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Preliminary remarks to quantum mechanics and Schroedinger equation

Energy Momentum Wave Vector Angular Velocity

Joao Fonseca

Preliminary remarks to quantum mechanics and Schroedinger equation

Energy Momentum Wave Vector Angular Velocity
Note Based on Ap French quantum mechanics book.

Light Waves characteristics

Light waves are characterized by two quantities the wavelength, λ and the frequency ν.
Describing light as photons we can relate this classical parameters in the following way:
λ= p and E = hν
The motion of a particle with momentum p and energy E will be described by a wave number k and a angular
velocity ω:
2π 2πE
k= λ and ω = 2πν = h

We can so state that:

E = ~ω
So the momentum for a moving particle is :

p = ~k
The energy of a system in non relativistic mechanics is given by the potential energy and the kinetic energy so :

E= +V

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