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PART | Translation of an English text into Arabic Instructions Please translate the text in this examination paper into Arabic. Please note that this paper is eliminatory. Only candidates who are successful in this paper will have their other papers marked. The time allowed for this part of the examination is 3 hours. You are responsible for managing your time, - The use of black or blue pen is required. Please write your answers in the assigned answer booklet. ‘Only answers written in the lined, odd-numbered (I, 3, 5,....) pages will be marked. You ‘may use the even-numbered (2, 4, 6,....) blank pages for drafting, ‘You should write only on every second line. Please do not remove any page from this booklet. General text Itwill be a journalistic assignment like no other. Cal "the longest walk". In what is probably the longest, most arduous piece of reportage ever undertaken, Paul Salopek, an experienced writer for National Geographic, is embarking on the astonishing, task of retracing the journey taken by early man tens of thousands of years ago. Beginning in the exotic surroundings of the Great Rift Valley in Ethiopia, Salopek will take an estimated 30 million steps, reaching his destination seven years later, three continents away at the most southerly point of South America. ‘Along the way he will be writing stories for National Geographic atthe rate of one long article a year, while maintaining a website that will be filled with regular updates from his 21,000-mile journey. After its starting point in Africa, his route will cross the Red Sea into the Middle East, traverse China, head into Siberia, cross the Bering Strait into Alaska and then walk all the way down the western coasts of North and South America. ‘The 50-year-old said he saw himself carrying on an ancient human tradition of the roving, poet or musician, "It is an old way of story-telling which we find in all cultures, that you have to go away from home and come back in order to tuly discover what ‘home’ was," he said, But while Salopek may see himself as a follower of tradition, he will be taking a laptop and video and audio recording tools. He intends to record his journey, from its changing landscapes to its shifting skies and — most importantly of all perhaps ~ the voices and. faces of the people he meets. ‘Those samples will be taken every 100 miles or so and stored on an online database. It will provide a unique record of a huge slice of the planet. "We will be creating a family portrait of humanity for the next seven years," he said. ‘No one thinks the journey is going to be easy. The physical challenge of walking from Africa to South America will be arduous. But it is virtually impossible to plan ahead for a seven-year joumey that will go through some of the globe's most dangerous political hotspots ~ such as Iran and Central America, Borders will open or close as regimes rise and fall, potentially blocking his way. But Salopek says his journey will not faller. Like ‘the early humans in whose steps he is following, he will simply adapt by shifting routes. But he admitted that the mental challenges were likely be harder than the physical task. ‘He will face long periods of solitude, but at the same time be the centre of global attention, In order to relieve the pressure, he will be going offline for some periods to rest and also because he wants his journey to record real stories, not to be a simple log of miles walked and shoes worn out. Although Salopek's journey might seem like a crazed plan, the highly experienced and. well-travelled writer said he did not feel intimidated. He has journeyed all over the world; -2- he once travelled 1,300 mites by mule across Mexico fora story and, while working in Sudan, was arrested as a suspected spy. Elsewhere, he has canoed through Congo and even worked as a commercial fisherman in New England, "I have moved around my whole life. Iam very good at moving through different cultural membranes and I feel that Thaye been unconsciously preparing for this for many years," he said. PART 2 Translation into Arabic of a Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish text Instructions Please translate one of the following texts of your choice into Arabic. Please indicate the language of the text you have selected in the top right-hand comer of the first page of the answer booklet, ‘The time allowed for this part of the examination is 1 hour and 30 minutes. You are responsible for managing your time, ‘The use of black or blue pen is required. Please write your answers in the assigned answer booklet. Only answers written in the fined, odd-numbered (1, 3, 5...) pages will be marked. You may use the even-numbered (2, 4, 6,....) blank pages for drafting, ‘You should write only on every second fine. Please do not remove any page from this booklet. Chinese text SOIL, BAL UB RATETE, UE AE, BROCE OBL SUBCE— NHK LI. BURUMAS) RAL, PEACE. SELAH ISS SGA, WME, AAAI ATER, AAA (UN RARAUR, PAPe A-A Ce SAE SATS A ASE, APOCUBEE A RRP RRBUR. UAC SRE APS RETR AIEA, ARIK. ULZMBAREZL A, RAGELH. (EA HAA ELA HEAR RRR. HL ERE, HEM, RRR, ATLA A ARH EMA AARC AM, AHA AAS, EAM R RM AR HEDIS. MRSA SHANA, TRAST HE GEA RBH. 349 characters French text Serons-nous bient6t ruinés? Sommes-nous en train de ruiner nos enfants? Rarement ces questions se seront posées avec plus d'acuité. Jamais, en effet, sauf en période de guerre totale, la dette publique des pays les plus puissants du monde n’a éts aussi 6levée. Jamais les dangers qu’elle fait peser sur leur niveau de vie et leur systéme politique n’ont été aussi menagants. Aussi, méme si le sujet peut sembler aride, ne Pest-il pas : o’est de notre destin qu’il s’agit. Dans nombre de pays, si un coup darrét n’est pas donné au plus vite & la montée de la dette publique, chacun des dirigeants qui se succéderont a la téte de I’Etat ne pourra rien faire d’autre, pendant tout son mandat, que mener une politique d’austérité; ct la prochaine décennie scra tout entiére occupée, pour ces pays et leurs citoyens, & subir les conséquences des folies de celle qui s*acheve. De tout temps, les réves, Purgence, Pambition ont conduit des hommes & prélever sur dautees les ressources nécessaires pour mener A bien leurs desseins, asseoit leur pouvoir, augmenter leur fortune. Les préires, puis les capitaines d’armes, puis les princes ct enfin les entreprencurs rassemblent, par la conviction, la force, fe contrdle social ou le ‘marché, de plus en plus de capitaux , moyennant des techniques de plus en plus sophistiquées. Longtemps, le souverain - religieux, militaire ou politique - emprunte a titre personnel, lorsque aucun butin n’est a sa portée et lorsqu’il ne peut, ou ne veut, augmenter les tributs ou les impéts de ses sujets. Puis le souverain devient une entité abstraite, qui se pense immortelle, et commence & rendre service & ses sujets, et non plus seulement a se servir d’eux : une collectivité, une dynastic, un Etat, une nation dont le responsable provisoire transmet les créanees & son successeur. Ainsi, les détentcurs successifs du pouvoir souverain peuvent séduite des préteurs qui peuvent avoir une certaine garantie de remboursement sur la durée ou méme d'une rémunération a Pinfini d’un emprunt perpétucl; ainsi naissent les marchés financiers, qui financent I’industric avant den devenir les maitres, voire, parfois, de prendre le contrdle du souverain trop endetté Telle est Phistoire de la dette publique et de ce qui la menace. Tel est aujourd’hui encore I"enjeu de la dette publique, qui & permis de matriser provisoirement de la récente crise financiére, alors que chacun sent bien qu'elle ne seurait continuer 4 croftre sans

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