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CELINHO – Inglês ____________________________________________ c. aprovado
THE DARK SIDE OF HALCION d. predecessores
Should millions of Americans be popping a sleeping e. farmacêuticos americanos
pill banned in Britain for causing amnesia and depression? ____________________________________________
When Halcion was first approved for sale in U.S. in f. droga
1982, doctors thought they had found the perfect sleeping ____________________________________________
pill. Like its chemical cousins Librium and Valium, it was g. agitação
safer than barbiturates. As an added bonus, Halcion did not ____________________________________________
linger in the body the way most of its predecessors did, and h. publicidade
therefore it did not leave people groggy the next day. Within ____________________________________________
a few years, the drug produced by Upjohn of Kalamazoo, i. sério
Michigan, became the most prescribed sleeping pill in the ____________________________________________
world. j. efeitos
In 1990 American pharmacists filled more than 7 ____________________________________________
million orders. Satisfied customers include U.S. Secretary of
State James Baker, who finds Halcion handy on long plane 02. Find in the text and write the following information:
trips. "Time for a blue bomb," he sometimes announces
before naps, refering to the a. nomes de medicamentos
color of a 0,25mg Halcion pill. ____________________________________________
Like most drugs, however, Halcion has a dark side b. nome de um laboratório farmacêutico
after all. In the mid-1980s, the U.S. Food and Drug ____________________________________________
Administration began receiving more and more reports of c. nomes de países
side effects from the drug – everything from amnesia to ____________________________________________
agitation. The increase could be explained by the rising d. nomes de estados americanos
number of people taking Halcion, but the drug got some bad ____________________________________________
publicity when a Utah woman killed her mother while on e. nome de um secretário de Estado
Halcion and sued the manufacturer. Upjohn settled the case ____________________________________________
out of court, all the while denying that the drug was to f. anos citados
blame for the murder. ____________________________________________
Now Halcion is facing its most serious challenge g. a fonte da qual foi tirado o texto
yet. Last week the British Department of Health banned ____________________________________________
sales of the drug in Britain, citing new evidence that the pill
"is associated with a much higher frequency of side effects, 03. Explain, in Portuguese, the meaning of the following
particularly memory loss and depression," than similar expressions in bold extracted from the text.
Time, October 14, 1991. a. Should millions of Americans be popping a sleeping pill
banned in Britain...

b. When Halcion was first approved for sale in U.S. in

Dream Drug
c. Like its chemical cousins Librium and Valium,...
Worldwide sales in millions of dollars
Potential benefits
Quick-acting, effective hypnotic, used as bedtime
d. ... it was safer than barbiturates.
sedative to induce sleep. Useful in short-term
management of insomnia.
Possible risks
e. Halcion did not linger in the body the way most of its
Can be habit-forming with long-term use. May have adverce
behavioral effects: amnesia, depression, anxiety, confusion.
01. Transport from the text the following words and
f. ... satisfied customers include U.S. Secretary of State
James Baker,...
a. milhões de americanos
g. ... who finds Halcion handy on long plane trips.
b. causando amnésia e depressão

h. ... the U.S. Food and Drug Administration began

receiving more and more reports...

i. ... reports of side effects from the drug...


j. The increase could be explained by the rising number....


k. ... when a Utah woman killed her mother while on Halcion

and sued the manufacturer...

l. ...that the drug was to blame for the murder...


m. Halcion is facing its most serious challenge...


n. ... ‘‘is associated with a much higher frequency of side

effects, particularly memory loss and depression’’...

04. According to the text, choose the correct option.

O Halcion:

a. deixa as pessoas tontas;

b. foi produzido pelo laboratório Upjohn,
localizado no estado de Utah;
c. foi liberado para venda em 1990;
d. é um medicamento para dormir;
e. foi receitado por mais de 7 milhões de farmacêuticos.

05. Choose the right answer.

Em relação aos efeitos colaterais, é correto afirmar:

a. o número de relatórios sobre o medicamento não

foi expressivo;
b. os efeitos colaterais apareceram no secretário
de Estado James Baker;
c. um dos efeitos é a amnésia;
d. o medicamento não produz efeitos colaterais;
e. os efeitos colaterais começaram a aparecer em

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