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1. Stationary- traffic observation on at a selected place usually one with an unfavorable

accident experience or traffic flow problem for traffic law enforcement purposes
especially to detect violation and deter possible violators.
2. Conspicuous- traffic observation or stationary observation in which the observer tries
to attract attention by keeping in full view of traffic.
3. Visible- traffic observation in which the observer is in foil view but so located, for
example, on a side street, so to require, effort on the part of traffic to discover the
4. Concealed- the observer is not visible to person using ordinary power of observation
from the roadway being observed.

Traffic Supervision- as defined as keeping order on streets and highways within the existing
regulations to make their use safe and expeditious.
Police Traffic Direction – telling drivers and pedestrians when, how and where they may or,
not move or stand at a particular place, especially during emergencies or period of

Major Causes of Congestion

1. Physical Inadequacy
2. Human Errors

Types of Traffic Control Devices and Aids

1. Traffic Signs
2. Pavement Markings and Markers
3. Traffic Light and Signals
4. Traffic Island

Traffic Safety Education

3 Principle that has been emphasized as effective in the prevention of traffic accidents
are known as the three E’s ;
◊ Education (in traffic safety)
◊ Enforcement (of traffic rules)
◊ Engineering (traffic engineering)

4 Basic Types of Instruction Methods Used in Driver Education Program;

1. Comprehensive or “real life” method
2. Traditional Instruction
3. Commentary Driving
4. Simulated Conditions and off – the road training.

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