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Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Articles 130 to 135)

Citizens duties;

Venezuelan have the duties to protect and defend the constitution and the Venezuelan
territory as a member of society, as well as to meet certain societal standards and
As Venzuelan citizen we must to protect our land, symbols and culture because it´s our
nation, therefore it´s a duty. Native people, as cultures with ancestral roots, are part of the

“Article 130: Venezuelans have the duty to honor and defend their native land symbols
and cultural values and to guard and protect the sovereignty, nationhood, territorial
integrity, self-determination and interests of the nation.”

It is a fundamental duty of the Everyone, individually and collectively, In accordance with

this Constitution obey and comply with the federal, state and local laws .

“Article 131: Everyone has the duty to comply with and obey this Constitution and the
laws and other official acts promulgated by the organs of Public Power.”

It´s important to fulfill the social responsabilities such as political and economic
organization, cultures, practices and customs, languages and religions in orden to life in an
adecuated environment .

“Article 132: Everyone has a duty to fulfill his or her social responsibilities and participate
together in the political, civic and community life of the country, promoting and protecting
human rights as the foundation of democratic coexistence and social peace.”

All Venezuelan citizens must pay taxes to contribute with the national expenses in one form
or another for services and programs such schools, roads, police and fire protection,
Medicare and national defense that would be impossible to maintain without the support of
tax payments.
“Article 133: Everyone has the duty to contribute toward public expenditures by paying
such taxes, assessments and contributions as may be established by law.”

Every woman and man has the dury to defend the country in the event of war or other
national emergency along with the armed forces.

“Article 134: Everyone, in accordance with law, has the duty to perform such civilian or
military service as may be necessary for the defense, preservation and development of the
country, or to deal with situations involving a public calamity. No one shall be subjected to
forcible recruitment.

Everyone has the duty of rendering its services in the electoral functions assigned to them
by law.”

Every individual must help and contribute with the well-being of the society offering their
knowledge and talents to local organizations, committees and community projects throgh
community service.

“Article 135: The obligations incumbent upon the State in accordance with this
Constitution and the law, in Fulfillment of the States commitments to the general welfare of
society, do not preclude the obligations which, by virtue of solidarity, social responsibility
and humanitarian assistance, are incumbent upon private individuals according to their
abilities. Appropriate provisions shall be enacted by law to compel the Fulfillment of these
obligations in those cases in which such compulsion is necessary. Those aspiring to practice
any profession have a duty to perform community service for such period, in such place and
on such terms as may be provided for by law.”

It´s important to show respect for our constitution and the anothers laws, promote harmony
and the brotherhood amoungst all people, the venezuelan citizen is the fundamental pillar of
the country. Each citizen has a responsibility to make his or her community a decent place
to inhabit. Parents, adults have to teach the children how to get involved and obey the law
in order to build a better society .

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