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August 25, 2021

PENR Officer
Department of Environment and
Natural Resources
Bliss Site Kalibo, Aklan

Dear Ma’am,

Good day! I am Arsinni Sophia G. Panado, and I am writing to express my interest in applying for
the position that best suits my qualification.

Having graduated from the Garcia College of Technology last March 28, 2018, I wish to bring my
knowledge, skills, and passion to excel to this body. My training as a college student made me
more organized and attentive to details, and to be analytical. Also, my college experience
helped in shaping my ability to form working relationships with other people and to work as a
team. Moreover, working for a short while in a Trucking Service company, as an executive
assistant enabled me to apply the skills that I have learned during my college years. Lastly,
working as an accounting clerk in a Distributor Company, helped me to be more flexible and
more organized as an individual. By that reason, I was able to meet and work with people
coming from different walks of life.

With this application, I attached herewith my Resumé for your full consideration. Thank you for
the time to consider my application and I look forward to hearing from you in the future.



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