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Gram Sword [Collectible]

The Stardust Glow·Martial: The sword of enlightenment left by

Odin. On one side of this blade was the phrase Mercy of Universal
Love allegedly carved by its very first owner Sigmond. It helped the
Volsung clan to remove its enemy and rise from ashes. On the other
side was the phrase Majesty of Justi

Grandma’s muffler [Collectible]

Because her beloved granddaughter came to visit her, the old
woman still put on her favorite muffler even though she wasn’t
feeling well. “Knock knock knock!” There was a knock on the door.
It was a little earlier than expected, but she still happily opened the
door. Just as she opened the door a fr

Green Petite skin gloves [Collectible]

The gloves made of rare Green Petite's skin. It is the best for a
beginner alchemist. It is Acme's present for Courage, his foster son,
To protect his hands from strong acid and alkali.

Gudrun's Love [Collectible]

The Stardust Glow·Love: Gudrun's arrival marked Sigurd's turn to
misfortune. Controlled by a magic potion, she became the wife of
Sigurd but couldn't win his heart till the end. A deceptive love is
doomed with a terrible ending.

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