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‫שמיני עצרת & שמחת תורה‬

• Please note that due to governmental restrictions, the Shul is capacity limited - Before bringing a
guest to Shul make sure to check in advance if there is space available.

• The Shul policy remains that everyone must wear a mask and maintain social distance while
inside the Shul.

• Seating will be organized based on capacity, and you will be directed to a Shul entrance and an
available seat.

• Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate women. However, women will be able
participate in Yizkor on Shmini Atzeres. The estimated time for Yizkor will be announced and
women who need to come for Yizkor will be directed to a designated area for Yizkor.

• Hakafos will be done using the same system as Hoshanos.

o Each table/family group will have an opportunity to dance Hakafos around the Bima the
minimum times necessary to be Zochah in all the Hashpaos Tovos.
o Everyone stays by their seat at their table and is encouraged to make a special effort to
join in the singing to keep the atmosphere as close to regular as possible, until it is their
turn to dance. It will be a leibedig, swift, smooth and safe operation IY”H.
o To note: Even in the best of times, it is not a requirement to dance with a Sefer Torah.

• After the Hakafos and Krias HaTorah on Simchas Torah night, there will be a chance to go home
and bring young boys to Shul for a special set of Hakafos.

• There will be Peckelach for the children which will be distributed Covid style for curbside pickup
outside the Shul, during the regular Hakafos time on Simchas Torah night.

• Simchas Torah Day - Everyone will have an opportunity to have an Aliya BEFORE davening
starting at 7:30 AM. There will be no possibility of getting an Aliyah after Shachris and Hakafos.
The pre-Shachris morning Aliyos will be conducted in an organized, safe, and legal manner.

• During davening there will only be the regular style laining with one person only for each Aliyah
like every Shabbos and Yom Tov. The Aliyos during davening will be sold with the other

• All the Kibudim for Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah will be sold on Shmini Atzeres morning
before Krias Hatorah.

Remember! It is only with your cooperation that we managed until now and we look forward to having
everyone participate in Simchas Torah with Hakofos and Aliyos in a safe manner.

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