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Andrew Rose


Summary 5-7 pages 51-75

Are You Jews?, Dancing in Chlodna Street

One night Wlady and his friend Henryk were at a friend’s house. Wlady looked at his watch and

realized it was almost past curfew. Wlady and Henryk left and the streets were empty. On the

way home they got stopped by a couple of police men. At that moment Wlady thought he was

going to die. He even turned around and saw his dad begging for his sons life. The police man

asked Wlady what he did for a living. Wlady told him he was a musician and the officer let them

go. All of the people of Warsaw were under house arrest and everyone had to have a Star of

David band on their shoulder. The nights and days were becoming colder and coal was not

cheap. Later it was announced that all Jews were to do two years of labor in concentration

camps. The Germans said that everyone in the camps would receive “appropriate social

education”. The Germans were still collection people to go to the camps, but Wlady didn't have

to go yet because he was a musician.

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