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We are from BS Entrepreneurship 3-2, in our opportunity seeking subject. We are

tasked to make a product development which is to sell a product. First, we do brainstorming
about the product we are going to develop. A lot of products comes to our minds like burger
patty made out of “puso ng saging”, banana fries or lumpiang tuna. But suddenly, one of us
watch a video on TikTok on how make empanada. Finally, we decided to use corned beef as
replacement to meat in order to lessen the expenses and make it more affordable.

On the next day, we created a video the process in making corned beef empanada. We
experienced to make it, and it was not that easy. In making the dough, we uses the manual
method because we do not have mixer. We felt numbness. It takes 15-20 minutes of kneading
to make the dough done then rest and chill the dough for 30-minutes to rise. Next we prepared
the corned beef filling. After cooking it, shaped the dough and then fill it then finally cook it. In
cooking corned beef empanada, we felt the excitement and also we expect that the outcome
will have a good taste. Then we reach our expectation, and we decided to sell it.
First day of selling corned beef empanada, we made a 30 pieces and then we sell it to
others. We felt excitement and nervous because it is the first time we’re going to sell our
product. But finally we sold out all of our product. We continued to make and sell Corned beef
Empanada for 3-4 weeks, twice a week.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
(twice a week) (twice a week) (twice a week) (twice a week)

Total Sales 600 1,000 1,000 1,000

Total Cost/Expenses 400 600 600 600
Total Income 200 400 400 400
TOTAL= 1,400

The table above shows how our product yields. It also shows the expenses and the profit we got
from it. For almost a month we sell our Corned beef Empanada our profit raises to 1,400. Our
representation are simplified.

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