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On Greek territory, although the transition from the person-centred system of the
mortgage registry to the land-centred (system) of the pure cadastre was welcomed, during the
process of registration of real estate, errors have occurred, which call into question the degree
of achievement of cadastral correctness. In order to achieve the latter, the cadastral legislator
has thoroughly regulated the judicial and extrajudicial procedure for the correction of
incorrect cadastral records -to the point that the Greek Supreme Court has ruled that cadastral
law is primarily procedural- when in other countries such as Switzerland or Germany the
emphasis has been placed on the updating procedure (instead of correction), since the records
were correct from the outset. To this end, by Law No 3127/2003, the basic legislation
(2664/1998) was amended and the scope of extrajudicial corrections of the entries in the
cadastral registers was strengthened by the procedures of Articles 6 § 4 and 18 of Law No
2664/1998, while the regulatory scope of the provision of Article 6 § 8 of Law No 2664/1998
was expanded to serve as a procedural substitute for the extrajudicial procedure of Article 18
of Law No 2664/1998. In particular, in the context of the present study, the procedure for the
correction of manifest errors of Article 18 of Law No 2664/1998, as it was specified and
enriched by the provisions of Articles 2 of Law No 3481/2006, 28 ν. 3728/2008, 2 No
4164/2013, 162 § 2 of Law No 4483/2017 and 13 No 4821/2021. In particular, the concept of
manifest error in the light of the provision-measure of article 315 of the GCCP, but also
under the framework of all the rules of law, as well as the terms and limits of correction of
such errors. Besides, in view of the fact that the legislator has not approached the concept of
manifest error conceptually, and in view of the 'hybrid' nature of the institutions and
procedures surrounding the institution of the cadastral system, which are both civil and
administrative law (substantive and procedural), correction, especially of manifest errors,
should be dealt with particular ingenuity; therefore, the most recent findings of Greek case
law are used. In any case, the milestone remains the finalisation of the first cadastral records,
which is expected to change the substantive and procedural cadastral law, so that the practical
application of this correction procedure in the future integrated cadastre is examined.

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