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Fatima: Hola Jose, buenos dìas!

Tengo una entrada adicional para la exposicion de arte en

la galeria central.
Fatima: Hey José, morning! I have an additional ticket for the art exhibition in the central

Jose:Hola Fàtima! Un gusto saludarte. Hoy es mi dìa libre, yo puedo acompañarte.

José: Hi Fatima! I am happy to hear you. Today is my day off, I can go with you

Fatima: què gran plan!!! Puedes venir a recogerme a las 4 p. m?

Fatina: What a great plan!!! Can you come pick me up at 4 p.m?

Jose: Por supuesto

Jose: Of course.

SERGIO: Josè llega a casa de Marìa. Inmediatamente toca el timbre.

SERGIO: José arrives at María's house. Immediately ring the bell.

Fatima: Papá Josè ha llegado. Te veo luego

Fatima: Dad, my friend has arrived. See you later

CORREA: Ten una buena tarde hija. Saluda a Jose

CORREA: Have a good afternoon daughter. say hello to jose

SERGIO: Josè y Marrìa llegaron a la exposición de arte

SERGIO: José and María arrived at the art exhibition.

Jose: Todas las obras estàn muy hermosas, en especial las de Picasso
Jose: All the artworks are very beautiful, especially the ones painted by picasso

Fatima: ¿Que sabes acerca del artista?

Fatima: What do you know about the artist?

Jose: Picasso was born in 1881

He is Spanish

SERGIO: The name of the first picture is Portrait of Gertrude Stein

The artwork was painted in 1906

The name of the second picture is Dora Maar Seated
The artwork was painted in 1941

Jose: Muy interesante.

jose: Very interesting.
Jose: Do you like the pictures? Why?
Fatima: Of course!!

-I like the pictures of Picasso Because In the first picture there are soft colors while in the
second picture there are strong colors

The colours are quite sober in the first picture but in the second picture the colours are quite

I think that the style is very simple in the first picture, compared to the modern style of the
second picture

JOSE: The mood of the picture is calm, but the other is disturbing.

Fatima: Fue una bonita exposición

fatima: It was a nice exposition”

Jose: Es muy tarde, yo debo llevarte a casa

jose: It's too late, I must take you home

Fatima: Ok, vamos

Fatima:OK let's go

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