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Formal description of the ledger from the Wofford College website --

“This ledger meticulously details the prices paid and received for scores
of human beings (as slaves; only first names are recorded), as well as the
expenses incurred by Smith in undertaking this business venture, such as
feeding, clothing, sheltering, and nursing the people he purchased and sold.
The details of the book illustrate that Smith took several "trips" between
1844 and 1854 to buy and sell slaves: detailed records of purchases and sales
of "Negroes" exist for all of the years between 1844 and 1854. The listing
of expenses for the year of 1844 (the most complete account) indicate that
that year Smith traveled from the Piedmont to Charleston, then to Richmond,
Virginia and other towns and cities in central Virginia such as Charlottesville,
Madison, Orange, Gordonsville, and Fredericksburg. The expense records indicate
that Smith returned to the Piedmont via an overland route that passed through
Lincolnton, North Carolina (between Charlotte and Hickory). That year he undertook
business as far south as Hamburg, South Carolina (near Augusta, Georgia).”

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