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Kapalı Alanlarda ve Tam Doygun Siltli Kumlu Zeminlerde Jet Grout Kolonları
ile Geçici İksa Sistemleri

Conference Paper · December 2013


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3 authors, including:

M. Erdem Ispir


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5. Geoteknik Sempozyumu
5-7 Aralık 2013, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana



Mustafa Erdem İSPİR 1 Melis YILDIZ 2 Aslı ÇEVİK 3


Providing economic impervious retaining solutions for deep excavations under ground
water level, especially for small scaled projects in confined spaces, is a challenge for
geotechnical engineers. Most of the time, the excavations taking place in confined spaces
have restrictions of space and infrastructure avoiding the application of typical
geotechnical solutions which are capable of providing required impermeability and
restraining the forces exerted by the soil and ground water. This paper presents the design
and application process of two different temporary retaining walls constructed in same
facility at different times for the excavation of machinery foundations and testing pits.
Those impervious retaining systems in confined spaces were formed by cantilever secant
jet-grout columns and bottom plug in fully saturated silty sand.

Keywords: retaining wall, jet-grout, deep excavation, confined space

Özellikle kapalı ve sınırlı alanlardaki projelerde, yer altı su seviyesi yüksek zeminlerde
yapılacak küçük ölçekli derin kazılar için ekonomik ve tam geçirimsiz iksa çözümleri
sunmak geoteknik mühendisleri için önemli bir güçlük teşkil etmektedir. Genellikle, bu tür
alanlarda gerçekleştirilen kazılarda gerekli geçirimsizliği sağlayacak ve aktif yükleri
dengeleyecek klasik geoteknik çözümlerin uygulanmasına müsaade etmeyecek alan darlığı
ve altyapı engelleri gibi problemler söz konusudur. Bu bildiride farklı zamanlarda, aynı
endüstriyel tesis içinde makine temelleri ile test havuzu kazıları için gerçekleştirilen iki
farklı geçici iksa sistemine ait tasarım ve uygulama süreci sunulmaktadır. Sınırlı alanlarda
gerçekleştirilen bu geçirimsiz iksa sistemleri, yer altı suyu seviyesi altında siltli kumlu
zemin içinde konsol kesişen jet grout kolonları ve geçirimsiz taban tapası ile tasarlanmış ve

Anahtar Kelimeler: iksa, jet-grout, derin kazı, sınırlı alan

Yük. İnş. Müh., Sonar Sondaj ve Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi,
Yük. İnş. Müh., Sonar Sondaj ve Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi,
Dr. İnş. Müh., Sonar Sondaj ve Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi,

Uygulama sahası Karadeniz sahilinden yaklaşık 200 m mesafede, Samsun-Tekeköy

ilçesinde yer alan aktif bir fabrika içerisindedir. Tesiste, farklı zamanlarda çeşitli kapasite
artırımları için yeni makine temelleri ve test havuzları inşa edilmesi gerekmektedir. Söz
konusu inşaatlar ve bunlara bağlı derin kazılar, genellikle mevcut yapılar içerisinde ya da
yapılara komşu, düşey ve yatayda sınırlı alanlarda gerçekleştirilmektedir.

Söz konusu fabrikanın temelleri 2004 yılında Sonar Sondaj ve Jeolojik Araştırma Merkezi
tarafından yapılan proje ve uygulama ile jet-grout yöntemi ile iyileştirilmiştir. İşveren
Firma 2010 ve 2012 senelerinde aynı fabrika içerisinde, fabrika işletim halindeyken, 6.0m
ve 6.5m derinliklerde yeni yapılacak makine temelleri ve test havuzları derin kazıları için
uzman uygulayıcı firmaya yeniden başvurmuştur. Bu bildiri kapsamında; 2010 ve 2012
yıllarında gerçekleştirilen kazılar için tasarlanan jet-grout iksa sisteminin; tasarım ve yapım
süreçleri özetlenmektedir.


Proje alanında 2004 yılında yapılan zemin araştırmalarına göre zemin profili yüzeyden
2.0m derinliğe kadar kumlu kil ve devamında denizel kavkılı siltli ince kumlardan
oluşmaktadır. Yer altı su seviyesi yüzeyden 2 metre derindedir.

Kumlu bataklık kil tabakasının SPT-N değerleri 2-15 aralığında değişmekte olup, ortalama
Nort = 5 bulunmuştur. Likit limit değerleri %31-67 arasında; plastisite indis değerleri
%12-40 arasında değişmektedir. Ortalama LL = %50, ortalama PI = %27 olarak alınmıştır.

Yüzeyden 2.0m derinlikten sonra devam eden siltli denizel kavkılı ince kum tabakasının
SPT, N değerleri 7-27 değerleri arasında değişmekte olup, ortalama Nort = 15 bulunmuştur.
İnce malzeme oranı, %F(-No.200), 2-18 değerleri arasında olup ortalama %6 olarak

Yapılan zemin etüt ve literatür çalışmaları sonrası Tablo 1’de özetlenen idealize zemin
profili ve parametreleri oluşturulmuştur.

Tablo 1. İdealize Zemin Parametreleri

Derinlik (m) Zemin Tipi ’ (0 ) cu (kPa) c (kPa) E (kPa)

0.0 ~ 2.0 Kumlu Kil (CH,CL,SC) - 25 - 7 500

2.0 ~ 25.0 Siltli Kum (SP,SM) 30 - 2 40 000


3.1. Makine Temeli Kazısı (2010)

17 x 7 m boyutlarında, 6.0 metre derinliğinde olan makine temeli kazısı, fabrika binası
içerisinde yer almaktadır. Bina döşemesi ile çatı arasındaki düşey açıklık yaklaşık 10 m,
hol genişliği 19.5 m’dir. Kazı destek sistemi olarak geçirimsiz, kesişen konsol jet grout
kolonları düşünülmüştür. Kazı alanı boyutları düşünülerek tabandan su gelişinin sürekli
pompajla yenilebileceğine karar verilmiş ve taban tapası uygulamasına gerek

3.2. Test Havuzu Kazısı (2012)

Fabrika binasına eklenecek yeni üretim holünde yer alan test havuzu kazısının toplam alanı
yaklaşık 45 x 11 m’dir. Havuzun kazı derinlikleri değişmekte olup maksimum derinlik 6.5
m’dir. Kazı alanının nispeten büyük olması nedeni ile tabandan gelecek suyun pompajla
yenme güçlükleri doğuracağına karar verilmiş ve geçirimsiz kesişen konsol jet-grout iksa
perdesine ek olarak yine kesişen jet grout kolonları ile oluşturulacak geçirimsiz taban
tapası uygulaması gerekli görülmüştür.


Dar ve yer altı su seviyesinin yüksek olduğu alanlarda gerçekleştirilecek derin kazılar için
seçilecek geoteknik uygulama metodunun taşıması gereken ana özellikler aşağıdaki gibi

- Uygulanacak olan sistem, kazı duvarlarında tam geçirimsizliği sağlamalıdır.

- Hem yatay hem de düşeyde, dar alanlarda çalışabilecek boyutlarda ekipmanlarla


- Çevredeki temel ve duvarlarda hasara neden olabilecek titreşimli sistemler


- Sistemin oluşturulmasında kullanılacak olan malzemeler kolaylıkla bu dar alanlara

transfer edilebilmelidir.

Jet-Grout metodu tüm bu kriterleri sağlaması açısından, dar alanlarda ve sınırlı

derinliklerde gerçekleştirilecek kazılar için uygun ve ekonomik yöntemlerden biridir.

Söz konusu projelerde, alanların kısıtlı yapısı, yapılacak kazıların derinliği ve yapım
kolaylığı dikkate alınarak jet-grout ile teşkil edilecek geçirimsiz iksa yapısının herhangi bir
yanal desteğe ihtiyaç duyulmayacak şekilde, konsol duvar olarak tasarlanmasına karar
verilmiştir. Tasarımda Plaxis 8.6 Sonlu elemanlar yazılım programı kullanılmıştır.

4.1 Jet Grout Kolonlarının Tasarım Parametreleri Tayini

Jet-grout kolonlarının serbest basınç mukavemeti, uygulandığı zemin tipine göre geniş bir
aralıkta değişmektedir. Literatürde verilen zemin tipine bağlı serbest basınç mukavemeti
değerlerinin, her projeye özel imal edilen deneme jet-grout kolonlarından alınan karot
numuneleri üzerinde yapılacak testlerle teyit edilmesi önemlidir. Bu vakada da 2004
yılında temeller altında yapılan jet-grout iyileştirme kolonlarından kalite kontrol amaçlı
alınan karotların laboratuvar ortamında test edilmesi ile elde edilen sonuçlar literatür ile
desteklenmiştir. Karot numunelerinden elde edilen serbest basınç mukavemeti sonuçları
ortalama 5 MPa (50 kg/cm2) olarak bulunmuştur. Bu değer Tablo 2’de verilen Durgunoğlu
(2004) ve Şekil 1’de verilen Burke (2004) dayanım-malzeme-zaman ilişkisi grafiği ile
uyumludur. Burke (2004)’e göre silt ve siltli kumlar için 28 günlük basınç dayanımı
yaklaşık olarak 5 MPa’dır ve 200-275 kg/m3 çimento sarfiyatı öngörülmektedir.

Kolonlara ait elastisite modülü, yine Tablo 2’de verilen modül oranı değerlerinden tayin

Tablo 2. Zemin Cinsine Göre Jet-Grout Kolonu

Serbest Basınç Mukavemeti ve Modülü (Durgunoğlu, 2004)

Serbest Basınç Modül Oranı(*),

Zemin Cinsi
Mukavemeti, fjg (MPa) E/fjg
Kil 2-5 150
Silt 3-7 200
Kum 7-14 600
Çakıl 12-18 900
* %40 gerilme seviyesine tekabül eden modül

Serbest basınç dayanımı = fjg = 5 MPa

Drenajsız kayma mukavemeti = cu = 2500 kPa
Elastisite modülü = Es = (200~600)*fjg = 400 fjg = 2000 MPa

Şekil 1. Dayanım – Malzeme – Zaman İlişkisi (Kirsch & Bell, 2013 after Burke, 2004)
Bölüm 2 ve 4.1’de belirlenen parametrelere göre, Plaxis sonlu elemanlar yazılım
programında kullanılan zemin ve jet grout parametreleri Tablo 3’te özetlenmiştir.
Tablo 3. Sonlu Elemenlar Modeli Zemin ve Malzeme Parametreleri

Mohr-Coulomb 1 2 3
Siltli Kum Jet Grout Kumlu Kil
Type Unit Drained UnDrained Drained
unsat [kN/m³] 19.00 21.00 17.00
sat [kN/m³] 20.00 21.00 18.00
E50ref [MN/m²] 40.00 2000.00 7.50
cref [kN/m²] 2.00 2500.00 5.00
 [°] 34.00 0.00 27.00

Jet-Grout yöntemi ile oluşturulan kolonların malzeme geçirimliliği 10-8~10-9 m/sn (Welsh
& Burke, 1991) arasında değişmekte olup, pratikte geçirimsiz kabul edilmektedir. Öte
yandan, jet-grout kolonları ile oluşturulacak bir sistemde genellikle zeminin heterojen
yapısı nedeniyle oluşacak çap değişimleri sonucu yetersiz kesişimlere bağlı sızıntı
problemleri ile karşılaşmak olasıdır.

Kazı geçirimsizliği ve güvenliğini riske atabilecek bu duruma karşı, ihtiyaç duyulan duvar
kalınlığının çift sıra 80 cm çapında kesişimli kolonlar ile oluşturulması uygun görülmüştür
(Bkz. Şekil 2). Seçilen sistemler ve analiz sonuçları Bölüm 4.2 ve 4.3’te sunulmuştur.

Şekil 2. Makine Temeli Kazısı (2010) Plan Görünümü

4.2 Makine Temeli Kazısı (2010):

İksa sistemi, 10 m derinliğinde, 80 cm çapında iki sıra kesişen jet-grout kolonları ile
oluşturulmuştur (Bkz. Şekil 3). Yer altı su seviyesine kadar yaklaşık 2 m kalınlığındaki kil
tabakası geriye doğru sıyırılarak, kolonlara etkiyen aktif itki azaltılmıştır. Bu kazıda temel
betonunun dökülmesi için gereken sürenin kısa olması sebebi ile tabanda her hangi bir
geçirimsizlik önlemi alınmamış, tabandan gelen yer altı suyu sürekli pompaj ile dışarı
atılmıştır. Plaxis sonlu elemanlar yazılımı ile yapılan analizlere ait deforme model ağı ve
yatay deplasman grafiği Şekil 4’te verilmiştir.

Şekil 3. Makine Temeli Kazısı

Şekil 4. Plaxis Deforme Model Ağı ve Yatay Deplasman Grafiği (2010 Kazısı)
4.3 Test Havuzu Kazısı (2012) Seçilen Sistem:

Havuzun en derin kısmı olan 23.5x7.0 m’lik alanda; iksa sistemi, 12 m derinliğinde, 80 cm
çapında iki sıra kesişen jet-grout kolonları ile oluşturulmuştur (Bkz. Şekil-4). Yer altı su
seviyesine kadar yaklaşık 2 m kalınlığındaki zemin tabakası geriye doğru sıyrılmıştır. Bu
sistemde, -12.00 m ile -14.00 m arasında yer alan 2 m kalınlığında bir jet-grout tapası ile
kazı tabanından su gelişi tamamen engellenmiştir. Plaxis sonlu elemanlar yazılımı ile
yapılan analizlere ait deforme model ağı ve yatay deplasman grafiği Şekil 6’da verilmiştir.

Şekil 5. Makine Temeli Kazısı

Şekil 6. Plaxis Deforme Model Ağı ve Yatay Deplasman Grafiği (2012 Kazısı)

Uygulama metodu olarak tek akışkanlı jet-grout yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Her iki
uygulama öncesinde, sahada farklı uygulama parametreleri kullanılarak test kolonları
üretilmiş ve seçilen parametreler (Bkz. Tablo 4) ile proje jet-grout kolonları

Tablo 4. Uygulama Parametreleri

Parametre Seçilen Değer

Hedeflenen Kolon Çapı 80 cm
Püskürtücü (Nozzle) Çapı 2 x 2.5 mm
Adım Miktarı 5 cm
Adım Çekme Süresi 10 sn
Enjeksiyon Basıncı 400 bar
Enjeksiyon/Su Oranı 1/1

Jet-Grout kolonları şaşırtmalı olarak üretilmiş, aradaki kolonların imalatına başlamadan

önce komşu kolonların 24-48 saat arasında kürlenmesine imkan verilmiştir.

Oluşturulan iksa sisteminde herhangi bir deplasman ve sızıntı problemi ile karşılaşılmadan
kazılar tamamlanmış ve yapılar inşa edilmiştir (Bkz. Resim 1 ve Resim 2).

Resim 1.Makine Temeli (2010) İmalat ve Kazı Aşamaları

Resim 2. Test Havuzu (2012) Nihai Kazı kotunda Jet-Grout İksa Sistemi Genel Görünümü


Jet grout yönteminin geoteknik mühendisliğinde kullanım alanlarının çokluğu ve hemen

hemen her zemin tipine uygulanabilirliği açısından önemi, son yıllarda ülkemizde de çok
yaygınlaşan uygulamalarıyla bilinmektedir. Bu çalışma da jet-gorut yöntemi ile oluşturulan
kolonların dar ve kapalı alanlarda ve sınırlı derinliklerdeki iksa uygulamalarında
kullanabilirliği anlatılmış, tasarım ve uygulama örneği verilmiştir. Her iki vakada da
jet-gorut yöntemi ile oluşturulan geçirimsiz konsol iksa perdeleri başarıyla oluşturulmuş,
kazılar deplasman ve su sızma problemleri ile karşılaşmadan tamamlanmıştır.


Durgunoğlu, T. (2004), “Yüksek Modüllü Kolonların Temel Mühendisliğinde Kullanımı”,

VI. Ord. Prof. Dr. A. Hamdi Peynircioğlu Konferansı
Burke, G. (2004), “Jet Grouting Systems: Advantages and Disadvantages”, Proc.
GeoSupport 2004 pp. 875-886.
Kirsch K. ve Bell A. (2013), “Ground Improvement Third Edition”, CRC Press
Welsch, J.P. & Burke, G.K. (1991), “Jet Grouting – Uses For Soil Improvement”, Proc.
Geotechnical Engineering Congress 1991, pp. 334-345.

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Missouri University of Science and Technology
Scholars' Mine

International Conference on Case Histories in (2004) - Fifth International Conference on Case

Geotechnical Engineering Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

16 Apr 2004, 8:00am - 9:30am

The Application of Jet Grouting in Shanghai Foundation Pit

Jia-Lin Wang
Shanghai Jianjiang Technology, Development Company, Shanghai, China

Ji-Wang Wang
Central Research Institute of Building and Construction of MMI, Beijing, China

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Recommended Citation
Wang, Jia-Lin and Wang, Ji-Wang, "The Application of Jet Grouting in Shanghai Foundation Pit Projects"
(2004). International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering. 20.

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Shanghai Jianjiang Technology Central Research Institute of Building
Development Company, Shanghai, China. and Construction of MMI, Beijing, China.


Jet grouting in Shanghai can date back to late 1970s but was seldom applied in constructive projects. It was not until the construction
of Metro in Shanghai in 1980s that jet grouting became widely accepted. Now it has been successfully applied in the constructions of
two subway lines and basic constructions of some buildings nearby. A lot of experience has been accumulated through practice in
terms of suitable conditions and situations.
First, it can reduce deformation caused by excavation. When the system of braced framing in a certain geological condition cannot
meet the demand of deforming control and bracing path cannot be increased, the method of enhancing resistance of passive zone of
enclosing structure should be taken into consideration. Soil body strengthening of passive zone is usually a reasonable method. When
problems of piping or artesian water occur, jet grouting of stabilizing foundation pit bottom can be used if method of groundwater
lowering is not suitable due to environmental circumstances. Jet grouting is also employed in cut-off wall of foundation pit and
entrance in shield working well.

CHARACTERISTICS OF GUNITING CONSOLIDATION water content 30-40%, belongs to medium-compressible

IN FOUNDATION OF COHESIVE SOIL soil, sometimes is intermingled with clay silty layer. S.P.T.
N=3~4, about 2.5m thick.
Soil-cement is a material or consolidated body made of the The third layer: soft silty clay. Grey, saturated, flow plastic,
mixture of natural soil, cement and water. As a special kind of intermingled with thin silty sand, water content 38%-49%,
material, it was used in irrigation works and civil engineering S.P.T. N=1-2, belongs to high-compressible soil, about 5
in the past. It is until the recent decades of years that meters thick.
soil-cement is used to consolidating foundation by mixing up The fourth layer: soft clay. Gray and saturated, flow plastic,
deep-level soil and cement through mechanical or intermingled with thin silty sand, water content 43%-47%,
high-pressure jet. S.P.T. N=0.5-2, belongs to high-compressible soil, about 7
The distribution of soil horizons in Shanghai is not varied. meters thick.
Take an example of the geological condition of a project near The fifth layer: clay and silty clay. Gray and saturated, flow
Huangpu River, its soil stratum can be categorized as Table1: plastic, intermingled with thin silty sand, water content
The first layer: miscellaneous fill, made of crushed brick, 34%-47%, S.P.T. N=0.5-2, about 7m thick.
broken stone, cinder and cohesive soil, about 4 meters thick. Below these are dark-green silty clay and silty sand.
The second layer: silty clay. Brown and dark, soft plastic, Ground water level is usually -(1.0-2.0)m. Jet grouting is

Paper No.5.38
mainly applied in the second and third layers and sometimes Because the hardening process of pure cement does not have
to the fourth layer. this characteristic, its increase involves in other factors. This
change is related to mineralogical composition of both the soil
body and the cement. However, cement hydrate is still crucial
L Thic Gra-vit W/C Void Liqu Liqu Plastic Plast SPT
to the formation of compressive strength.
a k- y (%) ratio idity. id limit -icit (N)
y ness Inde limit y Construction techniques influence the cement and water
e (m) x inde quantity of cement soil formed by jet grouting and the soil
r x
type while water content depends on conditions on site
1 19.0 25~ 0.7~ 0.8~ 30~ 19~22 10~ 5~1
30 1.0 1.0 37 17 0
conditions. Some factors cannot be altered artificially. That is
2 2~3 18.0 35~ 1.0~ >1.0 33 21 10~ 2~5 to say, people cannot strictly control all but only a part of the
40 1.3 17 materials of this cement soil. Therefore, segregability of this
3 6~7 17.5 50~ 1.3~ 1.15 36~ 20~24 17~ 2~3
cement soil is formed.
or 60 1.6 ~1.8 45 24
less The compressive strength of cement soil in soft-soil
4 10 18.5 25 0.8~ >1.0 30 foundation is related to these factors: (1) kind and quantity of
or 0.9 cement; (2) grain diameter; grading and mineralogical
composition of soil; (3) water content; (4) time, temperature
5 8~ 18.5 33 1.0 >1.0 32 20 12 10
10 and humidity; (5) kind and quantity of admixture.
Table1. Main Index of Physical Mechanics of Layers. The compressive strength of jet-grouting cement soil is
enhanced with time. According to the test result of field
Cement soils formed by sand and clay are different in terms of sampling while using triple jet grouting, if the compressive
compressive strength increasing. The rule of compressive strength of 28 days is 100%, then that of 15 days is 75% and
strength increase by sand soil is similar to mortar and concrete that of 60 days is 140% (see Fig.1). Methods of raising cement
whereas the time to increase the compressive strength of clay mark or quantities etc. should be taken to enhance the
evidently increases. compressive strength.
Experiment shows that the compressive strength of cement We used the diffractometer to test the reinforcement of
soil in soft clay keeps increasing from two months to a year. different ages including sandy silt and clay. We did the
samples according to their actual proportion in the jet grouting,
then do analysis, also compared with the pure cement and clay.
◎ Fig. 2 shows the X-diffractionspectrum of the Pure cement,
2.0 ◎ Pure clay and their mix.

1.6 χ ◎ Some parameters in Fig2 are as following:

χ ◎ ◎◎

a- clay
(Mp) 1.2 χ

b- cement (W/C-0.93, 5 months)
●●● ● χχ
● χ
χχ c- cement (W/C-0.88, 5 months)
0.8 ●
●●● χ d- cement (W/C-0.88,8 months)

e- pure cement
Comparing these curves, series mineral like kaolin and mica
can be found in the clay and cement, after mixing, at first the
10 20 30 40 50 60(Day) reinforcement soil still retains the original minerals, but with
Fig1. Compressive strength Change Due To Days aging, which goes on for several months, new mineral is
formed. That is C3ACaCO312H2O which diffraction angle is

Paper No.5.38
Diffraction Angle


Fig3. X-diffractionspectrum of The Cement-Sandy Silt



2 (A)

Fig2. X-diffractionspectrum of the Pure cement, Pure clay and ●

their mix.
Simultaneously, for the Cement-Sandy silt mix, whatever the 7 28 60 Day

age, no other new mineral is formed (see Fig.3). This further

proved that the principle & feature of the increase in
compressive strength occurring in the clay and in sandy clay Fig4. Compressive strength Contrast Between 2 Kinds W/C
are different while using cement as hardener in the jet
grouting. result under the same conditions of soil and cement quantity
Commonly, the mineral in the clay like Carbonate of Lime, but different conditions of water cement ratio. Curve A applies
Silica, Alundum will have reaction with calcarea, the hydrate the 1:1 W/C ratio and curve B applies the 2.3:1 W/C ratio. The
of cement. And the displacement and carbonation of Ca+ and difference is evident. (See Fig.4)
Na+ in the clay all impro ved the compressive strength of the Admixture was seldom used in the past because its usage in
reinforcement on some extent. Since the process of the above concrete could not be applied to jet grouting. Only a small
reaction is very slow, a long-term trend for increase of percent admixture of cement would have no effect if put into
compressive strength can be seen in the clay at the late period. grout. But over the past years, some types of admixture
Due to the characteristic of jet grouting technique, cement soil suitable for cement soil has appeared. With the development
has high water content. But the compressive strength and of new materials, the role of admixture in the increase of soft
water content are of the inverse ratio: the less the water soil foundation will be more and more significant.
content is, the more the compressive strength. Fig2 shows the

Paper No.5.38
Example1. Shanghai Plaza
Jet grouting is applicable to foundation excavation projects, As Shanghai Plaza located in the commercial district, the
subway tunneling projects and underpinning. In Shanghai, layout plan is similar to a diamond, the span from the East to
underground engineering is mainly used in consolidation of the west is about 150m and the north to the south is about 85m,
passive zone and bottom of foundation pit, foundation pit the total pit area covers 9656 square meters. The underground
cut-off and shield working well, etc. wall divided the pit to 2 parts, the north and the south. The
Within the past ten years of construction in Shanghai, north structure consists of 34 stories above ground and 3
consolidation technology especially practical application has stories underground. The average excavation depth is 15 to
been improved a lot. Several forms of jet grouting application 16m, and in some part even about 18m. The south structure is
are described as follows. a 6-storey-annex with a 1-storey-basement, the average depth
1. According to disposal form, there will be categorized as A, is about 7m. Metro Line1 passes through the entire south pit
B, C etc. see Figure5. from the east to the west, for a total length is 151m. The
2. According to layout plan, there will have forms like D, E, shortest distance from the diaphragm wall to the metro tunnel
F, G, H, I etc. see Figure6. is only 2.61m and the bottom of the north pit to the crown of
3. According to section plan, there will be shown as L, J, K the tunnel is only 1.26m. The pit is very close to the most
etc. see Figure7. populous area of Shanghai containing various pipe lines under
the ground, so it is required that the absolute settlement of the
ground and horizontal displacement of diaphragm wall should
be controlled within 20mm.

Figure5.. Disposal Form

Figure8. Plan View for Shanghai Plaza

Figure6. Layout Plan Since the lateral deformation of the pit calculated by the
building enclosure still can not meet the demands of the
underground protection, we decided to use jet grouting for
5-meter-deep consolidation at the bottom(See
Figure8.&Figure9.). Unconfined compressive strength of
improved ground is Qu28 no less than 1.5MPa, diameter of jet
grouting column of 1.3m.

Figure7. Section Plan

Paper No.5.38
Figure9. Section View for Shanghai Plaza

The results show that the displacement caused by the pit

excavation has been well controlled within the range of the
metro protection requirement. Figure10. Plan View for Shanghai Hongkong New World
Example2 Shanghai Hongkong New World Plaza
Shanghai Hongkong New World Plaza has a 58-storey main
tower and a 4-storey commercial building. The pit area is
about 9987 square meters with the excavation depth of
15~19.3m. Various pipelines are buried under the road around
the site. The South pit is parallel to the metro station for a
distance of 90m, the span parallel to the station is 6 to 8m and
Figure11. Section View for Shanghai Hongkong New World
the bottom of the station is at a depth of 15m. The maximum
lateral deformation of the diaphragm wall close to the nearby
station should be controlled to within 25mm. The maximum
lateral deformation of the other three sides should be within Air pressure=0.7Mpa Flow: 0.8~1.0m³/min
40mm. Grout bump pressure=1Mpa Flow: 70~80L/Min
With the prediction,the above supporting protection design Water bump pressure≧33Mpa Flow:75L/Min
can not meet the needs of deformation control, so we have Lift speed of the jet grouting 10~12cm/Min
provided an underground beam using jet grouting at the pit Consolidation diameter=1.5m Qu28≧1.5Mpa
bottom. The jet grouting was done two horizontal layers, the
W/C ratio 1.0
first layer is 3m deep, depth of the second layer is 2.5m.
Speed of rotation 8~12 round per minute
Please see Figure10 &11. to find the supporting protection in
Materials Cement, admixture
the pit, layout and section plan of the jet grouting.
Water/Clay (0.8~1.2):1
Since we used jet grouting in the pit, the maximum lateral
deformation of the underground wall near the South pit which
Table 2. Parameters In The Jet Grouting
is close to the metro line has been limited to 22.65mm, Fig.12
As the excavation depth of north pit is 17.3m, to protect the
shows the actual displacement curve. Compared to the
nearby road and pile lines, control the deformation, we did the
predicted value, the result is very close. The average
consolidation to 5m deep at the bottom. Inside pit used deep
corresponding maximum settlement is 15.14mm. The
mixing method, the width is 10m. Furthermore, there is a 600
settlement of the protective structure at the west side of the pit
square meters deep pit which excavation depth is 19.3m.
is 7mm.
According to the geological investigation, the fifth soil layer
contains water under pressure. It is calculated that when
excavation reaches 19.3m, instability of the bottom of

Paper No.5.38
excavation may occur. So a 2m thick jet grouting layer was flowing from the side face and bottom. Without this measure,
constructed to stabilize the bottom. Table 2 shows the it is impossible to assure successful construction of this deep
parameters in the jet grouting. and wide pit..

Ⅱ.Geological conditions Table3. Shows the geological

conditions of this Project

1100 Filling Pile

Figure13. Part Plane View

Figure12. Comparison Between Actual & Calculated Artificial Soil

Brown Silt Clay
Lark Silt Clay
F igures. Grey Silt clay

Grey Mucky Silt

Example 3 Shanghai Out-Huangpu Tunnel Steel Pipe Column
Grey Mucky

Ⅰ.General situation Shanghai out-Huangpu tunnel is the Jet Grounting Column

Grey Clay
longest underwater vehicular tunnel of China nowadays which
Grey Silt Sand
is also the first cross-river tunnel using pipe sinking in Dark Green Silt
Shanghai, the total length of it is 2880m and the sinking pipe
Grass Yellow Silt
under the water is 736m. Clay

This project is on the west bank of Huangpu river, and the pit
Grass Yellow to
is close to the river bank. As the project requirement, jet Grey Silt Sand
Filling Pile
grouting should be used to form an cut-off wall which is only
several meters away from the Huangpu river. Some Φ1190,
Figure14. A-A Section
40m long (elevation is 5.6m-34.4m) steel pipe piles were used
at the upper part on the east part as the support. The head of
Ⅲ.Design scheme We used the jet grouting at the portal of the
each pile was connected to the adjacent one. Between -34.4m
tunnel which is in the pit near Huangpu river. After treatment,
and -44.4m, the bored piles have a diameter of 1.1m. The
the unconfined compression strength of the jet grouting is over
center-to-center distance between these piles is 1.45m The
1.5Mpa. We put 3 rows in this area. The first row which is
depth of the pit is 30m and the width is 50m. There are a mass
near to the steel and bored piles is the semicircular column &
of sandy soil within the pit and under the pit. At the same time,
the columns(2 types of jet grouting). Distance between the
the foundation face of the pit containing abundant
centers of jet grouting is 73.4cm.
underground water as it is very close to the Huangpu river.
The center line of the first row is 300mm away from the pile.
Therefore, we shall install cut-off wall, especially in the area
The second row and the third row have 2 types of jet grouting,
between the bored piles to control the underground water
the jet grouting column and semicircular columns. Both of

Paper No.5.38
Figure15. Plan View of the Project

Layer Depth Thickness Water Void Compression Modulus of Direct Shear Solid
(m) (m) content Ratio Coefficient Compressio Cohe- Angle of
(%) (Mpa) n sion internal
(Mpa) (Kpa) friction (ø)
1 Artificial soil 0.8~3.1 0.8~3.1

2-1 Brown silt 2.0~5.0 0.0~2.1 30..7 0.87 0.41 4.37 13.5 14.0
2-2 Grey silt clay 2.9~4.5 0.0~1.5 35..1 0.97 0.49 3.78 13.0 10.0
3-1 Grey silt sand 6.4~10.4 2.1~8.4 29..6 0.84 0.21 8.61 3.7 25.0
3-2 Grey soft silt 9.4~14.5 1.4~4.7 42..1 1.20 0.7 2.93 11.5 8.5

4 Grey soft clay 18.0~21. 6.0~10.0 49..3 1.39 1.0 2.23 10.6 6.2
5-1 Grey clay 22.6~26. 2.9~6.3 40..0 1.18 0.7 2.98 13.1 8.4
5-2 Grey silt sand 26.5~31. 2.0~6. 5 30..5 0.90 0.19 9.31 4.6 22.7
6-1 Dark green silt 28.5~30. 0.0~6.0 24.8 0.71 0.23 7.20 32.0 14.8
clay 8
6-2 Green-yellow 31.5~35. 1.6~5.1 23.6 0.68 0.21 7.82 27.1 16.1
silt clay 0
7 Green-yellow 39.5~42. 6.1~10.0 26.2 0.77 0.21 8.16 6.0 24.0
to grey silt 4

Table.3 Geological Conditions of Example B

their consolidation elevations are -41.00m to -22.26m. The taking advantage of their strong points to fulfill the demands
distant while following the principles of economics and safety.
between them is 1000mm. The pile spacing between the 1st
row and the 2nd is 500mm while between the 2nd and the 3rd is Ⅳ.Jet grouting execution
1500mm. (Fig13, Fig14, Fig.15) 1. About the pile’s vertical inclination:
The designed diameter of the jet grouting column is 1500mm, Since the excavation depth in this project is very deep, the
and the diameter of the semicircular jet grouting column is inclination factor of the jet grouting columns should not be
2100mm. This scheme combined these two kinds of methods, neglected. After drilling, some holes should be tested. We used

Paper No.5.38
inclinometer in measuring the angle of inclination. REFERENCE
Yahiro, Teruo [1996]. “Water-Jet Method”, Kajima Institute
2. Parameters Publishing Co., Ltd.
Situation Parameter
Water Pressure 35~40Mp Bell, A.L. [1992]. “Grouting in the ground”. Proceedings of
Grout Pressure 0.5~1.5Mp the Conference Organized by the Institution of Civil
Air Pressure 1.0Mp Engineers.
Speed of lift 6~10cm per min
Speed of rotation 8~12round per min Moseley, M.P. [1993]. “Ground Improvement.”
Materials Cement, admixture
Water/Cement (0.8~1.0):1 Jia, Jian. [2003]. “Research and Practice of Deflection
Control by Ground Treatment in Deep Excavations”, In

Table4. Jet Grouting Parameters For This Project candidacy for degree of philosophy Doctor, Tong Ji

3. Spoils Return
The spoils which are the outcome from the jet grouting should Technical Criterion of Architecture Groundwork Management

be laid for 2 to 3 days then using the excavator to desilt and JGJ 79-2002. [2002]

take away. So there should be two areas totaling about

100square meters to do this. Technical Criterion of Architecture Pit Engineering YB
9258-97. [1998]

4. Supervision
This project will use soft-sampling which means take sample Gong, Xiaonan. [2002], Groundwork Management Manual

after the jet grouting before the cement has hardened. (2nd Edition).

This project has been finished while there never happened any
leaking and piping during the excavation which means the Wang, Jiwang., Wang, Jianming. and Wang, Jialin. [1998].

application of jet grouting was successful to form a good “New Method of coring and cohesion determination on jet

cut-off wall. grouting improved soft clay”, in Proceedings of the First

International Conference on Site Characterization.

Jet Grouting is a method of special function and is widely used Wang Jiwang. [1991] “Jet Grouting & Deep Mix”, Metallurgy

in underground construction. There are many examples of Publication.

successful application in Shanghai. Experience demonstrated

that successful application of jet grouting depends on detailed Mitsuhiro Shibazaki. [2003]. “State of Practice of Jet

work plan and strict quality control. Therefore, besides the Grouting”, Grouting and Ground Treatment, Proceedings of

mastering of related knowledge and theory, accumulated the 3rd International Conference.

experience and use of others’ experience for reference are also

very important. Use this method to solve problems and adjust
measures to local conditions. However, to some extent, we
still lags behind some advanced level in terms of equipments,
quality control system and usage of horizontal or slope jet
under some special circumstances. We should study further to
improve our levels.

Paper No.5.38

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