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Trends in Analytical Chemistry 69 (2015) 88–97

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / t r a c

Identification and structure elucidation by NMR spectroscopy

Mikhail Elyashberg *
Advanced Chemistry Development, Moscow Department, 6 Akademik Bakulev Street, Moscow 117513, Russian Federation


The state of the art and recent developments in application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for
structure elucidation and identification of small organic molecules are discussed. The recently sug-
Computer-assisted structure elucidation
gested new two-dimensional (2D)-NMR experiments combined with the advanced instrumentation allow
Expert system structure elucidation of new organic compounds at a sample amount of less than 10 μg. A pure shift ap-
Hydrogen-deficient molecule proach that provides 1H-decoupled proton spectra drastically simplified 1H and 2D NMR spectra
NMR interpretation. The structure elucidation of extremely hydrogen-deficient compounds was dramatically
Nuclear magnetic resonance facilitated due to the methodology based on combination of new 2D-NMR experiments providing long-
Structure elucidation range heteronuclear correlations with computer-assisted structure elucidation (CASE). The capabilities
Structure identification of CASE systems are discussed. The role of NMR-spectrum prediction in structure verification and NMR
Structure verification
approaches for qualitative mixture analysis are considered.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
2. Common set of 1D- and 2D-NMR experiments ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 89
3. Development of NMR experiments and instrumentation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 89
4. CASE expert systems .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 93
5. NMR chemical-shift prediction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 94
6. Structure verification ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 94
7. Structure identification and dereplication in mixtures .......................................................................................................................................................................... 94
8. Is it possible to avoid an erroneous structure elucidation? ................................................................................................................................................................. 95
9. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 95
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 95
References .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 95

1. Introduction To make clear the issues being discussed in this review, it is nec-
essary to consider some basic concepts. The first step in the structure
Molecular structure determination is a central theme of organic determination of an unknown is a spectral search against the rel-
and analytical chemistry. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spec- evant available databases using MS and NMR spectra. If the spectrum
troscopy in combination with high-resolution mass-spectrometry of the unknown fully coincides with a reference spectrum, it means
(HRMS) makes up a basic set of methods to solve this problem. Given that the structural formula of the unknown is identical to that of
the molecular formula of a complex organic molecule that has been the reference. This is termed as structure identification. Otherwise,
determined using HRMS, two-dimensional (2D)-NMR plays a crucial the problem of structure elucidation arises. Given the structure is
role in structure elucidation. In this review, we consider applica- elucidated, it is necessary to establish if the compound is new. The
tion of NMR to determine structures of small organic molecules. The structural search against corresponding databases {see review [10]}
results achieved in this area were discussed in monographs [1,2] to answer this question is called dereplication. This procedure is also
and reviews [3–9], including two comprehensive reviews pub- interpreted in literature as a structural identification of a known
lished recently [8,9]. chemical entity based on previously reported analytical and spec-
troscopic information [11].
Structure elucidation is obviously the most complicated task. It
is related to the class of inverse problems [12] for which solution am-
* Tel.: +7 495 438 2153; Fax: +4954382874. biguity is a distinctive peculiarity. A single solution is selected by
E-mail address: imposing additional constraints. On the whole, the problem of
0165-9936/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Elyashberg/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 69 (2015) 88–97 89

structure elucidation from 2D-NMR data can be presented as a com- Table 1

bination of two inverse problems, which should be solved in The most frequently used set of 2D NMR experiments [16]

consecutive order [2]. The first problem is to determine all (if pos- Experiment Characteristics
sible) pairs of atoms (nuclei) in the molecule for which there exist HSQC, The HSQC spectrum shows resonances (heteronuclear
correlations observed in 1D and available 2D-NMR spectra. This Heteronuclear correlations) which arise as a result of 1JCH couplings
goal is achieved as a result of interpretation of 1D- and 2D-NMR Single Quantum between 13C nuclei and protons attached to the
spectra, which may admit alternative solutions due to resonance Coherence corresponding atoms. This allows one to detect all CH, CH2
and CH3 groups with chemical shift assignment. ME-HSQC
overlap and other reasons. The second problem is to determine all (Multiplicity Edited HSQC) alleviates distinguishing
structures that meet the revealed set of coupled nuclei and then to responses from CH3, CH2 and CH groups in HSQC spectrum
select the most probable structure by imposing additional con- obviating the acquisition of DEPT data.
straints coming from characteristic spectral features, NMR chemical- COSY, Correlation The COSY spectrum usually reveals homonuclear
Spectroscopy correlations (spin couplings) between vicinal hydrogens
shift prediction and chemical knowledge. It is evident that the
separated by three bonds (3JHH). This makes it possible to
solution of the second, main, problem strongly depends on the identify the neighbor carbon atoms connected by a
solution of the first problem. If erroneous spin couplings leak into chemical bond.
the solution of the first problem, the possibility of a correct struc- TOCSY, Total TOCSY allows one, in principle, to obtain sub-spectra for
ture becomes problematic. Correlation different sequences of coupled protons in a molecule.
Spectroscopy In practice, investigators usually acquire only one of the
Analysis of spectroscopists’ reasoning during structure elucida- spectra.
tion led to the conclusion that initial NMR-based information used HMBC, The HMBC spectrum reveals heteronuclear correlations
for this goal could be represented as a set of “axioms”, which make Heteronuclear between 1H and 13C (15N) nuclei separated by two or three
up a partial axiomatic theory formulated specifically for a given Multiple-Bond chemical bonds, allowing users to detect ”fuzzy”
Coherence fragments around a given C or N atom. There is no routine
problem [1,2,13]. Hence, the problem reduces to inferring all plau-
approach that would allow determining which intervening
sible structures from the set of axioms. The axioms can be readily 1
H-13C pairs are separated by two bonds and which – by
formalized, and provide a theoretical basis for creation of algo- three. Therefore the information carried by HMBC is fuzzy
rithms for computer-assisted structure elucidation (CASE). by nature. 1H-13C HMBC data are made even more “fuzzy”
Note that both a human expert and a CASE program commonly by the occasional observation of 4JCH correlations. In
contrast, for conventional 1H -15N HMBC, 4JNH correlations
use the same set of axioms, but the program is not governed by the are almost never observed.
chemical “prejudices” of the human mind and delivers all (without NOESY, Nuclear The NOESY/ROESY [18] reveals couplings between
any exception) structures satisfying the given set of axioms adopted Overhauser hydrogen atoms separated in space by distance <5 Å, ,
by the chemist. This task, as a rule, is impossible for a human expert. Enhancement which is used for determining stereochemistry of an
Spectroscopy elucidated structure, as well as for clarifying positions of
The program finds solution far more quickly and more reliably [13].
ROESY, Rotated some substituents if HMBC and COSY data do not allow to
Generally speaking, progress in the reviewed area is going on frame NOE do that. These spectra are usually not used during
in the following two directions: Spectroscopy structure assembly.

• suggestion of new NMR experiments and instrumentation for

reliably acquiring as much structural information as possible from 3. Development of NMR experiments and instrumentation
the smallest amounts of sample [8,14,15] in the shortest time
(provides solution to the first inverse problem); and, The latest advances in development and improvements of 2D-
• enhancing the performance of the existing CASE programs and NMR experiments were extensively considered in recently published
creating new ones (provides solution to the second inverse reviews [6,8,19–24]. Significant efforts of researchers were focused
problem). on creating methods for detecting correlations whose lengths could
(at least in principle) be unambiguously determined. For example,
This review discusses the state of progress in solving these distinguishing between correlations of coupling constants 2JCH and
problems. JCH in the HMBC spectrum leads to obtaining crisper 2D-NMR struc-
tural information. Different methods were suggested to reduce the
time for spectral acquisition, to increase sensitivity and to simpli-
2. Common set of 1D- and 2D-NMR experiments fy post-acquisition processing of 2D-NMR data. Some 2D-NMR
experiments that complement those shown in Table 1 are enumer-
H- and 13C-NMR spectra carry information about the qualita- ated in Table 2.
tive and quantitative composition of an unknown and they are used From the standpoint of a protocol for elucidating chemical struc-
first for the determination of the molecular formula. Along with 1D ture, a 1H spectrum is almost always recorded first. The next step
H- and 13C (15N if available)-NMR spectra, many two-dimensional is the acquisition of 2D-NMR data, and it is recommended to start
NMR experiments were developed for structure elucidation [16,17]. with a multiplicity-edited HSQC (ME-HSQC) spectrum [5]. The HSQC
For molecules containing nitrogen atoms, resonances of 15N nuclei data may provide some insight into the numbers of possible het-
are determined from 1H-15N heteronuclear single-quantum corre- eroatoms, as well as a partial carbon count. The next step is to acquire
lation (HSQC) and 1H-15N heteronuclear multi-bond correlation a COSY spectrum. Having in hand 1H, COSY and ME-HSQC, it is pos-
(HMBC) 2D spectra (see below). The most frequently used set of 2D- sible to begin to assemble structural fragments comprising the
NMR experiments is presented in Table 1. contiguous protonated carbon resonances.
The correlation spectroscopy (COSY) and HMBC correlations Having the molecular formula from HRMS and HSQC, it is pos-
whose lengths most frequently do not exceed three bonds are re- sible to establish the expected number of signals of quaternary
ferred to as standard correlations [1]. However, depending on the carbons in 13C-NMR spectrum and the minimum number of het-
spatial configuration of a molecule, correlations longer than stan- eroatoms. Then, the HMBC spectrum is acquired, and in principle,
dard correlations can also be observed. These correlations are referred allows one to complete assembly of the structure.
to as non-standard correlations (NSCs). The presence of NSCs, their If the molecule contains nitrogen atoms, employing the 1H-15N
number and lengths in HMBC and COSY spectra are difficult to detect, HMBC spectrum gives valuable information that is crucial for the struc-
and this issue can make the initial information not only fuzzy but ture elucidation in many cases {see reviews [30–34]}. Low sensitivity
also contradictory. of the 1H-15N HMBC experiment is overcome using small-volume
90 M. Elyashberg/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 69 (2015) 88–97

Table 2 Hilton and Martin [35] investigated experimental performance

Experiments complementing the most frequently used 2D NMR techniques limits for an ensemble of 2D-NMR experiments using a 600 MHz
Method Characteristics spectrometer with 1.7 mm Bruker TCI MicroCryoProbe. A solution
HSQC-TOCSY The 1H-13C HSQC-TOCSY experiment combines 1H-13C HSQC containing 870 μg (2.6 μmol) of a model compound – strychnine
with a 1H-TOCSY experiments to give through-bond in 30 μL of CDCl3 – was used. The following acquisition times to
correlations between a 13C-attached 1H to all other coupled obtain adequate signal-to-noise ratios were determined: COSY –
H. The resonances of coupled protons can be seen along a 7 min; rotating-frame Overhauser-effect spectroscopy (ROESY) –
line at the same 13C chemical shift from the carbon atom
attached to the primary 1H [16].
1 h 11 min; 13C reference – 25 min; ME-HSQC – 7 min; 1H-13C
CIGAR-CHMBC Makes it much easier to interpret the spectrum, particularly HMBC – 33 min; 1H-13C heteronuclear 2-bond correlation (H2BC)
in the crowded regions. Is the best of the existing HMBC – 3 h 11 min; 1H-15N HMBC – 1 h 22 min; adequate sensitivity
sequences in terms of information content and ease of double-quantum spectroscopy (1,1-ADEQUATE) – 14 h 40 min.
interpretation [20].
Further dilutions have shown that, with samples of 45 μg (150 nmol)
Affords the means of unequivocally differentiating between
JCH from 3JCH correlations. Peaks of 2JCH have skew even 1 H- 15 N HMBC remains accessible experimentally over a
characteristics, while 2JCH signals for quaternary carbons are weekend. The authors [35] concluded that, with a 1 mg sample of
missing. It also suffers from a severe lack of sensitivity strychnine (~3 μmol), it is now possible to acquire the full set of
(almost 10 times lower than for HMBC) [20] homonuclear and heteronuclear 2D-NMR experiments in 4 h (in-
H-13C H2BC HMBC-type spectrum almost exclusively showing only
two-bond correlations and markedly also two-bond
cluding 1H -15N HMBC but not 1,1-ADEQUATE) that could, in principle,
correlations that are absent in HMBC spectra. As a rule, be used to establish the full chemical structure and stereochemis-
correlations that are strong in an H2BC spectrum and weak try. Using the same equipment as in [35], high signal-to-noise pure
in an HMBC spectrum indicate two-bond correlations. H2BC shift (see below) HSQC data from a 7.4 μg metabolite sample were
and HMBC are therefore quite complementary. Drawbacks
acquired in just over 30 min [41].
are that H2BC spectra only show peaks involving protonated
C carbons, they cannot identify adjacent quaternary Structure elucidation becomes especially challenging for mol-
carbon resonances. In addition there is no absolute ecules for which a severe deficit of protons is inherent. These
guarantee that a peak in an H2BC spectrum represents a molecules contain “silent” (deprived of hydrogen) fragments, which
two-bond correlation [20]. prevent structure assembly using HMBC correlations. If the ratio of
ADEQUATE 1,1-ADEQUATE exploits 1JCH and 1JCC couplings to allow the
identification of adjacent neighbor carbons. Both protonated
the number of protons in a molecule to the sum of the heavy atoms
and non-protonated adjacent carbons are observed. (e.g., C, N, O, and S) is <2, it may be difficult and, in some cases, im-
Correlations are equivalent to 2JCH correlations in possible to elucidate a structure unequivocally based solely on NMR
HMBC-type experiments. Method suffers from sensitivity data and molecular formula information. This statement is known
and sample limitations, which are overcome by employing
as the “Crews rule” [42]. To circumvent this issue, several new ap-
small volume high sensitivity and cryogenic NMR probes
[19]. proaches were suggested.
1,n- ADEQUATE [19,25] provides predominantly 3JCC long- Gross and co-workers were the first to employ atomic force mi-
range correlations that are analogous to 4JCH HMBC croscopy (AFM) [43] to determine a challenging structure of a small
correlations. Though it is less sensitive than 1,1-ADEQUATE molecule by making an image of its skeleton visible. Then, AFM com-
and 1JCC correlations “leak” into the spectrum, it has been
bined with 1D- and 2D-NMR, density functional theory (DFT) and
shown [26–28] that 1,n-ADEQUATE data acquired using
1.7 mm cryoprobe technology are very helpful for structure CASE system ACD/Structure Elucidator [44] (see Section 4) was used
characterization of proton-deficient molecules whose [45] to determine the structure of natural product breitfussin A,
structures are extremely difficult to elucidate by Structure 1(a “silent” fragment is highlighted in bold).
conventional HMBC. Advantages of ADEQUATE over HMBC
A new, high-sensitivity experiment complementary to HMBC, LR-
were demonstrated experimentally in combination with
quantum-chemical coupling constant computations [28]. HSQMBC [46] extends the observation of long-range correlation data
INADEQUATE A COSY-like experiment that yields 13C-13C correlations. It is to 4-, 5-, and even 6-bond long-range nJCH heteronuclear cou-
capable of establishing the identity of adjacent neighbor plings. The correlation lengths can be estimated from nJCH, for which
carbons via 1JCC couplings. Major drawbacks of the experiments were optimized. These correlations can reach quater-
INADEQUATE experiment are extreme insensitivity and
nary carbons of “silent” fragments, allowing structure elucidation.
prodigious sample requirements (>10 mg). To an extent, the
limitations of the experiment have been overcome by the Proton-deficient model compound cervinomycin A2, Structure 2,
development of small volume high sensitivity and cryogenic C29H21NO9, was used [27] to assess the benefits of including LR-
NMR probes [29]. HSQMBC data as input for ACD/Structure Elucidator. Fig. 1 shows
the observed LR-HSQMBC correlations (optimized at 2 Hz).

inverse probes and/or cryogenic NMR probes, which allow acquisi-

tion of spectra on sub-micromole quantities of samples [35]. The
number of publications in which 1H-15N HMBC is utilized is con-
stantly growing. The very recently reported new experiments on long-
range heteronuclear single quantum multiple bond correlation
(LR-HSQMBC) optimized for 1H-15N long-range heteronuclear cou-
plings [36] and H-C-N multiple-bond correlation (HCNMBC) [37,38]
produced data complementary to 1H-15N HMBC-type correlations. It
is expected that such experiments can facilitate the structure eluci-
dation of nitrogen-containing molecules, particularly those belonging
to heterocyclic compounds and alkaloids.
In comparison with MS and optical spectroscopy, NMR pos-
sesses significantly less sensitivity, which becomes especially notable
regarding the sample size and the acquisition time of 2D-NMR. As
a result of technical progress, cooled microprobes became available
[39,40]. Structure 1. Natural product breitfussin A.
M. Elyashberg/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 69 (2015) 88–97 91

Table 3
Results obtained for cervinomycin A2 (2) with various 2D NMR aspects used as input.
Data that were provided as program input are denoted by (+), nJCH for which ex-
periments were optimized (in Hz), gt – time of structure generation, and k – number
of generated structures
H-13C gt k

8 Hz 4 Hz 4 Hz 2 Hz

+ + + 49 h 314
+ + + + 37 h 4
+ + + + 2 m 30 s 7
Structure 2. Proton-deficient model compound cervinomycin A2. + + + + + 1m 44 s 1

The results of computational experiments (Table 3) clearly show Kummerlöwe et al. [47] concluded that 2D-NMR data, includ-
that complementing the standard 2D-NMR set by 1 H- 13 C LR- ing 1H -15N HMBC and 1,1-ADEQUATE, were insufficient to elucidate
HSQMBC data dramatically accelerates structure generation and the structure of an unusual proton-deficient molecule (3) manu-
reduces the size of the output file. ally, due to extremely contradictory 1H-13C HMBC data (presence
Blinov et al. [27] performed analogous computational experi- of nine NSCs, two of which had five bond lengths and were rather
ments using staurosporine, C28H26N4O3, (a “Screw structure”), as a strong).
model compound. In this case, the set of experiments shown in Kummerlöwe et al. [47] were the first to utilize successfully the
Table 3 was complemented by IDR-HSQC-total correlation spec- NMR spectrum of a residual dipolar coupling (RDC) [48] to eluci-
troscopy (TOCSY), 1H-15N HMBC, 1,1-ADEQUATE and 1,-n-ADEQUATE. date the structure of a small molecule.
The results obtained were very interesting and highlighted the con- Zangger and Sterk [49] developed a “pure shift” approach, pro-
tribution of the combination LR-HSQMBC and 1,-n-ADEQUATE. viding 1H-decoupled proton spectra (i.e., all multiplets are transformed
It should be expected that the application of the described com- into singlets). In recent years, efforts of researchers were directed
bination of 2D-NMR experiments within CASE systems would allow to overcome the major drawback of the approach – its low sensitivity
the problem of “silent fragments” to be overcome to a consider- [50–58]. As a result, very recently, a new and very general pure shift
able degree. The methodology of the approach described should be method, Pure Shift Yielded by CHirp Excitation (PSYCHE), was in-
further developed on the basis of structure elucidation of other mol- troduced by Morris and co-workers [56]. PSYCHE has approximately
ecules subjected to the Crews rule. 10-fold better sensitivity than competing “pure shift” methods.
Normal and PSYCHE spectra of estradiol in DMSO-d6 are shown in
Fig. 2as an example.
The same group applied PSYCHE to the TOCSY experiment [57].
In combination with covariance processing (see below), the result
is a high-quality, high-resolution TOCSY spectrum with singlets in
both dimensions (see Fig. 3). It is evident that the suggested ap-
proach dramatically facilitates interpretation of 1D- and 2D-NMR
spectrum and will significantly simplify spectroscopic data input
into CASE programs.
Analytical applications of the ultra-fast (UF) 2D-NMR tech-
nique were extensively discussed in a review [21]. This technique
Structure 3. An unusual proton-deficient molecule. acquires a 2D spectrum in a few seconds, but it suffers from low
sensitivity. For example, to use a single-scan HSQC spectra for re-
action monitoring, a 0.44 M solution was necessary [59]. Another
possibility to accelerate acquiring a spectrum appeared when NMR
spectrometers equipped with two or more independent receivers
became available, which allowed different types of 2D spectra to
be obtained simultaneously [60]. For example, the parallel-acquisition
NMR all-in-one combination of experimental applications (PANACEA)

Fig. 1. Long-range heteronuclear single quantum multiple bond correlations (LR- Fig. 2. Spectra of estradiol obtained by (a) normal proton nuclear magnetic reso-
HSQMBCs) observed for cervinomycin A2. Note that numerous long-range correlations nance (1H-NMR) spectroscopy and (b) Pure Shift Yielded by CHirp Excitation (PSYCHE)
reach carbon atoms of the “silent fragment” [27]. [56].
92 M. Elyashberg/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 69 (2015) 88–97

Fig. 3. Spectra of (a) normal Total Correlation Spectroscopy (TOCSY), (b) F1-Pure Shift Yielded by CHirp Excitation (PSYCHE)-TOCSY, and (c) double pure shift TOCSY using
PSYCHE in F1 and covariance processing in F2 of a sample of estradiol in DMSO-d6 [57].

[61] technique can in principle obtain all data [including indirect New methods for 2D-NMR data processing, which facilitate spec-
ADEQUATE (INADEQUATE)] needed for small molecule structure elu- trum interpretation, were developed and reviewed [8]. Covariance
cidation in a single experiment, but low sensitivity prevents its wide processing involves reprocessing 2D data sets, singly or in pairs, to
application. More sensitive timeshared (TS) versions of 2D-NMR ex- improve resolution or to present the existing information in a dif-
periments (TS-HMBC, TS-HSQC, TS-HSQC-TOCSY, and TS-HSQMBC) ferent, clearer fashion. Unsymmetric Covariance Processing (UCP),
were suggested by Parella and Nollis [62] who demonstrated uti- developed by Martin and co-workers [63], and the closely-related
lization of this approach for simultaneous acquisition of 1H/13C and Generalized Covariance Processing (GCP), suggested by Snyder and
H/15N-NMR spectra. Bruschweiler [64], are the most useful. These methods allow one
M. Elyashberg/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 69 (2015) 88–97 93

to combine data from two kinds of 2D spectra that have a common System performance can be illustrated by the following example:
axis (usually 1H). The resultant spectrum does not include any new with its assistance, 1500 unknown molecules were elucidated by
information that was not present in the two original 2D spectra. Nev- two spectroscopists in 6 months [77]. More than 50 examples of
ertheless, the data are presented in a clearer manner, which is easier structure elucidation for natural products with unprecedented or
to interpret {see review [65]}. The software for covariance process- unique skeletons were described [2].
ing is available from Bruker, ACD Labs and Mestranova. Significant improvements [78] were introduced in the LSD
program [69], which is now capable of treating 2D-NMR data con-
taining NSCs, and selection of the most probable structure is
4. CASE expert systems performed by NMR spectrum prediction. LSD is the first version of
CASE program freely available from the Internet [79].
CASE expert systems mimic the reasoning of a hum- The SESAMI system [68] was combined with a 13C-NMR inter-
an expert during the process of structure elucidation. The pretive library-search system (INFERCNMR) [80], capable of searching
following main advantages of CASE systems should be noted substructures in a database containing assigned 13C-NMR spectra.
[1]: The search resulted in a set of substructures predicted to be present
in the unknown, each of which is assigned an estimated predic-
1) all statements about interrelation between a spectrum and tion accuracy. Involving the best substructures in the structure-
a structure (“axioms”) are expressed explicitly; generation procedure allows a significant reduction in the generation
2) all logical consequences (structures) following from the system time and the size of the output file. The suggested approach is prom-
of “axioms” are deduced completely, without any exclusions; ising for the further development of CASE methodology, as it does
3) if the initial data are complete and consistent, the process of not require application of the fragment database incorporated into
computer-based structure elucidation is usually fast, signifi- the program.
cantly saving time and labor of the scientist; and, As for the Bruker CMC-se program, the absence of any publica-
4) if the chemist has several sets of axioms related to a given tions utilizing the program does not allow a comparative evaluation
structural problem, an expert system allows rapid genera- to be made.
tion of all consequences from each of the sets and identifies New expert system CAST/CNMR Structure Elucidator is based on
the most probable structure by comparing the solutions C-NMR and a database containing structures with chemical-
obtained. shift assignment [71]. A series of advanced graph-theory algorithms

The state of the art in this area was extensively reviewed

[1,5,66,67]. The contemporary CASE programs include SESAMI [68],
LSD [69], COCON [70], ACD/Structure Elucidator [1,2], and Bruker
CMC-se, which are based on 2D-NMR, and CAST\CNMR Structure
Elucidator [71], based on 13C spectra.
ACD\Structure Elucidator (StrucEluc) [1,2,44,72] is the most ad-
vanced expert system. The 1D- and 2D-NMR spectra can be imported
to the program from a spectrometer or input manually from a table
prepared by the user. The imported data must be thoroughly checked
and edited by the spectroscopist. The strategy of the system rests
upon a series of databases containing factual and axiomatic knowl-
edge. All axioms are explicitly presented on the Molecular Connectivity
Diagram (MCD) for visual analysis (e.g., Fig. 4).
This easily allows users to investigate the dependence of the
structural problem solution on any change in the initial set of axioms.
The system is capable of inferring all plausible structures from a com-
bination of a molecular formula and 1D- and 2D-NMR data (e.g.,
HSQC, HMBC, and COSY), even in those cases when the spectrum-
structural information is very fuzzy, incomplete and contradictory.
Selection of the most probable structure is performed on the basis
of the 13C chemical-shift prediction using three algorithms imple-
mented into the system – HOSE code based [73], neural networks
and additivity rules [1,5]. The program is capable of elucidating a
structure of an unknown in the presence of an unknown number
of non-standard correlations of unknown length. The software is
commercially available and was used for solving many complex an-
alytical problems. For example, with its aid, the structure of complex
alkaloid quindolinocryptotackieine was determined [74] in an in-
teractive mode, allowing for step-by-step resolution of many
ambiguous correlations, which took a spectroscopist a week of work.
It was the first time that the program solved the structure that had
been unsolvable by experienced spectroscopists. Structure 3 (see Fig. 4. The molecular connectivity diagram created from 1H, 13C, heteronuclear single-
Section 3) declared as manually unsolvable from the full set of 2D- quantum correlation (HSQC), heteronuclear multi-bond correlation (HMBC) and
NMR data was unambiguously elucidated by StrucEluc in a fraction correlation spectroscopy (COSY) spectra of gymnopalyne (upper segment of the figure).
of a second [75]. The software was recently applied for structure Atom properties are adjusted to the structure of gymnopalyne to illustrate differ-
ent conventional signs: atom hybridization (sp3 – blue, sp2 – violet, sp – green, not
elucidation of armeniaspirols A–C [76] . Fig. 5illustrates a typical sp – light blue, not defined – black), connectivities (COSY – blue, HMBC – green),
representation of the most probable structures suggested by the and labels (ob – obligatory neighbor heteroatom, fb – forbidden neighbor heteroa-
program. tom). Information about 1H chemical shifts can also be visualized [2].
94 M. Elyashberg/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 69 (2015) 88–97

Fig. 5. The three top-ranked structures according to the dA deviation. dA(13C), dI(13C) and dN(13C) – average deviations calculated by Hierarchical Organization of Spherical
Environments (HOSE) code-based algorithm, incremental approach and neural networks correspondingly. The correct structure #1 (armeniaspirol B) is reliably selected as
the most probable [76] in accordance with the criteria suggested [1].

are used for selecting appropriate substructures, then the most prob- structures must be ranked first by empirical 13C spectrum predic-
able structures are formed by merging the substructures that have tion, and, if the average deviations between the experimental and
common parts. The program produces a correct structure if all the predicted spectra calculated for two to three top-ranked struc-
fragments are included in the database. As only one example tures are large or very close, only then should QM predictions be
illustrates the suggested approach, no conclusions regarding its ef- performed for those questionable structures. The possibility was
ficacy can be made. demonstrated of successful application of JHH, JHC, and JCC coupling-
It should be noted that the first open source structure genera- constant calculations by QM methods for distinguishing isomers
tor, OMG [81], recently became available. It can be used for solving having very similar structures [92].
structural problems as a stand-alone program and as a block of a
CASE system. The CASE program COCON is also freely accessible from 6. Structure verification
the WEBCOCON server [70].
As discussed in Section 3, utilization of new 2D-NMR experi- Structure verification based on 13C chemical-shift prediction
ments within the CASE systems leads to rapid structure elucidation allows selection of the correct structure among thousands of plau-
of complex proton-deficient molecules. sible hypotheses produced by expert systems [1,2]. For verification
of structures suggested for large sets of synthesized molecules, 1H
5. NMR chemical-shift prediction chemical-shift prediction is frequently used due to the possibility
of quickly acquiring a spectrum with a small sample size. Proton
As mentioned above, NMR chemical-shift prediction plays an in- chemical-shift dependence on, e.g., solvent, temperature, and pH,
valuable role in the estimation of suggested structures [1,2,5]. limits the utility of this approach. Utilization of PSYCHE 1H-NMR
Chemical shifts of 13C, 1H, 15N, 19F and 31P nuclei can be calculated coupled with pure shift ME-HSQC acquired using the 1.7-mm
using empirical and quantum-mechanical (QM) methods. NMR spec- MicroCryoProbe would make the approach more robust.
trum predictors based on HOSE codes [73], neural nets, and an Verification and identification of organic molecules from a struc-
incremental approach are used most frequently and were re- ture database using both 1H and 13C-NMR spectra were reported [93].
viewed [1,5]. The predictors can be incorporated in expert systems Keyes et al. [93] examined a method of structure validation using
(as described for ACD/Structure Elucidator and LSD) or used sep- a set of 500 compounds supplied with 1H, HSQC, LC-MS and HPLC
arately as commercial programs [82–85] or free [86]. The programs data. 1H and HSQC spectra were predicted using the ACD/NMR Pre-
provide an accuracy of 13 C chemical-shift prediction about dictor [82] and compared with experimental spectra. It was
1.5–1.8 ppm, which almost always allows for selecting the most prob- concluded that the approach was very practical for application in
able structure(s) among candidates. The prediction is very fast. For a pharmaceutical company. As current implementations of auto-
example, the incremental program incorporated into ACD/Structure mated structure-verification systems allow false-positive results, an
Elucidator calculates ~10, 000 shifts per second on a standard PC. approach based on 1H and HSQC spectra was suggested [94] that
A new program, NMRscape [87] for 13C chemical-shift calcula- greatly reduces the probability of an automated validation system
tion based on new principles {OptiChem theory [88]} was recently passing incorrect structures (i.e., false positives). The novel method
developed and tested on several families of structures. The results was examined by automatic validation of 127 compounds, which
seem rather promising, as the accuracy provided by this approach showed a reduction in the false-positive rate from 20% to 5%.
is expected to be higher than that inherent to existing empirical Plainchont and Nuzillard [95] proposed to verify a molecular struc-
methods. ture using a combination of 1D and 2D HSQC, COSY and HMBC-
A common drawback of all empirical methods is that predic- NMR spectra. This approach is not suitable for rapid structure
tion accuracy depends on the composition of the databases used verification, but it rather fits analysis of doubtful structures passed
for program training. In contrast, the DFT GIAO quantum-chemical for verification.
method does not suffer from this limitation, but it is very time-
consuming and there is the problem of selecting appropriate 7. Structure identification and dereplication in mixtures
functional and basic sets for calculations {see reviews [89,90]}. The
following optimal strategy of jointly utilizing empirical and QM Dereplication of organic compounds (identification in a mixture)
methods for structure elucidation was suggested [91]: all candidate is a challenging problem for NMR spectroscopy [96]. If the sample
M. Elyashberg/Trends in Analytical Chemistry 69 (2015) 88–97 95

amount is enough for separation of individual components, they can Application of a cryogenically-cooled probe reduced the time and
be determined by a spectral search against an NMR database [97], the sample amount necessary for structure identification (elucida-
or structures of unknowns are elucidated using MS and a common tion) [8].
set of 1D- and 2D-NMR spectra. For example, Thummala et al. [98]
isolated an unknown impurity of ambroxol using preparative HPLC 8. Is it possible to avoid an erroneous structure elucidation?
and established its structure by combined application of 2D-NMR,
FTIR and LC-MS/MS. As spectroscopic structure elucidation is a complex logical-
Codina et al. [99] isolated five impurities from a pharmaceuti- combinatorial process, it is not surprising that different scientists
cal matrix (samples of 20–40 μg) and identified them from MS and may come to different structures from the same initial data. A series
2D-NMR spectra with the aid of the ACD/Structure Elucidator. An of reviews [13,109–112] discussed many structural misassignments.
effective dereplication strategy for identification of natural me- The following most typical reasons of obtaining erroneous struc-
tabolites directly within mixtures was suggested [100,101]. A tures can be noted:
multigram quantity of a crude extract was rapidly fractionated by
centrifugal partition extraction (CPE). The fractions of simplified a) severe resonance overlap in NMR spectra;
chemical composition were subsequently analyzed by 13C-NMR, and b) erroneous user suggestions (”axioms”);
hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) suggested by the authors for c) mistaken logical conclusions inferred from the presence or
pattern recognition. A locally-built 13C-NMR chemical-shift data- the absence of characteristic spectral features in 1D-NMR and
base was used for identification. This methodology resulted in the 2D-NMR spectra;
direct identification (without time-consuming isolation proce- d) complexity, inconsistency and entanglement of initial infor-
dures) of seven major compounds of a bark extract [100] and six mation {see [75]}.
out of eight prominent constituents of the crude extract of lichen
[101]. Expert system-based analysis of many cases, when erroneous
Pauli and co-workers [11] comprehensively investigated the pre- structures were inferred, shows [1,13,75,113] that application of CASE
cision necessary for measuring spectral parameters of 1H-NMR allows the determination of the correct structure and causes of the
spectra for their tabulation to be used for structure dereplication human error to be detected. Figuratively speaking, a CASE system
and identification. It was shown that δ and J values of 1H-NMR should can be used as a “polygraph detector”. To avoid upsetting errors, it
be routinely reported with Δδ = 0.1–1 ppb and ΔJ = 10 mHz preci- is recommended to predict 13C-NMR and 1H-NMR chemical shifts
sion, respectively. for any structural hypothesis in the process of chemical research.
As a manual 1H spectrum assignment is a time consuming,
tedious and error-prone procedure, an expert system for the auto- 9. Conclusions
matic atom-to-peak or multiplet assignment of 1H-NMR spectra of
small molecules has been developed [102]. It was found with the Contemporary NMR spectroscopy is the most powerful routine
test set of 90 compounds that 94% of assignments were correct, so analytical tool for molecular structure elucidation and identifica-
confirming the efficiency of the program. tion, given that the molecular formula is determined using HRMS
Different NMR experimental approaches were developed for qual- and all available spectroscopic data. 2D-NMR plays a crucial role in
itative analysis of mixtures without any preliminary fractionation establishing structures of new organic molecules, and, to date, a
or separation. The NMR diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) ex- plethora of different kinds of 2D-NMR experiments has been elabo-
periment is based on molecules of different sizes and shapes rated. These methods are extensively developed to provide the
frequently having different diffusion coefficients [8]. DOSY is very possibility of acquiring as much as possible structural information
powerful for studying complex mixtures, but its applicability is still from a minimum amount of sample (<10 μg [41]) in the shortest
limited, particularly when dynamic or unstable systems are studied. instrument time. NMR is successfully used for structure dereplication
A UF version of DOSY was recently described as overcoming this and analysis of mixtures, including usage of LC-NMR. Many studies
drawback [21]. Morris and co-workers [58] developed a pure shift have shown that CASE is a powerful amplifier of human intelli-
DOSY experiment, which greatly extended the range of applicabil- gence. It should be expected that application of pure shift spectra
ity of DOSY. Simplified (pure shift) PSYCHE 1H-NMR [56] spectra (see as input to artificial intelligence programs developed ad hoc for data
Fig. 2) are obviously very promising for analyzing complex mix- import to CASE systems will automate this procedure signifi-
tures by 1H-NMR. A method of mixture analysis based on 13C- cantly, so facilitating and accelerating the stage of data preparation.
NMR [100,101] can probably be extended to PSYCHE 1H-NMR spectra The author believes that, in the near future, CASE will become
of mixtures. a routine analytical tool, which will serve as an integral part of any
Although the sensitivity of NMR is significantly lower than MS, NMR spectrometer similar to the software used in X-ray
LC-NMR is now available as a coupled method for mixture analy- crystallography.
sis [8,103–105]. Only 1 H spectra can usually be obtained in
continuous flow mode. The low sensitivity of the approach pre-
vents its wide application. However, very recently, Foley and co-
workers [106,107] described application of on-line reaction
The author thanks Gary Martin for constructive comments and
monitoring using continuous flow NMR. A standard 5 mm NMR
pieces of valuable advice.
probe enables the researcher to conduct experiments on flowing
reaction mixtures using a range of spectrometers of varying mag-
netic field strengths [107]. It was reported [59] that UF COSY spectra References
were utilized for reaction monitoring using a commercial HPLC-
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