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Ministry of Education and Research of Republic of Moldova

General Department of Education and Culture, Fălești

Theoretical Lyceum “Mihai Eminescu”, Fălești

Approval of Vice-director__________
Date: 12.11.21
English Teacher:Grușca Dumitru

Fălești, 2021
Grade: 7th Lesson: 4, part 1.
Theme: Life is sport.

Type of the lesson: mixed

Total Materials: online flashcards, blackboard, textbook, YouTube

Specific Competenci
1.2. Distingerea prin audiere a sensului cuvintelor și expresiilor în situații cotidiene.
1.7. Integrarea structurilor gramaticale simple în contexte uzuale.

2.1. Perceperea mesajului global pentru a face față situațiilor simple de comunicare.

3.1. Identificarea prin audiere/ lectură/ vizionare a informațiilor detaliate din mesaje scrise,
formulate simplu și clar, referitoare la situașii din viața cotidiană.

4.5. Compararea unor evenimente culturale specifice țării alofone și țării de origine
4.7. Prezentarea succintă a experienței personale de cunoaștere a țării- țintă, cu suport lexical,
iconic, digital.

Knowledge: The students will learn about famous sportsmen, sportswomen.
Skills: The students will be able to form nouns.
Attitude: The students will be able to speak about their heroes.
1. Beginning of the lesson
Activity: Teacher will greet the students and check the attendance of the students.

Time: 1 minute
2. Evocation
Activity: The teacher reviews the learnt material connected with the topic from the previous
Objectives: students will review the topic about types of sports. Time: 4 minutes.
Homework check.
Students present their written post about Highlands’ games.
3. Realization of the sense.
Activity 1: To introduce the theme of the lesson the teacher asks the students to watch a short
The theme is written on the blackboard.
Students are asked several questions about the meaning of the word HERO.
 Learn the vocabulary.
The teacher uses online flashcards to teach new vocabulary. The students repeat after the

Objectives: students will learn new vocabulary Form of activity: individual, frontal
Methods: direct Resources: flashcards, blackboard, textbook , TV.
Activity 2: The students are asked to read the text and say why Simone Biles is Ana’s hero. Ex.
2, page 31.
Activity 3: Students answer the following questions individually in written form . Ex. 3, page 31.

Time: 15 minutes
4. Reflection.
Activity:1. The teacher eaplains the formation of nouns from verbs and practice some exercises
Ex. 5, page 32.
Activity:2. Using the words from Exercises 4 and 5 to write about what the people in these
pictures are and what they can do. They do ex. 6, page 32
5. Extension
- Activity 1: the students will be asked to Fill in the space with the missing word. Use one
word only .

Activity:2. The students watch a short video that will help them to understand that they
can be heroes.

Time: 10 minutes

6. Home assignment.-As homework students will have to write a paragraph about their hero.
The students will be graded.
Time:2 minutes

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