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O Lord my God, the Bible promises if I “put my hope in the Lord and “

travel steadily along His path, He will honor me” (Psalm 37.34). With
your help, I want to take that course of action in 2022. I admit I cannot
successfully navigate through this year without you. I’m persuaded you
will hear this prayer each time I pray it. “I invite you to be my
business partner in 2022. In the midst of all the economic uncertainty in
our land, I will depend upon your stability. As our economy goes up and
down like a yo-yo, I’m thankful you remain constant
Please give me Golden Connections with my customers and with my “
suppliers. Give success to all the advertising I do. Please prompt my
customers to tell their friends about my business and that many people
will speak positive words about me. Also, protect my place of business
.from vandalism and may my equipment not breakdown during 2022
I need a good team to work with me. Give me loyal employees and “
colleagues who will work hard and be honest. Also, I ask you give me 2
or 3 Spirit-filled friends with whom I can pray. Help me develop good
priorities, for I realize what I do daily determines what I become
permanently. And please, Lord, increase my people-skills. “Help me be
wise about cash flow. Lord, protect and honor me in this area. Give me
Uncommon Insight to make the right moves. Please send many new
customers my way in 2022. And prosper them so they can pay their bills
on time
Give me favor with banks and insurance companies I’ll deal with this
year. Give me a creative mind. Enable me in 2022 to dream big, but
monitor me so I don’t act foolishly. Protect me by never letting success
go to my head nor failure go to my heart. The former will create pride
and the latter will birth discouragement. Both are POISON and I want
neither in my life. Enable me this year to move one step closer to being
I know poverty does not help anyone. I don’t just want to survive in life—
I want to thrive! May your Spirit deposit inside me the desire to tithe on
every dollar I earn. I know one day I’ll stand before you. I want to be a
!success in this life and also in eternity. I trust you
”!I pray all this in the Strong Name of Jesus. Amen “

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