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This or That?!

Pick your favourite 5

No explanation required – just colour your choice 😊

Mozart (and) Wagner? 

Evening gown or sweatpants?
Pizza or Pasta?
Dog or cat?
Vampire or werewolf?
Sports or lazy hanging out?
Beach or Mountains?
Countryside or City?
Road Trip or Flying Away?
Having a Plan or Going with the Flow?
Bad Haircut or Bad Dye Job?
Night Owl or Early Bird?
Coffee or Tea?
Attend a Party or Host a Party?
Reality shows or Documentaries?
Plans or Surprises?
Time Machine or Magic Wand?
Logic or Emotion?
Happy Endings or Sad Endings?
Funny Movie or Dramatic Movie?
Calling or Texting?
Night out or Night in?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Painful Truth or Comforting Lie?

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