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What is the overall purpose of this website?

The overall purpose of the website is to advertise and

promote its product such as baseball
caps,baseball,hoodies,beanies,gloves,scarves,shorts and
lastly joggers etc:. The purpose for this website is to look
professional,unique, look attractive to engage your
audience with the colour scheme and the consistency of
the colours. The purpose is selling products to make the
products feel excellent and attract the audience's attention.
The use of hyperlinks work effectively and it is easy to
navigate for the audience.The overall aim is aimed at
young teenagers and adults who love sport.

What are the strengths of this website? The

strengths of the website is getting the products out there with
It’s attractive vibrant colours to engage the audience. The
strengths of this website looks professional, looks very
engaging, attarting also it makes you want to want it. The
strengths have a hyperlinks,search engine, drop down
menu,animation when hovering over it for the audience needs.
It has student discounts for students and free refunds.

How would you improve this website? They sell

more products than It says on the web page also to be more
diverse for females. The webpage needs to have a video of a
model to show the product so we know a general overview of
the product you like.

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