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Use this spreadsheet to calculate the required completion time for your eLearning course.

ONLY ENTER DATA in the White Fields

Notes (e.g., activity titles, reading

Time (Minutes) Instructions
names, links, etc.)

Enter the time required to play the entire course through

Course Play Time 5 from start to finish with no pauses. Do not include time
to complete activities (see below).

Reading 1 300 1.00 For each reading, enter the number of words.
Reading 2 100 0.33
Reading 3 200 0.67 Calculation based on average reading speed of
Reading 4 1000 3.33 300 words per minute
Reading 5 10000 33.33

Video 1 5 For linked videos (not embedded in course page)

Video 2 1 enter play time in minutes.
Video 3 2
Video 4 4

Interactive Activity 1 If the module contains interactive activities,

Interactive Activity 2 add the average time to complete each activity
Interactive Activity 3 here. To get an average ask several knowledgeable
Interactive Activity 4 individuals to complete each activity and record
Interactive Activity 5 averages here.

Develop Activity 1 Enter estimated time to complete development

Develop Activity 2 activities outside of the course.
Develop Activity 3 Worksheet activity - typical 10 min.
Develop Activity 4 Blog entry - typical 20 min.
Develop Activity 5

TOTAL TIME 55.67 Minutes

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