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PEÑAFLOR, Aldrich Francis O.

3223 CFE10A
BSCE IV October 17, 2021  - The Great Realization

QUESTION: REALITY is usually responded with a YES! How did the short film you saw supported
this statement?

The narrator showed reality in the way of what reality is. Our reality was never the same in
the past, present, and most likely also in the future. It changes. It described how reality changed
our culture of ingenuity, human relationships, environment, and leadership. Before the pandemic,
society was out of balance, told with “waste and wonder” and “poverty and plenty.”

The film began describing us tapping our ingenuity too much that it exceeded what we
hoped to get from it. It gave us so much power and accountability up until our worldly desires
devoured the whole system – wanting more and faster. This voracious hunger trickled down from
powerful, wealthy corporations to consumers with the aid of technology and a click.

Also, technology hid our emotions, and everything shared with others became unauthentic
and meaningless. We tried to cover up our imperfections and made it seem like everything was
okay, but not. We went too deep with our relationship with metals and plastics, but our
relationship with our flesh and blood never flourished.

We wanted to make life more convenient, so we sacrificed the natural world to have it. He
had planes above and cars below, but our lives were still directionless. Bad decisions jeopardize
our lifestyle. From here, we started to forget who we were.

After all this time, we realized that we had destroyed ourselves and the world around us
little by little because everything was fast-paced. We never savored every moment in stillness and
had the time to think first before we acted.

It takes a virus that we cannot even see to stop us from doing what we’re doing. It gave us
time to rediscover ourselves slowly. We started to change. We used to control life the way we
wanted to, but this pandemic made us realize that we are still human. When was the last time we
felt being afraid? Most of the things we knew became useless. We began to change.

From the start, the film showed me that it was an intrapersonal problem. We’re fixing
ourselves, and the world follows. By the time we decided to change ourselves from within, so is
reality. We were born anew, and so is the world.

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