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I'm impassioned to witness American education system, lifestyle of the locals and join sports/cultural

activities. I like meeting people from different backgrounds and I like to exchange experiences with
them. I would very much like to gain international experience from the TEA program which will greatly
enhance my teaching. My main objective for participation in Fulbright TEA is to explore new methods of
effective teaching English as a foreign language, motivating students, learning more about all spheres of
life in the USA and improving language skills. I hope to gain innovative ideas in teaching methodologies
and promote academic excellence in my students through using interesting technological tools. My
second main goal is get a glimpse of the American eduction system. Our educational system has been
having a lot of changes ever since my country gained its independence and the more it changed the
more bureaucratic and inpractical it became. Many of these changes made our teachers look more like
office workers who need to do a lot of paperwork, such as different reports, files, folders portfolios
instead of being concentrated on teaching itself alone. That's why I am very enthusiastic to find out how
the American education system works from the inside and then share the knowledge gained with other
school teachers and local officials and motivate them to make the necessary changes that our system
needs. This would help in solving practical problems of each school, benefitting the society and
contributing towards the progress of the nation.

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