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The name 

black panther is used to describe a variety of species of cats that

display a melanism trait, which makes them black. A black panther is not a
separate species, but rather a regular jaguar or leopard that carries this genetic
mutation. Most do not know that “black panther” and “black leopard” are used
interchangeably in zoological terms. The term Panther is the genus name that
includes a group of the Felidae family. This family includes big cats and
domestic house cats, as well as many others.

In different parts of the world, the term panther is used to describe different

types of big cats. North Americans are referring to a puma when they use the
word panther, but South Americans use it to describe a jaguar. Throughout the
rest of the world, specifically Asia and Africa, where black leopards
dwell, black panther can be used to describe the leopards as well. Historically,
the term panther only referred to cats with long tails, but it has since been
adopted to describe basically any large, all-black cat.
What makes a black leopard, black jaguar or black puma a black panther is a
gene mutation. In leopards, the gene is a recessive one, whereas in jaguars, it is
dominant. The gene causes an excess of black pigmentation called melanin,
which colors the fur completely black. Interestingly, the black panther still has
all of the typical markings of a non-melanistic cat, but they are obscured by the

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