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NOTES Luts GERM LAYERS ECTODERM + Beginning of week 3 ' Ectoderm layer broader in cephalic region than in caudal region + Notechord initiates neurulation, forming ‘neural tube between mesoderm, ectoderrn + On dorsal side of neural tube as neural folds fuse, neural crest cells migrate + Form new cell layer between ectoderm, neural tube + As neural crest cells migrate throughout fetus, they give rise to tissues including peripheral nervous system {sensory ‘ganglia, sympathetic neurons, Schwann Calls), skin melanocytes, part of facial bones, adrenal gland chromaffin cells, thyroid parafolicular(C) cells + Neural tube has an opening on each end » Cranial neuropore (top): closes around day 25 + Caudal neuropore (bottom): closes around day 28 TrkaMnne DC Nevea Poaré + Surface ectoderm forms ectodermal thickenings, otic, lens placodes, near eranial fend of ectoderm * Otic placodes form otic vesicles —» cochlea, inner ear + Lens placodes —+ lens, comea of eyes + Other ectoderm cells form sensory epithelium (eg. lining of nose, mouth} + Other ectoderm celis form epidermis layer of fetal skin, associated structures (e.g, hair, nal, sweat glands, pitutary gland, mammary glands} + Ectoderm, parietal layer of mesoderm fold around with two sides meeting up in midline + Forms anterior body wal, everywhere except middle where yelk sac stil pouches out -» gut tube formed inside lembryo's body [tube inside of tube} NeuRAL CREST CeLLs "Fue Gor Laven” TUBE a NevanL ve = Bar = 7 —=S=— NoTOCHORD SA) Figure 274 Development of neural tube and neural crest cells 204 OSMOSISORG CERVIAL NEUROPORE 2 Age. Gaon. wevtorone) *Senes o DAY OF Figure 272 The neural tube intially has ‘openings at each end, called cranial ang caudal neuropores. Both pores clase by around day 28 Chapter 27 Embryology: Germ Layers one Pracove Lens: Puncope -suarace ecro0eem 2 bp. (urreraty Figure 273 ‘The surface ectoderm forms thickenings—the lens and otic placodes— that become eye and ear structures, respectively. MESODERM * Day 20 = Mesoderm cells around notachord differentiate into three specialized types of cells that will form different tissues, ‘organs » Paraxial mesoderm, intermediate mesoderm, lateral plate mesoderm Dav 20 scene Praia Mesovenn Mesosenn Wwreeneoure mesooenn Figure 27.4 The three types of mesoderm ‘that develop around day 20. Paraxial mesoderm + Starts to segment into paired tissue blocks called somites, one of each sitting slongside notochord, neural tube above it + About three somite pas form per day in craniacaudal direction = By week five, there are 42-44 pairs of somites = Number of somites can be used to determine embryo age + Sorites divide into three regions + Sclerotome: gives rise to bone, cartilage = Myotome: gives rise to muscles += Dermatome: gives rise to dermis skin layer Intermediate mesoderm + Gives rise to urogenital structures fe. adrenal cortex, kidneys, ovaries, testes) Lateral plate mesoderm + Gives rise to serous membranes, soft tissues of arms, legs, muscular gut wal, heart, circulatory systern . o OSMOSIS.ORG 205 + Serous membranes + Two layers of visceral membrane come * Become visceral, parietal serous rogether to form mesentery (suspends membranes {gut tube in abdominal cavity) PARAniaL Mesooenm Dennarone 2 Sens 6) ese wre P gohce Myorone Novocnor Cmosce — Scienotone Loves 8 CARTIANGE Figure 275 The paraxial mesoderm segments into somites. The somites then divide into three: regions which develop into distinct body structures. LaTeRAL Mesovenm Panera, PUMA, Soft Tne ~ a 2 Rens # les Pamernt WrnneMenvome Thoracic & Coeton ASDORWAL, Smuawense| Vieceane Canes Ns viscenne Peeve, Musete waun~ Figure 27.6 Membranes of the lateral mesoderm and their derivatives. ENDODERM + Day 15 Davis * Cranial, caudal ectoderm regions push Tan eas ventrally. fuse with endoderm layer So “Two blaminar region formed Crna. Crone * Cranial bilaminar region + ‘oropharyngeal membrane —+ mouth * Caudal bilaminar region — cloacal membrane ~» opening of anus, ‘genitourinary tracts Figure 277 Cranial and caudal blarinar regions ofthe em 206 OSMOSISORG + Week 4 + Embryo felds in two directions + Longitudinal plane: cranial, caudal folds; ‘embryo begins to cut into fetal position: folding shapes part of yolk sack into gut tube with rest remaining connected in middle via viteline duct + Transversal plane: lateral plates of mesoderm spit into parietal somatic} mesoderm layer, visceral (splanchnic mesoderm layer; parietal mesoderm follows ectoderm, forms chest wall, abdominal body wal; visceral ayer of mesoderm fellows endoderm, forms gut tube + Endoderm becomes epithelial cll lining of gastrointestinal act, while mesoderm becomes muscular wall + In addition to gastrointestinal, respiratory ‘act epithelium +» Endoderm gives rise to tonsils, thyrovd, parathyroid glands, thymus, part of liver, gallbladder, pancreas += Fndederm cells form parts of ear, epithetial ining of urethra, urinary Chapter 27 Embryology: Germ Layers Foregut + Around week 4 + Once oropharyngeal membrane breaks down, foregut {including pharynx} connects to primitive mouth {stomodeurn} += Around week § ' Foregut gives rise to trachea, lungs Midgut + Remains connected to yolk sac which sits outside body via viteline duct (yolk stale} which passes through umbilical ring + Over time vitelline duct gets thinner, collapses; in some people it remains as Mecke's diverticulum indgut + Around week 7 = Once cloacal membrane breaks down, Upper two thirds of anal canal {derived from endoderm) meet up with lower one third of anal canal, called proctodeum (derived from ectoderm) * Pectinate line: in adults, the line where badder the upper two thirds (endoderm) and lower tid ectoderm) of the anal canal GUT TUBE STRUCTURE este * Gut tube divided into foregut, midgut rindgut Weer 4 PawietaL (Somanic) esooen —= VISCERAL "i (Sacaucnmc) Mesopen Ewoovenn LoweirvowaL Punwe Tanwsvense PLave Figure 278 Week 4: the embryo folds in the longitudinal and transverse planes. OSMOSIS.ORG 207 Foresut Hwecor Lowes, * Moura — Pranic 4 (ccrovens) wnt Cant ) Anat Cane (Ecrooe) 4 Teacnen /Lomes wae Pectwate Live Vireviwe Duct % Passes Tanoven Unocal Rive X ReMunt # MECKEL'S DIVERTICULUM, Figure 279 Locations and derivatives of the foregut, midgut, and hindgut (lateral view), ( 208 OSMOSISORG

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