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1. The purpose of this paragraph is that it talks about how this generation isn't as strict on straight
marriage. It is about love is love, no matter the sex. My claim is that over the course of the
pandemic people are starting to feel more comfortable with who they are as people with their
body and sexual preference.
2. What exactly happened to the people who weren't straight?
3. I write this because this is a big part of what my statement is about, being who you are isn't a
4. The purpose of this paragraph is that you shouldn’t need to hide who you are because all that
hiding is, is a burden. And in quarantine there is no reason to hide.
5. How do you know this? What evidence gives you that perspective of things? But here I am trying
to lead into how people over time will become more comfortable with themselves.
6. In this paragraph I start to get into how this is a change for more than just the LGBTQ
community, that, that and race actually have a similar part.
7. Why do they get these harsh words? This shows that there is a similar ground among the two
very different things.
8. This shows the reader a real world example of the pressure and change from this pandemic. This
shows just one person’s perspective out of millions just like them.
9. Can you add on to this? Why exactly did they do this?
10. This paragraph starts to show ad explain how people feel and worry about what comes after the
invisibility. What happens when they come out into the open world where they are seen?
11. Answer these questions into a little more detail.
12. This paragraph I try to explain that they aren’t alone. This gives people a sense that maybe the
world isn't as bad as it once was.
13. Explain how they weren't the only ones.

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