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Good morning everyone, today I am here to show you a picture

against racism and explain what this photograph means to me.

Too you understand better i will explain what racism is: racism is
the martginalization and oppression of people of color based on
a socially contructed racial hierarchy that privileeges white
In this picture we can see two people shaking their hands and
one of them has black skin and the other has white skin. This
image means the union of the races, the fight against racism and
that we all are the same in terms of rights.
Nowadays we continue to have the idea that the rights of black
people are already fully achived, but this idea is wrong. For
example, recently a man in the USA was murdered by a police
officer for being black. I belive that everyone has herad about
this story off George Floyd. So he was arrested for using a fake
20 dollar bill, and when the police was detaining him he shocked
him with his leg until he die. Exist vídeos in internet that it is
possible to hear George begging for his life and the policee
continue to kill him. I tis horrible what happened and prove that
racism still exist in society. And now i ask to myself, if george had
been a person whith white skin he would have died?
In this other image we can also observe a demonstration aginst
what happened to Floyd whit the slogan “Black Lives
Matter”.This image shows thaht we have to fight for the right of
people with black skin and it has to be the whole world, doesnt
matter the skin color. This is why the girl is saying :”This is
Everyone´s fight”
So we all have an important role in society so that it is fairer
and all people have to contribute.

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