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1) Realice 4 oraciones en PRESENTE SIMPLE utilizando esecificamente el sujeto y el verbo que se le da a continua-

A) they can be here

B) you eat fish
C) Carlos Does Wash his clothes every saturday
D) the motorcycle runs every Sunday on the track

2) realice 4 oraciones en PASADO SIMPLE utilizando esecificamente el sujeto y el verbo que se le da a continuacion:

A) he went to new york lat week

B) we did play videogames last sunday
C) carlos did not dance in the party
D)the airplane flew near the towers

3) realice 4 oraciones en PRESENTE CONTINUO utilizando esecificamente el sujeto y el verbo que se le da a con-

A) ana is practicing violing

B) the teacher is living with his sisters
C) they are writing the essay about american history
D) you are not watching the spanish class in zoom

4) realice 4 oraciones en PASADO CONTINIO utilizando esecificamente el sujeto y el verbo que se le da a continua-

A) Jose was bothering the teacher in her class

B) i was speaking with Ana about the next math class
C) carlos is working in the family business every saturday
D) the dog is barking a lot

5) realice 4 oraciones en FUTURO SIMPLE utilizando esecificamente el sujeto y el verbo que se le da a continuacion:

A) I will go to Atlanta next Month

B) You will finish the high school very soon
C) Carolina will have a new kitchen this Christmas
D) my mom will cook the hallacas this december

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