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Time is starting to run out for Edu and Mikel Arteta as the January transfer window draws to

a close.

Arsenal have yet to make a single first team signing in the winter market so far despite going
into it with the knowledge that a central midfielder and striker are needed.

Tottenham, Manchester United and West Ham find themselves in a similar position to the
Gunners, with Arteta admitting that the market has been "difficult" for all involved.

As previous years show, much of the transfer activity will be completed during the final 48
hours of the window with Arsenal expected to be particularly busy this week.

So, what is the current state of play at Arsenal as we enter the final fortnight of the January
transfer window?

Time is starting to run out for Edu and Mikel Arteta as the January transfer window draws to
a close.

Arsenal have yet to make a single first team signing in the winter market so far despite going
into it with the knowledge that a central midfielder and striker are needed.

Tottenham, Manchester United and West Ham find themselves in a similar position to the
Gunners, with Arteta admitting that the market has been "difficult" for all involved.

As previous years show, much of the transfer activity will be completed during the final 48
hours of the window with Arsenal expected to be particularly busy this week.

So, what is the current state of play at Arsenal as we enter the final fortnight of the January
transfer window?

He is currently valued at £31.5m having won four Bundesliga titles since his move from
Hoffenheim in the summer of 2017.

Another young defender who could also be secured is Marseille’s Boubacar Kamara. After
failing to agree a new deal with the Ligue 1 outfit, the 22-year-old - who can also play in
midfield - looks likely to depart the club.

He has also been linked with Manchester United and Newcastle United amid Chelsea’s

Should he complete a move to west London, however, he will line up alongside Thiago Silva,
with the three-man defence assembling a formidable shield in front of undisputed first
choice stopper Edouard Mendy.

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