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Andrew Rose


Summary #3 – 5

The First Germans, My Father Bows to the Germans pages 33-42

After the whole town of Warsaw was taken over by Germany people started getting sad. All of

Warsaw became a scary ghetto. German officers roamed the streets and the people of Warsaw

were on constant watch. The people were not allowed to roam the streets at night. If someone

was caught at night they would most likely be beaten. The German officers had no mercy for the

people of Warsaw. So every night Wladyslaw would run home after playing his piano in the

Café. A lot of people in Warsaw thought the United States would come save them in a matter of

days, but that never happened. Then the people of Warsaw thought the Germans could not

conquer much more of Europe, but that was proven wrong. Germany took over France and at

that moment the people of Warsaw became hopeless. The people of Warsaw were constantly

getting robbed by the Germans. The Germans would go into the people’s houses and take all of

their valuables. There were also trains with cattle carts coming and going. Men, women, and

children would be shoved in them and sent away. The Germans would line up the people of

Warsaw and pick who got to stay and who didn’t.

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