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Ejemplo de Timer 2

Configuración de 2 Timers

- Se utilizará el canal “1” del TIMER en modo “captura” para medir el periodo de una señal de
entrada TIOA1. Fuente de reloj TC3 (PBA/8)
- Se utilizará el canal “0” del timer en modo “waveform” para generar por la salida TIOA0 una
señal de PWM con ciclo útil igual al periodo de la señal de entrada. Fuente de reloj TC3 (PBA/8)

A continuación se muestra el código completo

/*! \mainpage
* \section intro Introduction
* This is the documentation for the data structures, functions, variables,
* defines, enums, and typedefs for the TC driver.\n It also gives an example of
* the usage of the TC module.
* This example involves 2 timer/counter channels, one configured in capture
* mode (input) and the other configured in waveform mode (output) to generate a
* PWM on the output.
* Channel 1 of a timer/counter module is used with the input pin TIOA1. You
* will find the port and pin number in the datasheet of your device. The
* selected timer input clock is the internal clock labelled TC3 referred to
* as TIMER_CLOCK3 in the datasheet.
* Channel 0 of a timer/counter module is used with the output pin TIOA0.
* You will find the port and pin number in the datasheet of your device.
* The selected timer input clock is the internal clock labelled TC3
* referred to as TIMER_CLOCK3 in the datasheet.
* \note
* - On the AT32UC3A0512, the input pin is TIOA1 is mapped on PB25 and the output pin TIOA0 is mapped on
PB23. \n
* - On the AT32UC3B0256, the input pin is TIOA1 is mapped on PA21 and the output pin TIOA0 is mapped on
PB00. \n
* - On the AT32UC3A3256, the input pin is TIOA1 is mapped on PA01 and the output pin TIOA0 is mapped on
PB05. \n
* - On the AT32UC3L064, the chosen input pin TIOA1 for the Timer/Counter 1(TC1)
* is mapped on PB06 (with the STK600 + RCUC3L0 routing card, PB06 is routed
* to STK600.PORTD.PD6), and the chosen output pin TIOA0 is mapped on PB00 (with
* the STK600 + RCUC3L0 routing card, PB06 is routed to STK600.PORTD.PD0).
* The 16-bit input timer/counter channel will cycle from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
* or until a falling edge is detected on the input pin, in which case the
* counter is captured in RA before being reset then started with the same
* rules. Consequently, RA is a measure of the input period modulo 16 bits.
* The 16-bit output timer/counter channel will cycle from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF,
* starting at 0x0000 with a high output pin level and lowering the output
* pin level when it reaches the value of RA extracted from the input timer/
* counter while raising the output pin level when it reaches the value of
* RC left at 0. This will hence produce a PWM output signal with a duty
* cycle depending on the period of the input signal.
* \section files Main Files
* - tc.c: TC driver;
* - tc.h: TC driver header file;
* - tc_example2.c: TC example 2.
* \section compinfo Compilation Info
* This software was written for the GNU GCC for AVR32 and IAR Systems compiler
* for AVR32. Other compilers may or may not work.
* \section deviceinfo Device Info
* All AVR32 devices with a TC module can be used. This example has been tested
* with the following board:
* - EVK1100 evaluation kit
* - EVK1101 evaluation kit
* - EVK1104 evaluation kit
* - STK600 starter kit with the RCUC3L0 routing card, 12MHz crystal in the STK600's crystal socket
* \section setupinfo Setup Information
* CPU speed: <i> 12 MHz. </i>
* \section contactinfo Contact Information
* For further information, visit
* <A href="">Atmel AVR32</A>.\n
* Support and FAQ:

#include <avr32/io.h>
#include "compiler.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "power_clocks_lib.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include "tc.h"

/*! \name TC Channel Choice

//! @{
#if BOARD == EVK1100
# define EXAMPLE_TC (&AVR32_TC)
#elif BOARD == EVK1101
# define EXAMPLE_TC (&AVR32_TC)
#elif BOARD == EVK1104
# define EXAMPLE_TC (&AVR32_TC0)
#elif BOARD == STK600_RCUC3L0
# define EXAMPLE_TC (&AVR32_TC1)
# define EXAMPLE_TC_OUTPUT_PIN AVR32_TC1_A0_0_1_PIN // With the RCUC3L0 routing card,
mapped on STK600.PORTD.PD0
# define EXAMPLE_TC_INPUT_PIN AVR32_TC1_A1_0_0_PIN // With the RCUC3L0 routing card, mapped

#if !defined(EXAMPLE_TC) || \
!defined(EXAMPLE_TC_OUTPUT_PIN) || \
!defined(EXAMPLE_TC_INPUT_PIN) || \
# error The TC preprocessor configuration to use in this example is missing.
//! @}

/*! \brief Initializes the timer/counter capture.

static void init_tc_input(volatile avr32_tc_t *tc, unsigned int channel)
// Options for capture mode.
tc_capture_opt_t capture_opt =
.channel = channel, // Channel selection.

.ldrb = TC_SEL_NO_EDGE, // RB loading selection.

.ldra = TC_SEL_FALLING_EDGE, // RA loading selection.

.cpctrg = TC_NO_TRIGGER_COMPARE_RC, // RC compare trigger enable.

.abetrg = TC_EXT_TRIG_SEL_TIOA, // TIOA or TIOB external trigger selection.
.etrgedg = TC_SEL_FALLING_EDGE, // External trigger edge selection.

.ldbdis = FALSE, // Counter clock disable with RB loading.

.ldbstop = FALSE, // Counter clock stopped with RB loading.

.burst = TC_BURST_NOT_GATED, // Burst signal selection.

.clki = TC_CLOCK_RISING_EDGE, // Clock inversion.
.tcclks = TC_CLOCK_SOURCE_TC3 // Internal source clock 4, connected to fPBA / 8.

// Initialize the timer/counter capture.

tc_init_capture(tc, &capture_opt);
/*! \brief Initializes the timer/counter waveform.
static void init_tc_output(volatile avr32_tc_t *tc, unsigned int channel)
// Options for waveform generation.
tc_waveform_opt_t waveform_opt =
.channel = channel, // Channel selection.

.bswtrg = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP, // Software trigger effect on TIOB.

.beevt = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP, // External event effect on TIOB.
.bcpc = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP, // RC compare effect on TIOB.
.bcpb = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP, // RB compare effect on TIOB.

.aswtrg = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP, // Software trigger effect on TIOA.

.aeevt = TC_EVT_EFFECT_NOOP, // External event effect on TIOA.
.acpc = TC_EVT_EFFECT_SET, // RC compare effect on TIOA.
.acpa = TC_EVT_EFFECT_CLEAR, // RA compare effect on TIOA.

.wavsel = TC_WAVEFORM_SEL_UP_MODE, // Waveform selection: Up mode without automatic trigger on

RC compare.
.enetrg = FALSE, // External event trigger enable.
.eevt = TC_EXT_EVENT_SEL_TIOB_INPUT, // External event selection.
.eevtedg = TC_SEL_NO_EDGE, // External event edge selection.
.cpcdis = FALSE, // Counter disable when RC compare.
.cpcstop = FALSE, // Counter clock stopped with RC compare.

.burst = TC_BURST_NOT_GATED, // Burst signal selection.

.clki = TC_CLOCK_RISING_EDGE, // Clock inversion.
.tcclks = TC_CLOCK_SOURCE_TC3 // Internal source clock 3, connected to fPBA / 8.

// Initialize the timer/counter waveform.

tc_init_waveform(tc, &waveform_opt);

/*! \brief Main function. Execution starts here.

int main(void)
static const gpio_map_t TC_GPIO_MAP =



// The timer/counter instance and channel numbers are used in several functions.
// It's defined as local variable for ease-of-use causes and readability.
volatile avr32_tc_t *tc = EXAMPLE_TC;
unsigned int input_channel = 1;
unsigned int output_channel = 0;

// Used to read the RA value for the input timer/counter instance.

int ra = 0;

// Configure Osc0 in crystal mode (i.e. use of an external crystal source, with
// frequency FOSC0) with an appropriate startup time then switch the main clock
// source to Osc0.
pm_switch_to_osc0(&AVR32_PM, FOSC0, OSC0_STARTUP);

// Assign I/Os to timer/counter.

gpio_enable_module(TC_GPIO_MAP, sizeof(TC_GPIO_MAP) / sizeof(TC_GPIO_MAP[0]));

// Initialize the timers/counters.

init_tc_input(tc, input_channel);
init_tc_output(tc, output_channel);

// Set the compare trigger.

tc_write_ra(tc, output_channel, 0x4000);

// Start the timers/counters.

tc_start(tc, input_channel);
tc_start(tc, output_channel);

while (TRUE)
ra = tc_read_ra(tc, input_channel);
if (ra > 0)
// RA of the input channel has changed, so it has detected a falling edge.
// Update the RA of the output channel.
tc_write_ra(tc, output_channel, ra);

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