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Medical and pharmacy abbreviations ( sig codes )

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Abbreviation Meaning(s)



 or ss

a.a., aa of each

a.c. Before food, before meals

a.d. Right ear

a.m. Morning

a.s., a.l. Left ear

a.u. Each ear

ad to, up to

aq, aqua Water

aq. ad add water up to

b.i.d., bid Twice a day

c With

caps Capsules
Abbreviation Meaning(s)

cm Cream

dil. dilute

disp. Dispense

div. divide

elix. Elixir

f, fl. Fluid

f, ft. Make, Let it be made

fl. oz. Fluid ounce

g., G., gm. Gram

gtt. Drop

h Hour, at the hour of

h.s. At bedtime

i.m., IM Intramuscular

i.v., IV Intravenous

i.v.p., IVP Intravenous push

inj. Injection

IVPB Intravenous piggyback

Abbreviation Meaning(s)

l, L Liter/Litre

liq. Liquid

mcg. Microgram

mEq milliequivalent

mg. Milligram

ml., mL Milliliter/Millilitre

NR No refill

o.d. Right eye

o.s., o.l. Left eye

o.u. Each eye

p.c. After food, after meals

p.m. Afternoon, evening

p.o. By mouth

p.r. Rectally

p.r.n., prn As needed

p.v. Vaginally

per neb By nebulizer

q each, every
Abbreviation Meaning(s)

q.d. Every day

q.h. Every hour

q.i.d., qid Four times a day

q.s. A sufficient quantity

q.s. ad Add sufficient quantity to make

qod Every other day

S.L. Sublingually, under the tongue

SC, subc, subq Subcutaneously

sig. Label, write

SR, XR, XL Slow/Extended release

Stat. Immediately

supp. Suppository

syr. Syrup

t.i.d., tid Three times a day

tab. Tablet

tbsp. Tablespoon

top. Topically

tsp. Teaspoon
Abbreviation Meaning(s)

ung., oint. Ointment

ut dict., u.d. As directed

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