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Persuasion - Last lecture

Elements of Persuasion- (To persuade, you have to be persuasive)

what are the elements you should consider when trying to persuade someone ?

Write about verbal and non-verbal communication and their effects on persuation

Elements of Persuasion

• We can underline five elements of persuasion:

1- The discovery of evidence and argument

The importance of evidence and argument

• In fact, Using evidence is very persuasive as it makes the audience see the persuader as
knowledgeable and the argument as more logical or reliable.

- ex. Religious arguments

In fact, religious argument is very effective especially when religion is rooted in the target audience.
Thus, some groups may use religion as a strong evidence and may even use it as a façade to conceal
their real intentions. For example, some religious groups such as Muslim Brotherhood historically used
religious argument since their establishment in 1928. Their propaganda proved to be successful and
attracted a lot of Egyptians in modern history. However, most of the Egyptians discovered their
deception and removed them from power in 30 th June 2013 after just one year of ruling Egypt.

In addition: Statistics, expert opinions & research findings can be used as evidence and argument

For example, the argument may be focused on human needs as argued by Maslow.

As a matter of fact, there are five levels of needs that should be targeted when persuaders try to
persuade their audience. The following list is based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It classifies human
needs according to their importance:

First, “physiological needs” is the most important level since it is the basic human needs for humans to
live, survive and grow. It includes; breathing, food, water, sex and sleep. Second, “Safety” is also an
important basic level which includes; security of the body, employment, resources, family, health and
property. Third, “Love & belonging” is a social need associated with the need to live in or belong to a
family or a group of friends and be loved by them. Fourth, the need for “Esteem” or having specific
personal feelings such as; self-esteem, confidence, achievement and respect of others. Finally, “Self-
actualization” which is more associated with human beings need to have a distinguished self-image
associated with morality, creativity and the ability to solve problems.

2- The organization of them: How to organize your arguments ?

• Whether important arguments reserved until the end “climax' order (if the target audience is
interested or involved)

• Or major arguments presented at the beginning and weaker ones at the end “Anticlimax'' order
(to attract the target audiences if they are NOT interested ) 

Climax or Anticlimax order

□ Which order of presentation is superior to the other ?

Neither order of presentation had an advantage over the other.

3- The artistic styling of them :

• A one-sided message presents the source's claim to the receiver.

• Whereas a two-sided message not only presents the source's claim, but also recognizes opposing
positions on the issue, it is more effective with the better educated group & it also "immunizes" the
audience against future counterpropaganda

• A one-sided message presents the source's claim ONLY.

• A two-sided message presents the source's claim, AND recognizes opposing positions on the issue (A
message presents the opposite point of view)

• Which is better in persuading the audience?

1- A two-sided message is more effective if the subjects are likely to be exposed to


subsequent counterpropaganda. The two-sided message "immunizes" the audience

against future counterpropaganda.

2- Communication giving both sides of the argument was more effective with the better educated
group, regardless of their initial position.

Whereas the one-sided presentation was primarily effective among the less educated group who were
already in favor of the communicator's position.

4- The memorization of them, make these arguments easy to be remembered , ex. Visual messages are
easier to be remembered than written messages

5- The skillful delivery of them , make the target audiences expose to the messages .

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