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|NAME|: Tyra Monet Robinson

|AGE|: 18
|GENDER|: female
|RACE|: homo-sapien
|ETHNICITY|African American
|OCCUPATION|: Unemployed/Paranormal Investigator/College Student First year
|HOMETOWN|: Roswell, New Mexico

|WEIGHT|:135 Lbs
|BODY TYPE|:Toned and Athletic, thick.
|OTHER|: Tongue, Navel, Nipples and Clitoris Pierced. A pair of cherries tattooed
just above her clit that says “Eat me” between the two cherries. Hearts Tattooed
around each nipple.

|PERSONALITY|:Naive, Gullible, trusting, Sultry, Seductive, Alluring,
Compassionate, Kind, Caring, Flirtatious
|FAMILY|: Reveal through IRP for developmental purposes. And to add immersion and
depth to the character make her seem more three dimensional.
|BACKSTORY|: Reveal through IRP for developmental purposes. And to add immersion
and depth to the character make her seem more three dimensional.

◇─◇──◇────◇ ◇─────◇──◇─◇

|ABILITIES|: Witchcraft/Wicca
|WEAPONS|:Ceremonial/Sacrificial Dagger, Double Edged Butterfly knife, Shock Baton,
Mace, brass Knuckles
|STRENGTHS|:Persuasive, Intellect,Agility,Reflexes, Flexibility, Durability,
Endurance, Swiftness, Attractiveness, ,
|WEAKNESSES|:Small Stature results in physically less strength. Sexual stimulation,
Overly sensitive Erogenous zones(Clit, Nipples, Neck)
|COMBAT STYLE|:Street Fighting, Dirty Fighting,

|Msic Info|:

|TURN-ONS|: Rape/Non-con/Force/Gangrape,‌‌
‌ holes‌‌
once,‌‌Abuse,‌‌Violencem‌‌Humiliation/Public‌‌ Humiliation,‌‌Degradation,‌‌Face‌‌Fucking,‌
‌ fucking,‌‌
being‌‌bitten(Neck,‌‌Nipples,‌‌ clit),‌‌Hair‌‌
‌ Cunt,‌‌
‌ fear,‌‌
coercion,‌‌blackmail,‌‌ being‌‌
choked,‌‌ being‌‌fisted,‌‌
objects(Bowling‌‌ pin,‌
‌ Gun‌‌

|TURN-OFFS|: Transformation, Character Death, Vore, Gore, Scat, Water sports, Feet,
Diapers, Puke anything else similar, related too or as questionable as these ones
listed are also included here.




Original Character - Character Sheet

Character Portrait

~*~ The Basics ~*~

Name: Meaghan Morse

Species: Homo-Sapien

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Curious

Age: 22

Height: 5’4”

Weight: 147 Lbs.

Hair Color/Style: Long wavy, Silky raven colored hair to the middle of her back

Eye Color/Details: Almond shaped Dark Brown

Ethnicity:Bi-racial (African-American/Caucasian)

Nationality: Natural born US Citizen

Religion: Roman Catholic

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

~*~ Traits, Qualities, Personality ~*~

Strengths: Agile, Swift Reflexes, Durable, Flexible, Intelligent, Quick Witted,


Weaknesses: Lacking In Physical Strength, Compassionate, Trusting, Helpful, Kind,

Promiscuous, Dresses in revealing clothing, Naive, Gullible, Loyal, Protective,

Personality: Meaghan is Friendly, Talkative, Outgoing, Outspoken, Trustworthy,

Reliable, Flirtatious,

Hobbies:Gymnastics, Yoga, Aerobics, Acrobatics, Dancing, Singing, Painting,

Writing, Drawing, Camping, Ice Skating, Gaming, Camming,

Quirks: Daydreams frequently, Bursts into song at random times, Constantly checks
their phone

Skills: Persuasion, Seduction, Tumbling, Pick Pocketing, Charismatic Leadership,

Oratory/Public Speaking, Lip Reading, Body Language Reading, Mood Deciphering,
Computer Operations, Web Design, Gaming, Multi-Lingual


~*~ History, Background, Family, Relationships, Occupation ~*~

History/Background(synopsis):Meaghan has always been an exceptionally gifted and

bright individual, even as a child she picked up on things far more quickly and
earlier than others her own age.

She graduated Highschool with a 3.5 GPA, She was a member of the AV club, Lit club,
Drama club, and was Student body president her senior year.

Meaghan has been in college for two years already and starting her third. She plans
to major in digital Photography, While Minoring in Theatre.

Meaghan's best friend is a former kitchen assistant called Elliott Stewart. They
get along well most of the time. She also hangs around with Kristen Turner and Rosa
Ramos. They enjoy surfing the web together.

She is currently single. Her most recent romance was with a screenplay writer
called David Marks, who was 11 years older than her. They broke up because David
was an abusive chauvinistic pig.

She is addicted to the internet, something which her friend Elliott Eva Stewart
pointed out when she was 15. The problem intensified after Graduating High School.
Meaghan has lost two jobs as a result of her addiction.

~*~ In Depth Character Background ~*~:

Meaghan was born June 4th 1998 at the Provident Hospital of Cook County Illinois to
Mick and Rhonda Morse. Meaghan showed promise at the earliest stages of
development, She seemingly picked up on things sooner and faster than other
children her age.
Because she did in fact learn things faster than other students Meaghan's parents
were made to enroll her in advanced classes. Even there she proved to be a prodigy
of sorts, However Her GPA never surpassed a three-point five average as she just
refused to do some of her work assignments, The counselor and her teachers
attributed this to the fact that perhaps the work bored her because it was not
challenging enough. Meaghan moved through school pretty uneventfully until Junior
High. She went into the sixth grade already in advanced classes, New environment,
new faces, She quickly adapted. However she made friends with some of the schools
more notorious troublemakers and hooligans. About half way through sixth grade came
her first incident requiring disciplinary action, She along with Kristen Turner and
Rosa Ramos decided they were going to prank their gym teacher and to do so they
placed some gardener snakes they collected from the nearby fields and hid them in
his desk, Little did they know of his severe fear of the slimy creatures. Opening
his desk and seeing the snakes caused him to jump up from his desk resulting in him
stumbling backwards and tripping, He fell and hit his head and ended up with a
concussion. This earned her and the other two girls not only a week's detention,
but a three-day out of school suspension.

The following School year the three girls had formed a stronger bond of friendship
and came almost inseparable. She met her soon to be best friend, Elliott Eva
Stewart this year as well. The two of them became good friends rather quickly. She
would also end up in the court system this year after the four girls decided they
were going to cut class and take the principal's car for a joyride, unfortunately
they never made it out of the parking lot having wrecked his car into the car of
another member of the faculty all four girls were let off lightly with only
community service and restitution for damages.

Eighth grade year, Meaghan's behaviour grew more alarming as her desire for
attention and being in the spotlight became more apparent. She began getting into
fights in school, Skipping school and drinking. Her parents at this time had
started having troubles in their marriage.. Her dad's drinking got worse, the
fighting intensified causing Meaghan to spend less and less time at home. on the
last day of her eighth grade year Meaghan's mom and dad had got into a fight, Her
mother stormed off to get away and clear her mind, with the distractions on her
plate she perhaps paid less attention to her surroundings than she should have, and
spent a little too much time on her phone while driving.. She was pulling into the
local seven eleven when her car was t-boned by a large pick up truck killing her
almost instantly. Meaghan went to live with her Mother's parents for the rest of
this year.

Highschool.. Every Child's worst nightmare right? Meaghan was forced to go back to
her dad's she complied reluctantly. By this time his drinking had gotten way out of
hand. He was staying drunk pretty much from the time he woke up until he went to
bed, And this was when the abuse began. Her father became not only physically but
emotionally and verbally abusive towards Meaghan. Meaghan sought new outlets for
her jigsaw of emotions, She joined the AV club which helped take her mind off of
things and got her interested in photography and computers. Her Computer and
internet addiction started in the form of MMORPGs, She then moved on to getting
involved in online chat. This addiction just kept growing from this point. By the
time graduation rolled around Meaghan had almost completely transformed from the
passive girl who wanted to stay in the shadows to the overly outgoing carefree
young woman who adored attention, the more attention the happier she was. It didn't
matter if it was good attention or bad attention to her attention was attention.
She had to be in the limelight. Despite her change in character and demeanor she
managed to keep her three-point five grade point average through graduation.
Meaghan also held the office of Student body President her senior year to add to
her positive mentions.

Happy to have finally reached adulthood Meaghan could not go off to college too
soon. She did take a year off after highschool however and took a road trip across
the nation to clear her mind and see what was out there for her, However she ended
up right back in Illinois that next year where she enrolled in the University of
Illinois at Chicago. Taking her love of photography and computers she jumped right
into the drama club, She plans to major in digital Photography, While Minoring in
Theatre. With having to pay for her own higher education Meaghan got into online
camming and live streaming of the more adult oriented kind. To supplement her
income she moved from just camming to posing for adult photo shoots. Her intentions
were to use this as a springboard for more mainstream modeling though she still has
never attempted to advance her career in modeling and remained in the adult
industry which seemingly paid more than most local mainstream models were making
and the money was good.At the beginning of her third year in college she had saved
up enough to get out of the dorms and get her first apartment on her own though
it's only a few blocks off campus.

*Mother (African-American) - Deceased
*Father (Caucasian) - Alive(drunkard, Abusive, Perverse)
*Brother (½ brother From father’s side) - Alive (16)
*Sister (Both shared parents) - Alive (24)

Current Relationship Status: Single

Most Recent Relationship: David Marks

Occupation: College Student, Part Time Cam Girl/Adult Modeling

~*~ Misc Details/Extra Info, Links ~*~

Social Class: Upper-Middle(working Class)

Favourite foods: cheese on crackers, ice lollies

Fears: The Dead, The Dark, Being alone, Spiders, Snakes, Rats, Bats

Turn-ons:Rape/Non-con/Force/Gangrape,‌‌ Multiple‌‌partners,‌‌ Internal‌‌

‌ at‌‌
once,‌‌Abuse,‌‌Violencem‌‌Humiliation/Public‌‌ Humiliation,‌‌Degradation,‌‌Face‌‌Fucking,‌
‌ fucking,‌‌
being‌‌bitten(Neck,‌‌Nipples,‌‌ clit),‌‌Hair‌‌
‌ Cunt,‌‌
‌ fear,‌‌
coercion,‌‌ blackmail,‌‌being‌‌
choked,‌‌ being‌‌fisted,‌‌
‌ Gun‌‌
**Turn-Offs: **Transformation, Character Death, Vore, Gore, Scat, Water sports,
Feet, Diapers, Puke anything else similar, related too or as questionable as these
ones listed are also included here.

Current Attire:

Personal Items:
Cell Phone
Charger cord W/ plug and car lighter adapter
Wireless Earbuds W/Charging unit & cord
Purse and Wallet
Tube of Purple Lipstick
Tube of Mascara
6 tray pallet of Purples and Pink eye shadow
Eye liner Pencil
I compact of blush Lavender tone
Lipstick Knife
I large can of mace(fits in purse)

[B]Name:[/B] Khaleela Payne

[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Age:[/B] 20
[B]Ethnicity:[/B] African American
[B]Physical Appearance:[/B]
Weight:140 Lbs. Age:19
Tattoos/Piercings: Quarter Sleeve Right Shoulder/Navel, Ears,Tongue,Clit,Nipples
Eyebrow, snakebites, Labret, and nose pierced.

[i]Face Claim: Celebrity[/i]Dominique Simone

[B]Personality:[/B]Personality: Confident, Tactical, Strategic, calculated,

Thorough, Brave, Violent, does rarely shoe compassion,


Cybernetic enhancement/Meta-human physiology: Due to Khaleela getting a spinal

implant and becoming a cyborg, Her physical abilities has been greatly enhanced and
resulted in the development of many meta-human powers of artificial nature.When Her
spinal implant was removed forcibly, effectively being killed by Tobias Whale,
after being resurrected by the A.S.A. She was given a replacement bionic surrogate,
one which is entirely under Her skin, unlike the old one. According to Khaleela
Her, it works perfectly, and as a result She is now considered a biological weapons
Superhuman strength: Khaleela's physical strength has been increased as she threw
another student through the hallway into a glass montra easily.As well as to lift a
grown man with a single hand without effort, hit Tobias Whale with enough strength
to make her bleed and destroy a wooden table with Her bare hands. She was able to
kill a grown man with a single, well-placed punch to the chest after Her

Superhuman jumping/leaping: Khaleela's strength also extends to Her legs,

increasing Her leaping capabilities as she leapt easily from one floor to the next
one in Garfield High School as well as on the Pierce house's rooftop. Following Her
resurrection, Khaleela was capable to perform several backflips in mid air without
using Her hands.

Superhuman durability: The spinal implant also increased Her body's resilience;
this has allowed Khaleela on multiple occasions, to leap down from the second floor
of the Jefferson household and land without any discomfort. She was also able to
trade blows with the physically enhanced attacker, and was able to match hers for a
while before being overpowered by her. After Her resurrection this ability was
enhanced to the point she could withstand several concussive blows.

Superhuman stamina: Khaleela's enhancement also has made her far more resilient and
durable than a normal human, as she can fall from a rooftop without injury herself
or get any damage at all. As well as being pushed against a fish tank and break it
without getting hurt. Following Her resurrection this ability was augmented to the
point that she can be lifted from and thrown for several feet by an individual with
super-strength, landing on Her back on the ground without reporting any damage and
rising again in a few

Superhuman dexterity: Another side effect of the spinal implant she received was
that it enhanced Her entire nervous system. Khaleela's dexterity has been enhanced
to superhuman levels as she was able to accurately and precisely throw several
needles directly in the necks of several students, and even Black Lightning. Since
Her resurrection, Her dexterity has reached even higher levels, with Khaleela's
movements being so controlled and precise that she always hits Her mark and has yet
to be defeated in combat.

Paralytic venom touch: After coming back from the dead and subjected into the
A.S.A., Khaleela can now poison others with Her hands, as shown when she killed Her
mother, Nichelle; when she wrapped Her hand around her throat to strangle her, dark
blue-black veins began to develop on her skin where Her palms made contact. It was
later revealed that this poison in Her touch is actually the paralytic venom that
was inadvertently created as a byproduct of Her previous spinal implant, which she
used to have to extract and put into darts prior to Her resurrection. However,
since being reborn as an A.S.A operative, the venom is now approximately ten times
more powerful, and she can inflict it upon someone through direct

contact with Her hands; according to Khaleela herself, She can control the amount
of venom that he releases and how quickly it affects Her victims.

Accelerated healing factor: Khaleela seems to be able to heal Her wounds at an

accelerated rate and it was implied by Jen that, usually, the byproduct of Her
spinal implant has healing properties, instantaneously curing her. After Her
resurrection she demonstrated to be able to be fully operational in few hours after
having been in a pre-death state.

Toxic immunity: Khaleela has some sort of immunity to toxins as even Cutter's anti-
meta-humans venom took hours to have an effect on her, as well as being completely
immune to the powerful poison that flows through Her veins after she was

Inception immunity: Khaleela's cybernetic enhancements make her immune to

telepathic attacks. When facing Gravedigger, Her power to command obedience in
others was useless.
Paralytic venom: The spinal implant that cured Khaleela's paralysis also created a
byproduct similar to paralyzing snake venom He can use this venom extracted from
Her body to paralyze Her foes. But he requires a tool to deliver that poison into
Her victim's body.


Peak of human physical condition: Even before Her enhancement, Khaleela possesses
impressive athletic prowess and was credited as a stand out scholar-athlete that
could have had the possibility to get to the Olympics. She also has an
extraordinary high-level tolerance of pain, as he was able to withstand being
burned, electrocuted in the neck and even survive for hours after Her spine was
brutally ripped out.

Acrobatics/Free-running: Khaleela has developed free-running skills and could drop

from a height of several feet without injuring herself. Her skills allow her to
fluidly dodge and attack from different directions without losing balance.

Master hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: Even before Her resurrection by the

A.S.A., Khaleela was a skilled combatant due to Her enhanced physical attributes.
She proved to be skilled enough to defeat multiple aggressors at once almost
without effort as well as hold Her own against the highly trained mercenary.After
Her resurrection, She noted that she had mastered 23 different martial arts,
including Wing Chun, Aikido, Kali, Wrestling, Western Boxing, Judo, Taekwondo,
Jujitsu, Muay Thai, Silat, and 13 others.

Expert swordsman:After having a Bio Implant put in her, Khaleela is a highly

skilled swordsman as shown when she versed Painkiller in Her head.

Skilled marksman: Khaleela is proficient in handling firearms, and can shoot down
multiple armed men.

Enhanced intelligence: Due to a chip implanted in Khaleela's brain by the A.S.A.,

Khaleela has been given an expert-level understanding of human anatomy, small
firearms marksmanship, and military History, as well as the equivalent to a
master's degree in classical literature, philosophy, and mathematics.
Artist: After trying to deal with the trauma she has had as Painkiller, Peter Gambi
recommended she put Her mind into art in order to focus Her mind on creative
pursuits. She ended up giving in and trying it, and drew a very well done sketch of
Jennifer from memory.

Weapons and Equipment:

Guns: Khaleela is proficient in using a wide range of guns.
Painkiller's gauntlets.

Poison dart gauntlets: Khaleela wears special gauntlets around both of his arms.
These gauntlets have special darts he can fire at other people, paralyzing them
with venom extracted from the byproduct of his spinal implant. Though it didn't
manage to paralyze Black Lightning, it did neutralize his powers to project and
absorb electricity


Bio implant: Because of Her condition, if Khaleela's bio implant in Her brain was
destroyed or taken out, it would render her brain dead.

Painkiller protocol: The A.S.A. has put a protocol in place in Her bio chip in
result allows her to take orders from them easily at this point it has been
deactivated but if it comes back on it will carry out his previous mission. After
fighting for control Khaleela has lost to her Painkiller side and has been locked
away behind a fire wall in his head. After another fight with Painkiller, Khaleela
has final taken control of his body.

Mind Control: The ASA used mind control through the bio implant to force Khaleela
to do unspeakable things. It is unknown at this point if the ASA has a way of
turning it back on.


Jessica Langsford
“Don’t hate me cause I am beautiful, Hate me cause your girlfriend thinks so!”

《────────────| ♢ |────────────》
《───────────────────| 01- Basics|───────────────────》
Age: 18
Birthday:February 14th, 2047
Origins: Night City, California
Orientation: Bisexual

《─────────────────| 02- Physical|─────────────────》

Height & Weight: 5’4” 135 Lbs.
Body Type: Toned and Athletic
Notable Features: Her Yellowish hued eyes
Natural Scent: Strawberries and Cream.
Disabilities: N/A

《───────────────────| 03- Social|───────────────────》

Wealth Status: Upper Middle Class
Occupation:Prostitute/Amateur Adult Model & Actress
Street Reputation: Not highly known above her own Social class, though is pretty
well known in the slums and projects.
Marital Status:Single
Faction: N\A
Affiliation(s): Piranhas (Party Gang from Night City)

Family: Not any known living relatives.

Positive Relations: Just her usual Johns
Negative Relations:Most Law enforcement officials.

《────────────────| 04- Psychology|────────────────》

Positive -Adaptable, energetic, Independant, Flirtatious, Outgoing, Fun loving
Neutral - Deceptive, Emotional, Sensual, Unpredictable
Negative -Arrogant, Vain, Conceited

Likes & Dislikes:

:Drugs, Booze, Sex, Partying, Loud Music, Clubs, Bars, Sodatying
:Annoying people, Rudeness, Mean people, Cops
Strengths & Weaknesses:
:Attractiveness, Fast Talking, Seduction, Sexual performance, Stamina, durability.
:Small in Stature, Less Physically strong than average, thinks and acts before
thinking often

Alignment: Neutral(True)
Goals: get a higher education, give up the sex worker lifestyle and move on up like
the Jeffersons

《─────────────────| 05- Abilities|─────────────────》

Local Knowledge/Gossip
Performance Artist
Skills: [Depending on the characters age, a max of 10 skills. Please include your
character’s proficiency in the skills]

Physical Aptitude
Combat Type: Melee
Combat Style: Stealthy
Combat Knowledge: She is not the greatest fighter and not the strongest but when a
person is not expecting it even the smallest package can be dynamite. She prefers
to Seduce, Drug those requiring it then finishing them off when the time to do so
reveals itself.
Combat Experience: She has been involved in quite a few cat fights at the bars and
clubs. Other than that mainly her choreographic staged fighting for her photo
shoots and videos.
Endurance Levels: She is highly resistant to Pain and torture as those are often
elements in alot of her porn shoots and movies not to mention some of the more
deviant varieties of johns she picks up.
Favored Weapon: Lipstick Knife
Tactics: Seduce her victim, Drugs those larger and/or stronger than her and then
when the time is right finish them off clean and silently.

《─────────────────| 06- Equipment|─────────────────》

Primary Weapon: Garrote
Secondary Weapon:Lipstick knife
Drugs, Medicines & Poisons: Pain killers, cocaine, Weed
Augmentations: Midnight Lady (Female Sexual pleasure enhancement Augmentation),
cyber-Audio Implant - enhances hearing allowing one to hear softer sounds/noises
and at greater distances
Misc: N/A

《─────────────────| 07-Biography|─────────────────》

Part I - Birth & Childhood

Jessica was born into a rather poor family. Both parents worked and her father
managed two jobs. With both parents always working or sleeping there was not much
time for family or parental/child bonding. Jessica spent most of her childhood with
her grandparents whom she would later end up going to live with after both her
parents died suddenly in a fatal car accident when she was only eleven years old.
She really never grieved or mourned over the lose of her parents most say it was
due to the lack of the bonding a child usually has with their parents.

Part II - Teenage Years

The first couple of years living with her Father’s parents were smooth sailing.
Though at the age of thirteen Jessica grew a rebellious streak and this caused A
LOT of tension at home. She got involved with the wrong crowd, She began staying
out late, Shoplifting, Drinking, doing drugs and just intentionally doing most of
what her new guardians tp;d her not to do. She lived with her Grandparents up until
a few weeks past her seventeenth birthday when an argument over her leaving the
house past her set curfew got physical, She hit her grandfather when he grabbed her
arm to physically stop her from leaving the house. This resulted in being kicked
out though only ten months before being an adult.

Part III - Adulthood

Jessica struggled A LOT crashing in abandoned buildings and bus depots for the
remainder of year seventeen. Upon reaching adulthood merely 8 months ago Jessica
fell deeper into the gang lifestyle, The drug habits grew, She resorted to
prostitution and low budget adult modeling and acting jobs to supplement the income
she made from prostitution to licve off of, mainly to pay for the cheap seedy motel
room she had been residing in for the last several months. Though what money wasn’t
spent on food and motel costs went for booze drugs and clothes! After all Clothes
make the woman in her line fo work!

《────────────────────| 08-Misc|────────────────────》
Theme Song(s): N/A
Pet(s): Not hers per say but she did befriend a stray mongrel of a dog after
bringing it food almost nightly. She calls him Rex as she was not sure what else to
call him.
Extra: N/A


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