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Top 10 Rules for Amazing Interior Designs
within a Tight Budget That Will Freshen Up
Your Home


Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Plan

Chapter 2: Mood Board It

Chapter 3: DIY

Chapter 4: Shop Smart

Chapter 5: Quality Pieces

Chapter 6: Second Hand

Chapter 7: Rule of Three

Chapter 8: Sizing

Chapter 9: Shop the Sales

Chapter 10: Storage


Have you ever wanted to do up a room in your home, or perhaps your whole home, but
found that the cost to do so was prohibitively expensive? If you’re looking for a designer
room, on a budget price, then we might just have the tips you need.

We know how much doing up a room can cost. After all, you have to consider the paint,
the furniture, the decorations, the style and so much more. And what about all of the high-
end designer pieces that feel so terribly elusive in their beauty? It can feel hopelessly out
of reach at times, but we are here to help you through. Whether your goal is simply to fix
up a messy room with a bit of storage and decor, or to overall your core furniture and redo
the room from scratch, we have a tip that you can use. No matter your style presence,
color preference or the room that you are going to work on, we have something for you.

We know that it can be terribly expensive, so we’re here to guide you through the entire
process, one step at a time!

From thrift store shopping to shopping designer sales, we have all the tips you could
possibly want in order to truly give your home the lift it needs and deserves. So if you
want to freshen up your home, and give it the stylish lift that it deserves, then look no
further, because we’ve got you covered!
Chapter 1: Plan

One of the easiest ways to get a good, the budget interior design is to plan in advance.
This is a fantastic way to get a good feel for your room, your space, and the entire design
that you are going for. This is where it’s a great idea to start browsing websites or
magazines and taking note of everything that you like. Start by browsing everything you
can find, then slowly narrow it down as you determine the type of styles that you enjoy
and can see working in the space that you have in mind. This process is a great way to get
a starting vision for space, at a pretty low cost.

Do you like a particular color, palate, or perhaps a certain theme of texture? By browsing
for inspiration, you will develop a good idea of what you like, and more importantly, what
you do not like. This is an effective way of developing your own personal theme and plan
for your room, or the room you are working on.

Ensure that you have a good, clear vision of what you are going to do, what you are
working on, and how you are going to make it a reality. This is a great starting point, and
can help you weed out the excess pieces that you do not really need. It also makes
purchasing items for your room so, so much easier. If you know exactly what you are
looking for, then you won’t mind yourself buying things that are nice, but do not quite fit
in with the rest of the theme and scheme of the room. In this way, you not only save
money, time, and frustration, but you have a clear and powerful path straight to the room
of your dreams.

So why does this help you save money on interior decorating? Well, once you have
planned what you like, the ideas you enjoy and the designer brands that you covet, it is far
easier to develop a plan of attack. It is a lot easier to shop affordable brands if you know
what look you have in mind. It makes it easier to decide on accent pieces, to search around
at home and find out what you already have that matches your design and vision.

So if you find yourself stuck for ideas, or lacking a true vision, this is a great first step in
deciding what type of room you are going to have.

Chapter 2: Mood Board It

In our previous chapter, we talk about how important it is to develop a vision. In this
chapter, we take it a step forward. This is an important part of making your vision a
reality. Using a mood board is an effective way of determining just what you want in your
room, and how you are going to achieve this. If you love a certain chair or lamp, then put
it on your mood board. Include designer rooms, items and more, which you can later use
as inspiration when sourcing more affordable alternatives. This is a great way to get your
idea out of your head and onto paper. Design the layout of your room and other ways to
make your room work.

So how do you start moon boarding? You can either moon board online, or in a physical
form. Start cutting out images that you like, color swatches of paint, and more, including
quotes that embody what you want your room to look like. If you are doing it online, use
a simple site like pin interest to collect and store all of your pictures and the ideas that you
might have. Once you have everything in the same place, it is far easier to collect the
information and decide what works and what doesn’t work. It can be a powerful tool in
developing the room that you dream of, and should be used in every decorating situation
or decision.
Besides that, making a mood board is often fun. It gives you a chance to visualize your
projects and really put them into perspective. This is how you whittle down the ideas that
just do not work. Maybe your original idea would be too heavy for space you are working
with, or maybe the color scheme is something that you find too heavy and pressing when
used together with your theme. This is a good way to test drive your theory.

So how can this be used to save you money and bring down your budget? Well, once you
know exactly which pieces you are looking for, you can start hunting for cheaper
alternatives. If you have a good idea of exactly what type of room you are going for, you
can start working towards it with every purchase. Much like we said in the previous
chapter, this can work wonders in preventing you from buying unnecessary and expensive
items, by cutting down the items that you think you need, but often do not. Again, a little
planning goes a long, long way.

Chapter 3: DIY

One of the easiest ways to save money while doing up your home is to do it yourself.
Sometimes, this might seem impossible, in the case of lighting or other elaborate furniture,
it is actually quite simple. Doing it yourself does not always mean that you need to do the
whole thing from scratch. Sometimes, it is as simple as giving an item a new coat of paint
or changing out the lampshade for something different. It is an easy and effective way to
save money as well as save time.

Sometimes it can be impossible to source the designer pieces you want, and get them
shipped to your address. It is often even harder to afford designer pieces, especially if you
are trying to stick to an affordable and frugal budget. We do not all have the money to buy
quality, designer pieces every time we update our homes. This is why it is so important to
learn some basic do it yourself techniques. Once you have this down, it will be smooth

Picking up pieces from your ordinary, everyday stores is a great way to start. Once you
have these items, look at your mood board and find your inspiration. It can be easy to do
them up so that they look high class, and fit with your vision, rather than some generic
idea of a room. This is a good way to save money too though it doesn’t always seem it.

However, chances are, you can build or improvise that designer item for a much, much
lower price. It won’t look exactly the same, but the look will probably be largely there
anyway, giving the look of class, elegance and beauty into the room and truly making it
pop. If you follow this basic idea, you will save a lot of money, and gain expensive
looking items at a fraction of the price.

This is a pretty difficult deal to pass up and is a lovely way to enjoy your time decorating.
Doing it yourself is fun, and you know that the items you have are truly one of a kind,
since you hand-made many of the finishing touches. This is an easy and affordable way to
inject luxury into your home, without causing too much strife, or strain on the budget, and
is great to remember when you want to freshen up a room.

Chapter 4: Shop Smart

This is the best way to get the quality, designer home of your dreams at a fraction of the
price: Shop smart! This seems logical, but it is very important to remember. Shop for
cheaper alternatives on every item, see where you can swap out materials, or go for plated
varieties, rather than solid. There are many ways that you can organize your budget and
make sure you still get the look and feel that you are after.

It is important to be aware of this while you are shopping. See what you can buy second
hand, what you can buy at a cheaper price if you lose the designer tag, what you can
improvise on so that you can get it at a better price. At first, this might seem cheap, but it
is frugal instead. Bring frugal and smart is a great way to cut down on a huge amount of
your expenses. If you cut down on your expensive, you free up funds to buy paint and
other handy aspects of your room.

So how do you shop smart? Start by shopping around. Browse online stores, thrift shops,
the local warehouses and more. Take your time and really look around the area, seeing
what you can find. Compare quality, shipping costs and more to determine the best,
cheapest item that you can find.

Another way to shop smart is to pick your battles. Say you love the rose gold look, but
you know that too much of the metal (even just the fake type) can be costly. So perhaps a
good alternative is to go with a few, small accent pieces instead, in order to bring in your
theme with a lot of styles and class, and no worry when it comes to finances.

Of course, as always, this can be a heck of a lot of fun. You get to spend hours browsing
your favorite things and picking the best of the best. There is also the aspect of searching
online, looking up new ideas, and more! Overall this is a great way to spend your time,
and ties in very nicely with our chapter on planning.

So next time you find yourself coveting that expensive, solid item that fits in with your
dream room, take a step back and see if there is an alternative that not only looks good, if
not better but is so much more affordable that you will be able to spend your money on so
many more aspects of your beautiful designer room (or home!).

Chapter 5: Quality Pieces

If you have the finances for it, then it is often a good idea to buy at least one quality
feature for your room. This might be door handles, a quality set of bedlinen, that gorgeous
table, or anything else. This is a fantastic way to inject the high-quality feeling you want,
without breaking the budget. If you are frugal with the rest of your purchases, then one or
two small splurges can often bring the whole room together in a very good way. This
increase in class and style is often just the thing your room need.

So how do you go about choosing quality pieces? Try and find pieces that do not cost that
much anyway, such as handles or linen. These do not usually go into the thousands, and
can bring the place together wonderfully without costing an arm and a leg. Chose the
centerpieces, or the pieces that you truly feel can’t be replaced. But be mindful to only
choose one or two of these. The rest of your design must be paired down to cheaper
alternatives as we have discusses, and will continue to discuss in the following chapter.

So how does this save you money? Spending money on expensive pieces does not seem
like the most obvious way to save money, but it really does help you in your interior
design. Firstly, it is a high-quality piece, so it is more likely to last and last, regardless.
This means you won’t have to replace it too often, giving it a greater shelf life, so to
speak. Secondly, it is easy to buy frugally and to save money- but only for so long.
Eventually, you are going to want to give into temptation and buy that high-quality
designer item that is going to set you back hundreds of dollars. By regulating this and
buying high-quality pieces in between, you are more likely to be able to resist these
impulses and deal with them in a productive and effective manner, which will ultimately
lead to you your high quality, low budget room, regardless of your style choice, design
choice, or color palate.

This is the power of making small, controlled purchases rather than going crazy with what
you buy. If you stick to these simple tips, it is very likely that you will soon have the room
or home of your dreams.

Chapter 6: Second Hand

Buying second hand is one of the best things you can do for your new room. Buying
second hand adds an element that brand new furniture just can’t. It is a unique way to
liven up the room and add huge amounts of character, regardless of the style of type of
room you are going for. If you focus on finding a few good second-hand pieces, there is a
good chance you will walk away with some golden finds, and the most beautifully unique
room unimaginable. No one else will have a design quite like yours, and the use of older
furniture adds a unique air. After all, who wants their room to be a boring copycat instead
of something unique to their own personality?

It leads to an increase in the character of a room, the quality of materials (as older items
are often made of higher quality materials) and more. Now, what if you do not like the
piece that you found, as is? Well, there are many options that you can use if this is the
case. You are able to paint or sand down an older piece and add your own personality.
Changing door handles is another way to make it work and is a great way to save a ton of
money. Even if you have to paint it up or change it in some way, you can guarantee that
this is a far cheaper option (and often more robust) than buying things new!

So how does this save you money? Well, it goes without saying that buying things second
hand are so much cheaper than buying them off a shelf, even at IKEA! Not only that but
they are simply so much stronger than it is impossible not to love the strong and simple
element they add to any room.

The fun of them comes in decorating themselves, sanding them down with high-quality
sanding paper, and either varnishing them, or painting them up, depending on your
personal preference, and the design of you room. With some adjustments, they will
probably fit your dream room just fine, at a far, far lower price!

This goes for lamps too, and other items of decoration, not only the use of cupboards and
other cabinets. It is this high level of quality versatility that lends such strength to this idea
and makes it a valuable way to deal with a room renovation (in style!).

Chapter 7: Rule of Three

The rule of three is common knowledge around and amongst artists. This rule states that
you must group things in groupings of three, instead of in groupings of even numbers.
Groupings of two, or four, can often give the space the boost that it really needs.

This is a great way to start decorating without breaking your budget. You can group
together similar, cheaper items and still achieve the high-end effect that you are going for.
You might be able to source old vases at the local thrift store, and group them together in
order to create the effect you need. If you want to purchase new, you might be able to get
away with cheaper items from the store, rather than from high-end designers. That said, it
is still important to stick with your theme and look, and group similar things together (or
things that complement each other). Careful planning and the use of high-quality
techniques can often work wonders.

So how will this help you save money? Instead of paying hundreds on designer décor, you
can save this money by going for simpler, but just as effective substitutes. You will still
create the same, high-class effect, but at a fraction of the cost. For those looking to do this
on a budget, this is great news, as it means you do not have to let frugality get in the way
of your vision.

This can also be a great activity to get to know the feel of the room you are going for.
Hunting out the little finishing touches can be great, and can bring a touch of personality
to a room that you might not have felt before. This personality and character are great
things to add to your design, and it is what sets you apart from the rest of the cookie cutter
copycats, who simply copy the designer rooms in the magazines. These lack personality,
and it is far better to add your own touches here and there. It shows that you have given a
great deal of thought towards your work, your room, and your dream room.

This is what sets your room apart from others with a similar style, and you should treasure
the time to make it a reality. Only by doing this you will truly start to understand the
designing process, which you can soon replicate when you do future rooms, or redo your
house. It is a very valuable skill to learn, and now is a great time to learn it, after all!

Chapter 8: Sizing

When you look into buying furniture of any kind, make sure that you choose the right
space for you, your needs, and space. Things must always be proportional and you must
be able to walk around your furniture and have enough space, while at the same time, you
must utilize the space that you have.

This is a tricky thing to master, and can sometimes feel quite overwhelming. One of the
best ways to manage this is by considering your walking and living space. Do you have
the room to utilize the room? Can you walk around comfortable, get dressed if it is a
bedroom, cook food if it is the kitchen get dry and dressed if it is the bathroom? You do
not want to give yourself no space to live.

Often, this means cutting down the amount of things you purchase or scaling back to
smaller alternatives. This is a very important thing to look at, and it should be considered
before you make you first purchase. This is one of the best and most effective ways to
save money and utilize your space to the best advantage. If you truly want to freshen up
your home and succeed in designing the dream room, then you must be very aware of the
space you have and the space that you plan to use.

If you feel that there is no way to scale back, consider changing rooms, or finding a new
space. You must ensure that you find the balance at all times. Balance is the most
important aspect of any room, and can have a huge impact on how good your design
looks, regardless of theme, style or the look you are going for. So when you are
considering your purchases, take heed and keep balance in mind.

So how can this help you save money? Well, it is easy to buy too much, or buy things in a
size too big- considering the space carefully means you won’t buy anything that you do
not need. This is a great way to consider the repercussions of your design and ensure you
get the very best out of your money, your budget, and your dream room. It is a great way
to start the process off, and it is vital to consider before you commit to anything too
important or expensive. Only by taking multiple aspects into consideration you can
comfortable decide on your best course of action.

Chapter 9: Shop the Sales

If you have your heart set on a particular item, wallpaper of decorative item, then it is
often better to simply shop the sales. If you shop the sales carefully you can almost always
get these items at a hugely reduced price, for the same quality and design.

Now, this will take a lot of patience, and you must be willing to wait, and check your
stores frequently. They might sell their floor stock, or maybe there is a clearance or an end
of season sale. This is the best time to pounce and buy the items that you have been
dreaming of, and working towards.

How can this save you money? This seems pretty obvious- it will save you money because
you are not paying the full price for an item anymore. Instead, you can get it for up to fifty
percent off. Another way to take advantage of this is to shop the damaged goods. Maybe
you are a great seamstress and can repair a small rip, or maybe you intended to paint the
leg that happens to be chipped. If you are happy to take damaged goods (often only a little
bit), or wait until the items come on special, then you will save a huge amount of money.
Not only that, but it might add a touch of character to your design, and give your room a
unique edge.

So next time there’s an item you just have to have, watch it like a hawk until it comes on
special, browse online stores where someone may be selling their old good (maybe the one
you want!) until you finally get the one that you have been coveting.

Now, this might seem like a lot of effort for a lamp, or a chair, or something like that, but
when you think about it, every little bit helps. It’s not a bad idea to plan ahead and see
what you can grab for a bargain. This frees up your budget and gives you more time, and
more money, to plan other aspects of your room. Say you really want that new light fitting,
but can’t afford it. Maybe by saving on wallpaper, you will be able to fit it into your
budget. This is a great way to think throughout the entire planning process and gives you
more flexibility.

Planning and flexibility are keys to ensuring that you have a great designer room at a
fraction of the price, freshening up your home and breathing new life into what was once
an old and outdated room. Keep your vision in mind, your budget in hand, and have
patience. You will get the best of the best if you have waited a little longer!

Chapter 10: Storage

Now, we have talked about saving money, and making sure you get the perfect look and
feel for your room. However, we have not talked about the most practical advice of
storage! Storage is one of the most important parts of any room. It keeps clutter from
building up and keeps your home looking clean and tidy at all times. In fact, storage is a
very helpful and handy part of decorating and interior design, not to mention everyday

So how can you incorporate storage into your room? Well, it is often important to look for
pieces that do two jobs. For example, beds that have good storage beneath them, couches
that lift up to storage areas, ottomans that lift up and give you more space, chairs that have
storage compartments and much more. Of course, this won’t work for every design, and it
won’t work for the designs that rely on a more minimalistic style, but it will work for
many of them.

The more storage you can get out of a room, the better it will be for you later. That said,
do not clutter up your room with forced storage. Rather, try to incorporate it into the rest
of your work, the rest of your design, and the existing furniture. This is another reason
why planning becomes so much more important than we first think. It can be valuable to
plan storage and then tailor your search around that, instead of trying to force storage into
a pre-existing room, where it might not fit or work at all.

So how can storage save you money? By incorporating storage into your design early on,
you will save surprise fees and costs when you find out that you desperately need storage,
and need it right now. So planning and forethought play a huge role in saving money when
doing interior design. Look for items that do double duty while using minimal space, or
for storage items that are practical and serve the purpose of either decoration, seating, or
another practice purpose. And always ensure that you have enough storage, rather than
selling yourself short. Life tends to happen, and you never know how much storage you
need. In order to avoid extra expensive, clunky add-ons, and things that do not match or
fit, try to plan it well and truly in advance in order to get the most out of your time and


From the list above, it is clear that there are many, many ways to go about saving money
while working out a great interior design scheme. It is possible to have a stunning, quality
looking room, and home while still sticking to a relatively small budget. The best thing
about these tips is that they can be applied, whether you are planning to freshen up a room
with a few key accents, or overall the room entirely, giving a whole different look and
feel. This is a fantastic way to brighten up your home, and any of these tips would work,
either alone, or as a group.

Everyone has a different situation, so take what you need from the list, and use it to create
the space of your dreams. Your space needs to speak to you, bring you a sense of peace,
calm, and enjoyment. This will differ from person to person, but once you have a clear
goal of what you want, it is far easier to use these tips to truly make it happen. Following
these ten rules will bring you closer to your goal of a perfectly decorated room.

It is vital to keep abreast of sales and cheaper alternatives to designer options. By

purchasing cheaper options, or waiting until the item comes on sale, you will cut hundreds
from your cost and free up money to use on other aspects of the design. Ensuring that you
get quality pieces when necessarily is important, but pick your battles carefully and do not
spend too much on large, expensive items.

If you can, using DIY tricks is a great way to achieve an expensive looking result without
paying too much more than you usually would have on everyday items. A lick of paint
might be all an item needs to look like that designer piece you have been coveting since
you first thought of doing up this room. This is a good way to get the most for your

Searching for second-hand goods is a handy idea, and you will find that it brings character
and a unique sense of personal style into your life, through the use of quality woods and
interesting styles. This brings the room together in a way that modern items sometimes
can’t. Added to that, you will find that this is a much cheaper option, which is fantastic for
your budget.

Once you have determined what you are going to put in your room, check that you room
will not be too cluttered before you purchase anything. There must be balance, space to
walk and space to move, in order to give your room the most usability. Another vital thing
to remember is to focus on storage and not neglect that until the last minute. Plan storage
into your room rather than trying to fit it in at the last minute. This is a very effective way
to save space, give yourself room, and adjust the way you view the room and use it.

Essentially, ensure your room is usable, functional and beautiful. You must be happy and
comfortable in your space, and that is the most important part of designing the space. At
the heart of it, must be your own enjoyment and enthusiasm, seen in every aspect of the
design, frugal or not.

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