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770264-9-36PAE AID: 111069 |


Database Table

The database table is generally a table used to represent the data collection and each
entity is represented separately. The database table is used to view the data into an
organized format and by the use of the database table, it is very simple to understand a
large amount of data in a simple format.

Both transient data and periodic data represent in a database table and each has its unique
feature. This is known as a database table.

1. Transient Data

When any data update in a database table or any data add-in database table it
results in a transient table because it only shows current added, deleted, or
updated table. It doesn’t show historical data and records in the database table and
it needs small storage for storing data. The transient data is defined as the data
table in which only current records were shown.

 Table for 06/21/2018

 Table for 06/22/2018

 Table for 06/23/2018

2. Periodic Data

It shows previous or historical data in the database table and it needs a large
amount of storage for storing data. The periodic data is generally a data
warehouse because it stores and maintains historical data. Every detail of updating
data, deleting data, and creating data is mentioned in the periodic data table.
When data is created, updated, and deleted is maintained by a periodic data table.

 Table for 06/21/2018

 Table for 06/22/2018

 Table for 06/23/2018

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