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Exercise 2

The Legend of Golog Stone

A long time ago, there lived a poor family in Padamaria near Sawing River, West Nusa Tenggara.
The husband was Amaq Lembain, and his wife was Inaq Lembain. They were farmers. They had two
sons. The sons would come with their mother every time she pounded rice.

One day, the mother went pounding the rice as usual. Her sons sat on a big stone near her. When
she started pounding, the rocks the sons sat on began to rise. The eldest son calling his mother, ”Mom this
stone is getting higher.” But the mother was busy working. She said, “My son. Wait a minute, I have just
started pounding.”

That happened repeatedly, until the rock grew taller than palm trees. The boys shouted louder.
When the rock reached the clouds, the boys cried loudly. In time, the mother realized that her sons were
gone. Her sons were brought by the Golog Stone. She cried and prayed for her sons to come back. Then,
suddenly with her belt, she cut the rock. The rock was broken into three parts. They fell in different
places. The first part fell in a place named Desa Gembong because it made the earth tremble. The second
part fell in a place named Dasan Batu because someone saw the falling part. The last part fell in a place
named Montong Teker because it caused a rumbling sound.

However, her sons did not come back to earth. They were transformrd into birds. The elder son
was transformed into a Kekuwo bird, and the younger son was transformed into a Kelik bird. Golog stone
is a stone located in an area in West Nusa Tenggara. People believe that the stone was the cause of the
existance of areas name-Gembong Vilage, Dasan Batu, and Montong Teker.

Source: http//


1. Where does the story come from?

2. What was the mother doing while the children were sitting on a big rock?
3. Why did the children scream?
4. How did the mother cut the rock?
5. After reading the text, what is the moral value of the story?

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