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Role of computers and internet in research:

Computer is one of the most used commodities in our day to day


The majority of our day to day activities are directly or indirectly related
to a computer. And hence is the research activity.

Correcting Out Mistakes

The first and foremost role which a computer plays during your research
is correcting the mistakes which you have made while researching and
preparing your dissertation or project.

For researching purposes, you use the internet and make thorough
research on that topic.

After that, you make your dissertation in So, if you have any kind of
spelling mistakes while making your research work, you can use
software like which will help you if you make any kind of spelling or
grammatical mistakes.

2. Easy Calculation

If your research topic involves any data, you can carry your data analysis
quite easier with the help of

Let us assume the same earlier example.

So in your child labor topic, you do a detailed survey where you took
100 respondents.

So after surveying, you need to put the survey data into your PC.

In such cases, tools like Microsoft Excel will help you out.
3. Save Your Time

Lastly, there is an important role of computer in research because I

believe, that it will definitely save you an ample amount of time.

You will be needing more time if you make a research project without

So I believe your huge amount of time will be saved by making a

research work with pc.

Apart from time, it will also make your work faster, easier, and accurate

With the advancement of information and communication technology,

researchers have found new methods of data collection and analysis.
This has evolved from telephone surveys, computerized data analysis,
and use of cell phones and pagers, to collecting information at random
intervals, use of Personal Digital Assistants (or "PalmPilots"), and use of
the Internet in research. Although the Internet is fast becoming a
common fixture in contemporary life in many parts of the world, it
remains relatively unused for primary data collection in many research
fields. Increasingly, however, the Internet is being treated as a rich
source for literature and secondary data in social science research.
By its very nature, the Internet appears to be a very promising medium
for researchers. As a vehicle for data collection, it promises increased
sample size, greater sample diversity, easier access and convenience,
lower costs and time investment, and many other appealing features. It is
even possible to use the Internet for pilot testing media messages and
advertisement campaigns. But without careful attention, the researcher
may get into difficulties. It is the purpose of this article to expose some
of the potential pitfalls awaiting the unwary researcher.

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