oh, look for My ordinance made two thou-
sand years ago to be on earth from God and stop from your search without any answer for you.
I am with those who are faithful and holy in their life and love. Receive from the Holy Spirit,
receive through the church and you will say that My church is not worthy, but I ask you: Is it
yours to say this or that?

Now, I am telling you: I have made My way so that it may be with the people on earth.
He Who does not want so is rebellious and always wanders away. It is not given to you to
judge the sins and the sinners. You must believe in God and in His establishments, His
way over the earth. And you ask in prayer, seek to Him and tell Him to reveal Himself to
you. And whoever searches, finds, only if he searches with faith as it is written. This is what I
have wanted to say now over the people on earth, and happy are and will be those who stay
under My word (Luke: 12/37)5 and do not tempt or despise My coming as word over the earth,
My voice of Shepherd, Who is coming to show the way to God.

Oh, on this day is a written feast for Christ’s church. I have companions on the way, the
bishops from heaven and in their midst, the hierarch Spyridon, (Spyridon of Trimythous) My
confessor. Oh, confess Me today too, you, who are full of zeal for God and for His truth, and
may your voice be blessed near My voice over the earth.

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«Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in
and I will have supper with him, and he with Me.» (Apoc: 3/20)
«Blessed are those servants whom the Lord will find watching when He comes. Amen, I tell you: He
will dress Himself [to serve], make them recline, and He will come to serve them!» (Luke: 12/37)


― Oh, Lord and Shepherd, a spring of confessions has flowed through those who are
faithful and holy on earth in time for the truth of Your divinity among us, people.

I was also Your confessor and confessed You as wonderful in the council gathered for
the clarification of the faith so that people may know how to believe in God, the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Your Grace has greatly enriched my confession through its miracles, un-
thinkable by human mind, and I am confessing You, Lord, with great power for the strong faith
in people to follow You then, and more and more to come on the way with You for their lives
on earth. Since then and up to this day, I have walked and I keep on walking and accompanying
invisibly the sons of Your churches and sharing miracles works and salvations from under the
spirit of satan over those who have called me near them to save them.

I walk and I keep on walking Lord, and my walking is being confessed and my shoes are
wearing with walking, the clothes are filled with the dust from the walking with dust on the way,
but the unfaithful are too stubborn that they may not overthrow all the confessing proofs of
those who share them to the people for their faith and to repentance from the dead works, from
the dead life of so many wandering people in their lives, and You and us, Your saints, strengthen
our patience and waiting and we are clothed with mercy, Lord.

From the midst of Your saints, I am bringing Your great humiliation and I am asking
You to put me to great work for the work of Your today’s word over the earth and for the people
that carries You to the nations with the word, Lord.

Oh, release the miracles, Lord! Your saint working of heavenly signs and miracles wait
for Your commandment and once with the faith denial let the faith in You go powerfully and the
victorious power for You, Lord, and let the country of Your coming as word be sought and
praised for You, for Your coming to it with the saints, for Your Scriptures worked from its midst
and for the shame of the opposing spirit, as it is written for You to be the Holy Lamb Who
overcomes the beast, (Apoc: 17/13,14)6 and this I what the whole heaven of saints and angels
are waiting, oh, Son of the Father, oh our Shepherd, oh, Lord and Shepherd, and I have spoken
with You on my day of feast among the saints and I have confessed You, oh, Lord, over the earth

― Oh, confessing disciple, your prayer is uttered with fire, and let Us make way to the
miracles that prove their work by themselves and let us, Romanian people, do the work of the
confession once with the saints of the heaven, and come together brother with brother in a spirit
of prayer, of worship and praise, and sing confessing God with you and tell everyone singing:
God is with us; nations do understand this and bow down from margins to margins, all
the nations, for God is with us, and any council of the enemies will be dispelled, for God
is with us! Amen.

You, nations without the only One God upon you, do you hear? Oh, come to Me, I
am calling you out by the word! Come and see how many things God is doing to His glory
now over the earth!

«They have one mind, and they give their power and authority to the beast.
They will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords, and
King of kings; and those with Him are called, elect [Or “chosen”] and faithful.”» (Apoc: 17/13,14)


I have spoken in a day of the feast of the angels and I have given Myself as word over
the earth. Let My word go, let it go and be with power while going and confessing from here,
from the country of the Romanians, a Christian country of two thousand years, a mountain
from where God speaks over the nations on earth His word of the Shepherd Who calls,
(Micah: 4/1, 2)7 saves and glorifies Himself blessing and giving His peace over the earth. Amen,
amen, amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:

«And at the last days the mountain of the Lord shall be manifest, established on the tops of the moun-
tains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the peoples shall hasten to it.
And many nations shall go and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of
the God of Jacob; and they shall show us His way and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth
a law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem».

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