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DUNGEON MASTER’ S SCREEN TOMBE ANNIHILATION This screen is the perfect companion for those Dungeon Masters running the Tomb of Annihilation™ adventure, or any trek through the jungles of Chult. The front features mysterious images of the jungle and its inhabitants, while the back displays extensive encounter and treasure tables as well as all the information a Dungeon Master might need to handle jungle exploration. Ne nc Ba Cel Tel P cero i Senet OUTER LES ‘Omu ENCOUNTERS. Encounter Page Ruins Apes 196 01-05 Baboons 196 06-10 Cannibals 196 11-15 Crocodiles aa Dragon, faerie 399 16-20 Gargoyles m4 21-25 Giant wasps 200 26-30 Giant wolf spiders 204 31-35 Goblins 00 36-40 Grungs m1 41-45 King oFFeathers 204 46-50 Koboids 451-55 Red Wizard 201 56-60 Shambling mound 202, 61-65 Su-monsters 202 66-70 ‘Tabasi hunter 37-75 Undead, ghouls 203 76-80 zombies 203 81-85 Vegepyzries 203 86-90 Yellow musk creeper and yellow musk zombies 203 91-95 Yani 204 96-00 BT eto) CE Gay Ceres) WILDERNESS ENCOUNTERS Encounter Page Beach Aarakocra 196 01-07 Albina dwarves = Adan 2 ‘Alene = ‘Apes os ‘Actus Cimber 08 ‘Assassin vines = ‘Axe beaks = Baboons Cache Cannibals Chiinga 197 Crocodiles yelops: Dinosaurs, allosaurus ankylosaurus brontosaurus einonychus | dimetrodon hadrosaurus plesiosaurus 198 pteranedon quetzaleoatlus Stegosaurus triceratops ‘yrannoraurus Velociraptor Dragon, faerie 199 red Elis Emerald Enclave Explorer, dead Explorers Firenewrs Fla sail Flaming Fist Flying monkeys 200 Flying snakes Frost giants Giant, boars ‘crocodile frogs. lizards scorpions snapping turtle wasps Girallons Goblins Jungle Lesser Greater Undead Undead Mountains on war 18-20 2-22 Encounter Grungs Jacals Kamadans Uizardfo Mad monkey mist Magrnins Mantraps Mephits Night hag Prerafole Rare plants) Red Wieard Salamander Sea hags Shambling mound Shake, constrictor ant constrictor fant posonows spiders Statue of Ubtao Stiges Sumonsters Swarms of bats insects uppers Tabaal hunter Tiger Tiflowe frond Troll Undead, ghouls ‘eletons space ombies Vegepyaries Wereboar Weretiger Winterseape Yellow musk creeper and zombies Yuan Zhentarim Zorbos Jungle Lesser Undead 34-35 36-39 40-41 a 43-44 45 46 47-48 3 50 51-52 53-55 56-57 58-59 60-62 66 67 Greater Undead Mountains Rivers 64-66 7 6 PORT NYANZARU ENCOUNTERS 1D20 Encounter ‘A parrat poops ona random characters head Near the harbor, an ankylosaurus that ows Boats through th warehouse canals goes on a rampage and must be calmed, retained, of ited Amefchant shouts, "Stop! Thief?” 35a furtive youngster (commoner) rushes past the haracters: Ifthe eis caught the grateful ‘merchant can introduce characters to 4 merchant prince or provide them one othe favor. ‘drunk foreign sailor (unarmored veteran) is loudly trying to pick a fight with thee local commoners, who are eat no match forthe Tout ithe characters intervene, the grateful locals become a reliable source of information about Por Nyanzar, butte sailor and his Shipmates ambush the characters elsewhere in the ty later on ‘beggar (commoner) grabs a character by the frm and shouts, "The ancient one beneath the Forbidden City gives birth ta ere new god The snake-men know! They know!” Then he stumbles away into the crowd. Passesby tll the adheres ignore the gar. and at is predictions are wrong mos ofthe time Alarm horns dedare that undead are attaching Mala's Throat. Mercenaries keep the monsters out ofthe city proper, but people are tapped inthe temple of Tymora and besieged by 246 Zombies and 246 skeletons led bya ghoul. the Characters defeat the undead, the temple rewards them wth 5 gallons oft and a potion of healing Shouts of "Look out!” give a character a brief warning as awater bare, building stone, or bother heavy weight crashes down, The character must succeed on DC 12 Deter saving throw orbe struck, aking 14 (46) budgeoning damage. Any character who succeeds on a DC 1S Wisdom (Perception) check spots a disguised yuan. pureblood slnking away fom the scene A tabas minstrel (see page 233) asks one of decane oepl cea for gambling, promising to pay t back. Ifthe character agrees, the tabaxt makes good on her promise the nex dy, returning a pouch containing 10 gp. ‘the (pesto pick the pocket of one ofthe “The characters run into Volothamp Geddarm {see page 238), who's delivering scopy ofhis mew book io one ofthe city's merchant princes Theres 50 percent chance that Volo is drut 11-20 The characters meet an NPC with aside quest (see "Side Quests” page 16) caches 'D20 Cache Rain catcher (See chapter 1) and mess kt 10-day supply of preserved rations supply of preserved rations 50-day supply of preserved rations 144 casks of water holding 5 gallons each 164 casks of te} (see chapter 1) 1a clber's kits Coffer containing 244 vials of antitoxin 20-day supply of insect cepellent salve (see chapter 1) ina leather tube 1d quivers, each containing 1420 arrows Canoe with six paddles 2 hooded lanterns and 10 flask of lamp oil ‘wo: person tent and 1d4 explorers packs ‘Wooden box containing 2410 daggers ((ow quality, ofthe type used as trade goods) Set of navigators tools 1410 changes of woolen clothing Set of cartographers tools Two-person tent and Tat healers kits 2 two-person tents folding camp table, and four folding stools. Wooden box containing 244 potion of healing, ‘TREASURE DROPS D100 Treasure 01-50 None 51-52 A crude map drawn on a scrap of tanned dinosaur hide, showing 2 route to Port Nyanzaru and the location ofa randomly determined landmark or lair (250 gp) 53-54 1d4 gemstones (10 gp each) ina small pouch 55-56 A malachite rng inlaid with electrum (50 go) 57-58 An empty corked vial made from an aarakocta’s engraved wing bone (5 gp) 59-60 A rotting quiver containing 1410 silvered arrows 61-62 A gold nugget the size ofa dwarf’ st (50 gp) 163-64 A stoppered vial of serpent venom (see chapter 8 ofthe Dungeon Masters Guide) 65-66 An engraved ivory smoking pipe (25 gp) 67-68 Case containing 2412 blocks of insect repellent incense 169-70 An iron token bearing the symbol of atrceratops (the sign ofthe ‘Yeepka Society), worth $0 gp in Port Nyanzaru 1-22 Petion of animal fendship 73-74 Potion of vitality 75-76 Spell scroll (choose a Ist-evel spell) 77-78 A stoppered vil of wyvern poison (see chapter 8 ofthe Dungeon Masters Guide) 79-80 /An obsidian knife (25 gp) 31-82 A stoppered, wooden tube containing 1d4 gemstones (50 gp each) 83-84 A small onyx orb with mazelike patterns carved ino its surface (75 gp), usable as an arcane or dru focus '85-86 A Batiri goblin mask made of painted wood, et with nine gemstones (10 gp each) 87-88 A spyglass (1,000 gp) 189-90 Alte (35 gp) with one broken string 91-92 A set of thieves’ tools (25 gp) 93-94 An excellent lock (50 gp) that requires a successful DC 20 Desterity check to pick using thieves tools (the lock’ key is missing) 95-96 Jar of Keoghtom's ointment 97-98 Horn of blasting 99-00 Wand of secrets TTT GeOEr ‘TRAVEL DISTANCES. Pace Coastal, jungle, mountain, River or swamp, orwasteland lake Normal 1 hex per day Theres Fast roll d4 ona roll of3 or 4, +1 hex roll ad ‘ona tll of 1 oF 2, -1 hex ‘Tracking Miles (1 hex = 10 miles) Instead of tracking movement by hewes, you can covered (10 miles per day at a normal pace, 15 miles per day at a fast pace, or 9 miles, _ per day ata slow pace), bu this likely to be more bother than i's worth ifthe group switches pace from day today. A character witha fing speed of 30 feet can travel 4 miles per hour. NAVIGATION Terrain pc Coast, Lakes 10 Jungles, mountains, rivers, 15 ‘swamps, and wastelands At the start of each new travel day, the DM makes @ Wisdom (Survival) check ‘on behalf ofthe navigator. The result of the check determines whether or not the party becomes lost over the course of the day ‘Success. Reveal location of pary Failure. Whenever a lost party moves 1 hex, roll 2 6 to randomly determine which neighbouring hex the party enters, and do not divulge the party's new location tothe players. TM & © 2017 Wizards ofthe Coast LLC Wearner €20. Tempenture tft 14 Normal, 95 degrees F es 85 degrees Q 5 pnayopasive Wisdom 15-17 1d4rl0 degrees Fahrenheit (Perception score, and colder than normal Wisdom (Sura) checks to 18-20 Estreme Heat Abeto se steal, 0 samend =12_ None Wider Sona) ehecato. | Zhe coca 18-20 Strong 20 Precipitation 1-12. None Light rain 18-20 Heavy rain (259% chance of tropical storm) keep track ofthe actual distances DEHYDRATION A the end of each day, any character who hasn't drank atleast 2 gallons of fesh water must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer 1 level of exhaustion, The saving throw is made with disadvantage ifthe characteris wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or heavy clothing, Characters traveling at fast pace, instead of a normal or slow pace, take a5 penalty on their saving throws against dehydration Characters traveling with beasts of burden and other animals must keep them wel fed and hydrated as wel FOOD AND WATER NEEDS Creature Size Food per Day ‘Water per Day Tiny 14 pound 4 gallon Small 1 pound ‘gallon Medium 1 pound 1 gallon Large 4 pounds 4 gallons Huge 16 pounds 16 gallons GGargantuan 64 pounds 64 gallons water needs are doubled unless the temperature is below 95 degres F (35 degrees C) ExTREME HEAT ‘When the temperature is ator above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, 2 creature exposed tothe heat and without access to drinkable water must succeed on ‘a Constitution saving throw atthe end of each hour or gin one level of exhaustion, The DC is $ fr the first hour and increases by 1 for each additional hour. Creatures wearing medium or heavy armor, or who are clad in heavy clothing, have disadvantage on the saving throw. Creatures with resistance or immunity to fire damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, a5, do creatures naturally adapted to hot climates. ‘TROPICAL STORM. Guides who know the conditions in Chult recommend hunkering down and staying put during a tropical storm, Travel by rivers impossible (canoes are ‘swamped by waves within 15 minute of launching. If characters insist on traveling by foot, every character ‘gains 1 level of exhaustion automatically and must make a DC 10 Constitution check or gain another. Sill checks to avoid becoming lost are made with disadvantage on storm days.

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