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Linguistic Autobiography

When traveling you realize the big difference in being from the city and being from the

countryside. When each one of your parents are from one and the other, it’s hard to figure out who you

are and how you talk.

My dad is from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. A small town surrounded by Barns, Horses with miles and

miles of corn.the country side . He grew up hunting, fishing and working hard on a daily basis. My mom

on the other hand is from Kirkland, Washington. One of the fancier, high class areas of Washington.

They are polar opposites, even now, my dad lives in northern Illinois, surrounded by flatland and cows

an d While my mom still stays in the city part of Covington.

When traveling between my moms and my dad’s I now notice that the way I talk, and act is very

different. When I’m with my mom some of our conversations will go something like this,

“Mom, I’m heading’ out to hang with some friends, need anything?”

“No thanks I’m good, just check in every once in a while, okay?”

“Will do! Love ya.”

While I’m with my dad our conversations seem more country kind of proper and honestly way

more stupid kind of conversations.

“Hey daddy, whatcha doing?’

“I’m trying to hang this chair. Want to help?”

“Um, daddy, your hanging it from a tree with a rope.”

“Yup, it will be fun!”

I don’t get to see my dad nearly enough as I see my mom. I live with my mom, so I am naturally

more open with her, I am more natural with her , I am able to talk freely almost always with her and be

open and honest about anything. In her eyes, even if I mess up, she will always love me, I know that is

how my dad is too but it’s different with him. I feel like I have to be perfect, so I act talk as if I know what

I’m talking about, though I don’t. HHhe sees me as his little princess who can do no wrong, and I’m okay

with having him see me that way. Lately I have been struggling to keep up that façade with him. The way

I talk with my mom slips up with him and I am a little sassy and I see that he notices. I don’t mean to be

but im just not used to faking it as much.

Between my mom, dad, and friends. I never talk the same. Nobody does. When my friends are

over at my moms, I will admit it is complete and utter chaos. I don’t exactly talk like a kid, but I don’t act

like an adult either. We joke around and come up with some very odd inside jokes that nobody would

understand know but us, for instance, my best friend Nyssa was staying the night at my house one day,

and she is a very odd girl, she has more energy than any person should have. We I have been best

friends with her for over 13 years, so we have no filter with each other. I think she is normal but others,

not so much. That night we could not stop laughing for no reason at all. and I laughed so hard my

stomach hurt and of all things she could have said, she said this,

“Patrishaaaa “(yes, the extra letters are needed).




For some crazy reason this was the first thing that popped in her head, and I started saying it back. This

was in the middle of the night and my mom came in confused about what was going on and why we
were saying these things. I may be open with my mom, but all my weirdness goes to my best friend. The

way I talk to all of these people makes me, me. I am open and honest with my mother, I am country and

proper with my father, and I am a weird goofball with my best friend. This is just the way I am These are

just the ways I talk, and I could never change that even if I wanted to.

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