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Emission of CO2 by sector, worldwide

Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide absorb the Sun’s heat and heat
the Earth, resulting in climate change. Recent studies have showed that the greenhouse gases emission
has increased by 70% over the past 30 years.

Use of fossil fuels per country

Even though the use of renewable energy is growing, fossil fuels are still a major part of the world’s
energy. Nearly 15.0 G metric tons are consumed every year. China, India and USA together consume
approximately 54% of the world’s fossil fuel.
The COVID-19 pandemic has and is continuing to impact the global energy demand. It fell by 4% in 2020
due to the restrictions on travel and industries. However, the energy demand is expected to rebound by
4.6% pushing the global energy use in 2021 0.5% above the pre-COVID-19 level. If the travel and
transport demand returns to pre-COVID 19 levels, then the global energy demand will rise even higher,
to almost 2% above the pre-COVID 19 level. Fig ?? illustrates the evolution of global GDP, energy
demand and CO2 emissions from 2019 to 2021.

Global energy demand from 1966 to 2019

energy demand by country from 1966 to 2019
Global Energy Consumption by Source in 2020

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